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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Latin American television fiction productions

    Discourses of citizenship education?

    This issue aims to question the uses of History in television fiction audiovisual productions, specifically in Latin America. In particular, this call seeks to focus (but not only) on fiction series with historical content and its use for citizenship education in the South American cultural area of Spanish and Portuguese language. Thus, it proposes an interdisciplinary work whose axis is: How can the social and historical discourses of the series promote citizenship education in the present?

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  • Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

    Call for papers - History

    History of the archives, documents and information (CHADI)

    The CHADI aims to explore a number of aspects of how texts and information were generated, transmitted, disseminated and preserved in the past.

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  • Morelia

    Call for papers - America

    Connecting libraries, archive centres, musems and art galleries through digital conservation

    2nd international digital archiving conference

    La preservación digital es un tema que atañe a bibliotecas, archivos, museos y galerías y que hasta ahora se ha trabajado de forma aislada. Se han buscado soluciones parciales y fragmentarias, sin embargo, cada vez es más evidente la necesidad de emprender proyectos de colaboración para crear estrategias, investigaciones y plataformas digitales que sean comunes para colecciones librarias, impresas, sonoras, audiovisuales y fotográficas. No es posible seguir manteniendo silos digitales, es necesario que las instituciones de la memoria se comuniquen y diseñen las estrategias a través de las cuales se garantice la permanencia de los contenidos a largo plazo. Bajo estas consideraciones se llevará a cabo el II congreso internacional de archivos digitales. Conectando los saberes de bibliotecas, archivos, museos y galerías para la preservación digital.

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  • Madrid

    Call for papers - Information

    Congreso 2014 de la SEECI (Sociedad Española de Estudios de la Comunicación Iberoamericana)

    Congreso sobre Innovación y Docencia

    The Congress of the SEECI 2014 treats on the last advances in Innovation - investigation and Teaching in the university area. The texts can be presented in the languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. The Congress results will be published in 3 books of paper each one by his own ISBN, one in USA (in English), other one in Portugal (in Portuguese) and other one in Spain (in Spanish or French, as it is the language of the original contribution). The author only will write in a language and the publishing houses of USA and Portugal they will translate it into his languages for his books.

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