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  • Call for papers - Modern

    Apocalypse and dystopia in Italian and French literature, 1945 to the present

    « Cahiers d’études italiennes, Novecento… e dintorni », n° 42, printemps 2026

    Les intrigues dystopiques et apocalyptiques sont fréquentes dans la littérature récente et contemporaine. Pour en saisir toute la portée, il faut néanmoins les replacer dans le contexte historique constitué par la révolution scientifique (théorisée par Francis Bacon), la transformation capitaliste de l’économie, la philosophie de l’histoire (née dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle) ainsi que par les courants « messianiques » modernes auxquels ces intrigues apocalyptiques s'opposent...

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Gaetano Salvemini (1873-1957) and France

    The conference intends to propose an overall re-examination of Salvemini's relations with France, starting with those matured with some historians during the drafting phase of his volume on the French Revolution (1905, subsequently reissued several times with variants), passing through his relations with some important intellectuals and those gravitating around the figure of his second wife Fernande Dauriac, arriving at those with the world of Italian and European antifascist exile. Vast and significant, even if not always marked by sympathy and harmony of ideas, appear, moreover, the relations with exponents of the labor movement and with various personalities of the French socialist world. A separate chapter is, finally, represented by relations with the Giustizia e Libertà movement.

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  • Villefranche-sur-Mer

    Call for papers - Europe

    The Americans in the western Mediterranean (1942-1945)

    Landings, liberation and the "pax americana"

    The objective of this meeting is to refocus the history of landings and subsequent military liberation operations in the Western Mediterranean, between 1942 and 1945, from an American perspective. Indeed, from Operation Torch in North Africa to the landing in Provence in August 1944 and the final battles in Italy in the spring of 1945, the United States asserted their decisions over the British within the coalition. Furthermore, the arrival of thousands of American soldiers, coupled with the installation of dozens of military bases in North Africa, Italy, Southern France, and Corsica, was accompanied by the establishment of various administrative structures by the United States to ensure a return to order and to set up a kind of "Pax Americana" according to their own interests. The interactions of these soldiers with the local populations sometimes lead to tensions. The aim, from a comparative perspective, is to go beyond the simple military dimension and broaden the study of this theater of operations to include political, economic, social, and cultural fields.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Mapping the Other

    In Western space, mapping the Other is not a prescriptive notion to assign ossified identities. Rather, it is about questioning the link between these intersectional identities of otherness and the specificities of the various Western spaces. In other words, it invites a reconsideration of how the Others autonomously define themselves in the dominant and marginal spaces of the “normative order” of hegemonic societies, and how they integrate them to make them theirs—therefore challenging the systems of oppression implemented.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Actors, practices and the circulation of scientific knowledge in Colonial Italy

    Farestoria. Società e storia pubblica. Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea di Pistoia

    Over the past forty years, the relationship between science and colonial empires has been increasingly debated in the historical field. Following the perspectives opened up by international historiography, this issue of Farestoria aims to reflect on the processes of construction of scientific practices in the context of Italian colonial expansion. It intends to examine the construction of medical and scientific knowledge within a widened landscape, that of the circulation and reformulation of conceptions, practices and scientific objects between colonial and metropolitan spaces and across imperial borders. The issue will also give priority to reflection that considers longer-term perspectives, paying attention to the processes of formation and structuring of knowledge, practices and devices across liberal, fascist and post-war republican Italy.

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  • Pisa

    Call for papers - Representation

    Au commencement était un récit… dénouements possibles pour une histoire tue

    Francophonies itinérantes – Colloque international 2022

    Maïssa Bey a toujours conçu son activité comme un labeur pour faire sortir du silence les voix des victimes oubliées, tout comme de leurs bourreaux, de l’histoire de l’Algérie. Nous souhaitons organiser un moment de rencontre, de réflexion et d’échange autour de l’œuvre de Maïssa Bey, aussi dans une perspective de comparaison avec d'autres écrivain·e·s, en posant une simple question : comment arrive-t-elle à écrire les blancs de l’histoire de l’Algérie ? Notre but est de faire dialoguer des chercheurs et chercheuses qui s’inscrivent dans une pluralité d’approches en sciences humaines et sociales (historiens, littéraires, sociologues, anthropologues, psychanalystes, etc.).

