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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Openings and Drifts of Sound Art

    "Laocoonte" Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes

    Over the past three decades, the uses and limits of the expression “Sound art” have been the subject of a considerable number of controversies about its definition, its position in relation to the other arts and the art market, its links with emerging technologies and its geopolitical and discursive development. Sound art has been a symptom of some of the fundamental transformations happened in the artistic, aesthetic and sociopolitical field. Without leaving these controversies, this number of the journal Laocoonte  poses to follow these topics from the present moment and stressing the openings that are emerging.

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  • Lavapiés

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    500 years of Utopia - readings of Thomas Moore

    Quinientos años después de la primera edición del libro de Tomás Moro (Libro del estado ideal de una república en la nueva isla de Utopía, 1516), el término Utopía y el género al que dio lugar siguen entre nosotros, reflejando las esperanzas y las contradicciones de la modernidad. Es un buen momento para revisar colectivamente la recepción y el impacto que ha tenido en todos los ámbitos la obra cumbre de Moro: para reflexionar y debatir sobre la utopía de entonces, la utopía de ahora y la utopía futura. Convocamos para ello un congreso que pretendemos que sea trasnacional y trasdisciplinar, en el que examinemos las lecturas que ha tenido la Utopía de Moro a través de la interrelación de diferentes saberes.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Argentine Philosophy

    Critical Contributions on the Construction of an Academic Field in the Global South

    The editors of Monograma: Revista Iberoamericana de Cultura y Pensamiento, promoted by the Fundación Iberoamericana de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas FIBICC (Ibero-American Foundation of Cultural and Creative Industries) and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, invite you to submit articles for its second issue (November 2018) on the topic "Argentine Philosophy: Critical Contributions on the Construction of an Academic Field in the Global South".

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  • Mexico

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Intervenciones. Cine – arte – política

    Revista “La región central”, vol. 1 no. 1

    This first issue of La región central explores the idea of intervention: reciprocal interventions between cinema and contemporary art, but also interventions on the social sphere that may help think the political dimension of contemporary art practices. We propose a monographic issue attending to the political dimension of cinema and contemporary art relations through theoretical and more practical, case oriented critical approaches. We seek to interrogate not just the textual dimensions or phenomenological frames of apprehension of moving images, but also their poetics of production and their potential to critically intervene the social sphere.

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