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  • Palermo

    Chamada de trabalhos - Antropologia

    Peoples and cultures of the world

    In this interdisciplinary conference we aim to study different peoples and cultures of the world by taking into account the various ways peoples and cultures define themselves and others, thus shaping their identies. We aim to explore the complex relationships being established between cultural dynamics and identites in their spatial and/or chronological dimensions. We would like to focus on the variety of cultures in the world, on their diversity comparatively studied, but we are also specially inclined to discuss top-down or externally imposed politics and the types of resistance used by natives to escape these hegemonic strategies. We invite papers that analyse peoples and cultures (social communities, ethnic groups, indigenous minorities, etc.) considering their specific features and differences, possibly taking into account the theorizations underlying the construction and deconstruction of colllective identities. In this sense, we are interested in the role played by the scholar analyzing different cultures and their spatial dynamics, often fluid and somewhat controversial according to a political perspective.

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  • Porto

    Chamada de trabalhos - Religião

    Gesture and Belief: routes, transfers and intermediality

    In the last decades, the body’s role and its agency have gained new centrality in the analysis of the religious experience. Through its connection with materiality, the religious expression surpasses the spiritual to be understood as a chain of relationships and encounters between bodies, objects and sensory stimuli. Accordingly, under the premise of “routes, transfers and intermediality”, this event seeks innovative readings on subjects that discuss, question and rethink dynamics of circulation, transmission and alterity, through an exchange of ideas and objects of study, which crosses borders and disciplines.

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  • Manila

    Chamada de trabalhos - Antropologia

    Disasters, Indigenous Knowledge, and Resilience

    The Center for Applied Research in the Social Sciences (CARESS) is an autonomous research center created through a consortium of international universities geared towards initiating and coordinating multi-disciplinary and inter-university research endeavors in various fields in the Social Sciences. Disaster studies have emerged in the past thirty years in different social sciences. The objective of the Conference is not just a simple superposition of disciplines, but an increased interaction seeking to understand local problems...

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  • Lisbon

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Cultural literacy and cosmopolitan conviviality

    Cultural literacy in Europe: 3rd biennial conference

    This conference will address modes of conviviality that cultures may have resisted, promoted or facilitated down the ages and especially in the present. It will reflect upon the role and effects of cultural literacy in different media, in the shaping of today’s politics and global economy. As a potent tool for spreading ideas and ideologies, cultural literacy helps shape world-views and social attitudes in indelible ways that need further investigation.

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  • Lovaina

    Chamada de trabalhos - Américas

    The Low Countries and Latin America from the 19th Century until Present Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Shared Histories and Sources

    Encuentro 2019 International workshop

    This two-day international workshop aims to address thisdebilitating obstacle and establish a dialogue betweenscholars and the vast yet frequently unknown sourcesdocumenting the multidimensional relationships betweenthe Low Countries and Latin America from the19th century until today. Archives and depositories ofvarious stock will be provided an opportunity to presentboth traditional (archival) as unconventional collectionsto scholars working within a wide range of disciplines.


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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Global Ethics of Compromise

    What are the normative assumptions and solutions proposed to develop morally right or wrong compromise typologies? Can we develop a universal ethics of compromise or does compromise vary depending on the socio-cultural history of a country? To what extent is culture relevant in shaping types and norms of compromise? The conference aims, firstly, to understand how to distinguish a compromise from a compromise of principles; what constitutes an ethical or fair compromise? Second, it will analyze if practices of compromise vary from one country to another. To do so, different types of compromise will be explored through geopolitical, philosophical, historical approaches, with a particular focus on Japan and Taiwan. This symposium will examine theoretical issues and practices associated with compromise, by adopting a global perspective. It will bring together contributions from European, American and Asian researchers.

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  • Mulhouse

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    Langage, Cognition, et Créativité

    8e Colloque international biennal de l’Association française de Linguistique cognitive (AFLiCo)

    Nous encourageons la soumission de contributions sur le rôle que joue la cognition dans la créativité verbale dans des contextes divers (e.g. dans les conversations, dans la rhétorique, dans l’humour, dans la communication interculturelle, dans les arts, etc.). Seront également bienvenus les études sur la créativité dans des gestes, dans la multimodalité, et des études sur le sujet par des approches diverses (e.g. linguistique de corpus, sociolinguistique, psycholinguistique, etc.). Les organisateurs encouragent la soumission de propositions de communication par de jeunes chercheurs. Les communications peuvent se faire en anglais ou en français, et seront de 20 minutes maximum, suivi de 8 minutes de questions.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Religião

    Urbanisation religieuse et développement en Afrique

    The volume will critically explore how processes related to religious urbanization intersect with different notions of development in African contexts. Cities are taken to be powerful venues for the creation and implementation of models of development whose moral, temporal, and political assumptions need to be examined, not least as they intersect with religious templates for the planning and reform of urban space.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ásia