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  • Montpellier

    Call for papers - Political studies

    Antimilitarisme et société en Italie (1970-2020)

    Depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, les USA sont présents militairement en Italie, notamment en Sardaigne et en Sicile qui, en raison de leur position stratégique dans la Méditerranée, sont des lieux centraux de décisions, d’opérations et d’exercices militaires, en lien avec les conflits internationaux (au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique du Nord, ou encore au Yemen pour le conflit russo-ukrainien). Cette journée d’étude et de débats vise à comprendre comment ces mouvements et collectifs travaillent à la transmission de leurs luttes et à leur réactualisation dans le panorama militant du pays.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Assist and Unify? Nation Building and Welfare in the Upper Adriatic and Eastern Baltic Sea Region in the 20th Century

    Monographic issue of «Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea»

    Questioning the primacy of the nation-state, a special issue of Qualestoria to be published in December 2022 aims to analyze how different welfare practices have represented a tool of nation-building in territories contested by various national groups or states. To what extent have different political contexts affected the use of welfare for nation-building purposes? What role have welfare practices played in strengthening the position of the titular nation or in attempting to integrate/assimilate minorities? What outcomes have “bottom-up” initiatives propelled? The special issue will try answer these questions with a focus on the eastern Baltic Sea region and the Upper Adriatic. Contributions related to other east central European areas will also be considered.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Call for papers - Modern

    Trade unions, conflictand direct action in the Americas and in Europe

    From the end of the 19th century to the 1980s

    Le syndicalisme peut se définir, sur un plan général, comme un outil collectif de défense des intérêts matériels et moraux d'un groupe de salarié·e·s, organisé·e·s par métier ou par branche d'activité ou, de manière croissante au cours du XXe siècle, sur une base intercatégorielle. Très tôt, dès la fin du XIXe, et indépendamment des régimes politiques au sein desquels il évolue, les militant·e·s syndicaux·le·s se posent la question des modalités d'action collective et de défense des intérêts moraux et matériels du mouvement ouvrier, entendu au sens large du terme. L'action du Premier mai 1886 à Chicago et le massacre de Haymarket Square, qui lui succède, le 4 mai, sont, en ce sens, des moments fondateurs de la période à laquelle le colloque sera consacré.

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Science and madness, extravagance, exception

    Alchemists, magicians, outlaw scientists in italian culture

    This volume aims at exploring the ways of science as excess and madness (see Zangrandi 2011, 2017; Garlaschelli and Carrer 2017) or, in less tragic forms, as an opportunity to explore new paths of knowledge. Another goal is to shed light on the character’s evolution, tracing the roots of a literary and cultural trope that, since the 20th century, takes on multiple configurations and plays manifold functions. Looking back to the past, this theme can be traced in the Romanticism’s rejection of the exact science and in the particular declination proposed by Leopardi in his Operette morali, or even in the disquieting image of the alchemist of the Renaissance, whose superior knowledge of natural phenomena turns into the extreme and a punishable hybris.

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  • Paris | Grenoble

    Call for papers - History

    1969-2019 – fifty years of "Autunno caldo": between historiography, heritage and testimony

    Ce colloque envisage de donner, cinquante ans après les événements, une lecture historique de ce qu'on pourrait appeler le « secondo biennio rosso italiano » (1968-1969) et d’analyser les changements profonds, aux niveaux théorique, philosophique, politique, économique et juridique, survenus grâce aux luttes de l’époque pour améliorer les conditions de vie et de travail des ouvriers. On envisagera également la question de l'« héritage » de cette époque. Que reste-t-il aujourd'hui des luttes, des revendications, desformes d'organisation qu'il a vu naître ou s'affirmer ?