    Sinophone musical worlds and their publics

    China Perspectives / Perspectives Chinoises

    Recent success of Chinese reality television singing competitions broadcasted on national television or streamed directly on the internet, has shown the extent of musical genres represented in the Chinese world, from pop to folk via hip-hop or rock ’n’ roll. The popularity of new musical styles up to then considered as deviant as well as the recent attempts of the State to intervene directly on musical contents, tend to blur the distinctions between “mainstream” (流行) music, “popular” (民间) music as non-official, “underground” (地下) music or even “alternative” (另类) music. This call for papers aims at promoting a better understanding of the transformations of Chinese “musical worlds”, in the sense that Becker gave to “art worlds”, which stresses the role of cooperation and interactions between the different actors of the artistic sphere.

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  • Bérgamo

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    Discourse, power and mind: between reason and emotion

    Discourse can be addressed as a vehicle for power, a positioning practice which enlightens the role and the relationship among the speakers. Power is a way of defying and measure relationships and interactions between individuals. These relations and interactions lead one part to affirm its will against another part, no matter on what bases this will is grounded. Language and communication can be seen as tools to define and convey power dynamics, as well as to establish a status quo. Hence, discourse practice analysis is a tool to approach and understand the hierarchical relations and positions in different discourse fields. The relationship between discourse and power implies an interaction between the subjects and their selves. Power positions are often held by influencing the judgment of other people, which requires dealing with their minds.

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  • Brest

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    Les espaces de sociabilité au cours du long dix-huitième siècle (1650-1850) en Europe et dans les empires coloniaux : approches historiques et perspectives actuelles

    L’objectif de ce colloque est de mesurer le rôle des espaces de sociabilité du long dixhuitième siècle dans la formation des sociétés européennes et postcoloniales. Cette approche fournira un prisme original et diachronique, permettant une meilleure compréhension de leurhéritage, dans la mesure où la sociabilité a contribué à donner un cadre aux interactions sociales des temps modernes et à redéfinir l’organisation spatiale des siècles à venir. Ces espaces de sociabilité ont-ils survécu au 21e siècle ? Jusqu’à quel point ont-ils été reconfigurés dans leurs dimensions sociales, culturelles et politiques ? Dans quelle mesure ces espaces, dévolus à l’interaction humaine, ont-ils été transformés ou redessinés par les architectes d’aujourd’hui ou par les urbanistes par exemple ?

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  • Norwich

    Chamada de trabalhos - Antropologia

    Fields of vision: Thinking field photography and digital imaging across disciplines

    Digital technologies have profoundly altered how field images are made, how they circulate, and how they generate meaning. Meanwhile, advances in imaging present new possibilities for the production of visual knowledge of the material world. These changes have had profound effects upon the study of visual and material culture. This colloquium aims to train the spotlight on the rapidly shifting terrain of field photography, exploring its significance for the establishment, definition, and development of such interrelated disciplines as archaeology, anthropology, art history, heritage and museum studies.

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  • Jarandilla de la Vera

    Chamada de trabalhos - Religião

    Dressing Divinely: clothed or naked deities an devotees

    The XVII International Colloquium of the Association ARYS (Antiquity, Religions and Societies) is dedicated to the study of the links between religious identity and clothing within the framework of ancient societies and religions, from the perspective of the images either of the gods or of their devotees. Within the topic of religious clothing will be included the religious use of clothes and attributes, accesories, ornaments, body modifications such as mutilations or tattoos, hairstyles, nudity and, of course, the action itself of dressing or undressing, its conception and positive, neutral or negative consideration, or the act of assuming any of those human or divine complements, adornments, attributes or modifications of the body. We welcome the participation of consolidated as well as early-career specialists in the field of ancient history, archaeology, religious sciences, art history and historiography of religions.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Estudos das Ciências

    L’épigénétique comme interdiscipline : entre sciences sociales et sciences du vivant

    Depuis le début des années 2000, le développement scientifique spectaculaire de l’épigénétique incite un nombre croissant de chercheurs en sciences sociales à tenter de constituer l’épigénétique comme une nouvelle « interdiscipline » : un carrefour disciplinaire à l’intersection des sciences du vivant et des sciences sociales explorant l’enchevêtrement du biologique, de l’environnement et du social. Qu’il s’agisse d’exposition au risque, d’usages alimentaires, de stress, de préjudice ou de stigmate, toutes ces dimensions familières en sciences sociales seraient désormais, c’est du moins la thèse défendue par les promoteurs de l’épigénétique en sciences sociales, parties prenantes du raisonnement biologique. L’objectif général de ce numéro spécial sera de faire progresser la connaissance sur la nature et les conséquences de l’épigénétique pour les sciences sociales en réunissant des contributions venues notamment de l’anthropologie, du droit, de la philosophie, de la sociologie, de la science politique, etc. 

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Religião

    Litany in the Arts and Culture

    Scholars representing various disciplines are kindly encouraged to submit paper proposals focusing on litanies and their forms and representations in different spheres of culture, including liturgy, literature, music, the visual arts, spirituality, and philosophy. The book Litany in the Arts and Culture edited by Witold Sadowski (University of Warsaw) and Francesco Marsciani (University of Bologna) and composed of selected best papers will be proposed for publication to the editorial board of the Brepols series: Studia Traditionis Theologiae Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology.

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  • Lisbon

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Marfins Africanos

    No Mundo Atlântico, 1400-1900

    Desde Abril de 2015, a equipa internacional do projecto “Marfins Africanos no Mundo Atlântico: uma reavaliação dos marfins luso-africanos” (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: PTDC/EPH-PAT/1810/2014), constituída por 27 investigadores  das Universidades de Lisboa e Évora, e da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, no Brasil, tem desenvolvido uma investigação sobre o comércio, circulação e produção de marfim africano, em bruto e esculpido, no espaço atlântico entre os séculos XV e XVIII. Foi feita uma identificação e inventariação de objectos nas colecções portuguesas e brasileiras, em Minas Gerais, bem como uma recolha de referências e descrições nas fontes escritas portuguesas. Pela primeira vez uma selecção de marfins foi alvo de análises laboratoriais com vista a contribuir para dilucidar cronologias e proveniências. A equipa de investigação do projecto tem construído propostas de reinterpretação da cultura material a partir dos contextos africanos da sua produção.

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  • Écully

    Chamada de trabalhos - Antropologia

    Sharing meals. Social aspects of eating and cooking together

    Eating involves many other dimensions than just ingesting food. It is especially a social act, as it involves the social position and relationships of the individual in all of the included practices: supplying, cooking, dressing, ordering, ingesting, clearing, washing-up, managing left-overs, etc.  This symposium offers to explore, with a social science approach, the different dimensions associated with sharing meals (non exhaustive): Cultural differences in the manners of sharing meals; Specificity of the sharing of cooking times regarding the sharing of meal times; Use of commensality as a social action mean; Symbolic representation of the benefits of sharing meals (psychological, physiological, social); Comparison of meals regarding other eating times (snacking); Political/Diplomatic use of meals; Organization, perception and role of meals in institutions (school canteens, hospital, nursing homes, prisons…).

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  • Evora

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    First international congress for young researchers in Middle Ages

    On 08, 09 and 10 November 2018, the 1st International Congress of Young Researchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) will take place at the University of Évora, Portugal. ICYRMA is destinated to students at master, doctoral and postdoctoral level and/or to those who have obtained their academic degrees in the last five years. It aims to be an interdisciplinary space for dissemination, discussion and contact among young researchers who study the Middle Ages from various perspectives: history, archeology, art history, literature, philosophy, philology, anthropology, methodology, among other areas.

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  • Aberystwyth

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Dialectics of Dread and Refuge

    Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group (TaPRA Conference)

    In A Grammar of the Multitude, Paolo Virno discriminates between the Kantian view of the dialectic of dread and refuge, which is based on a distinction between particular danger and absolute danger (also articulated by Heidegger through the distinction between fear and anguish) and the collapse of this distinction in the post-Fordist world, in which "the dividing line between fear and anguish, between relative dread and absolute dread, is precisely what has failed." (Virno 2004, 32) If post-Fordist institutions rely on a culture of pervasive dread – manifest as fear and anxiety – how do we resist this nearly intangible culture today? Arguably, we are moving beyond the sort of entrenched paralysis Virno speaks of, towards a new sort of political breakthrough, a manner of imagining life not determined by institutional cultures of fear and anxiety. Yet much thinking needs still to be done around the ways in which we engage in concerted resistance: do we fight within institutional walls – and if so, how do we resist systems of perpetual visibilisation – the gaze of securitization that renders us so exposed? What does this fight look like? Do we exit – and if so, where to? Is there a new underground? 

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Américas

    « América Crítica » – Varia

    Issue 2(1) – 2018

    The editors are looking for articles, translations, interviews as well as book or performance reviews. América Crítica is a peer reviewed, biannual journal published by CISAP (Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi sull’America Pluriversale) at the University of Cagliari, Italy. It publishes unsolicited articles related to any area of American Studies, Latin American Studies and Hemispheric American Studies (literature, history, linguistics, arts, cultural studies, film studies, politics, social sciences and anthropology). It especially welcomes contributions focusing on a comparative approach, native and/or minority cultures in the Americas, American urban cultures, and marginal and contested cultures and identities in the Americas.

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