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  • Naples

    Call for papers - Europe

    International migrations and labour from the 70s to the present

    Since the 70s the presence of migrants in Europe, and especially in Italy, has become a structural issue and has been at the center of the public and political debate. The progressive demolition of welfare systems, the job precariousness, and new consumer lifestyles have generated different responses in terms of regulation of the admissions of foreign citizens in search of a job and their management (housing issues, access to health care, etc.). Both with regard to organization of forms of protection of immigrants in the exercise of theirs fundamental rights, especially in cases of serious discrimination and exploitation (immigrant associations, trade union action, etc.).

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  • Rome

    Call for papers - History

    The Agreements of the Holy See with States (19th-21st Centuries)

    Models and Transformations, from Confessional States to Religious Freedom

    This conference will explore the international legal agreements signed between the Holy See and individual states, which often but not always took the form of concordats and similar conventions. Its central focus will be to examine these conventions in light of diplomatic practices, as well as in relation to the political and religious dynamics of the nineteenth through the twenty-first centuries, notably the principles and requirements that comprised modernity. This entails assessing the historical evolution of the typology, method, content, scope, and spaces concerned.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Call for papers - Language

    Contemporary song of Langue d'Oc and Italy. Roots, dialect and transnational dynamics

    Ces dernières décennies ont vu une diversification notable de la scène musicale occitane. La chanson d'oc s'est renouvelée dans les échanges avec des musiciens issus d'autres sphères culturelles, souvent méditerranéennes, mais pas seulement. L'étude de ces dynamiques transnationales permet de comprendre comment la chanson dialectale pose des questions essentielles : rapport entre dimensions locales, nationales et mondialisation, enracinement et multiculturalisme, face à face entre cultures dominantes et civilisations minorées. Nous consacrerons une journée aux liens entre la chanson d'oc et l'Italie. Nous étudierons les échanges entre la chanson d'oc et la culture italienne conçue comme une mosaïque de cultures régionales, dans une dynamique à double sens, sans limite dans le temps (héritage culturel lointain, choix d'instruments ancrés dans une pratique musicale ancestrale, influences récentes).

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  • Milan

    Call for papers - Modern

    Interarts - mimetic hypertextuality between rewritings and allographic continuity

    The last decades have seen an increase in the number of publications concerned with the theme of trans-textuality, meaning the conscious reuse of themes and subjects. A widespread practice during the seventeenth and eighteenth century, trans-textuality was interrupted during the Romantic age only to be relentlessly resumed until  becoming, today, a real trend in literature and other arts, overlapping genres and artistic expressions.

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  • Tallinn

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    Modernism and Rurality: Mapping the State of Research (EAHN 2018 - Tallin)

    5th European Architectural History Network International Meeting, in Tallinn, June 2018

    This session aims to address, from a historical perspective, the relation between, on one side, architecture and the related disciplines, and on the other side, agriculture and rurality at large. We welcome proposals specifically mapping case studies concerned with large-scale agricultural development and/or colonization schemes conceived and (but not necessarily) implemented in Europe and beyond during modern times (late 18th-20th century), strongly connected to nation- and State-building processes, and to the modernization of the countryside. We are particularly interested in those examples which aimed to “make the difference” in both scale and numbers, entailing radical reshaping of previously uninhabited or sparsely populated areas into new, planned, “total” rural landscapes.

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  • Call for papers - Europe

    Fascism's World War

    Italian Military Occupations in Europe, 1940-1943

    Between 1939 and 1943, the Italian armed forces occupied Albania and portions of France, Greece and Yugoslavia. In September 1943 when Italy signed an armistice with the Allies, these territories were quickly occupied by Germany, ending Italian dreams of a European spazio vitale. Although these military occupations ended in failure for Italy, they represent an important aspect of the history of Fascism, military occupations, and the Second World War. This special issue aims to contribute to the historiography of Italian military occupations in Europe, particularly those which present original research.

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  • Bologna

    Call for papers - History

    Living underground as a strategy for political struggle. Modes, discourses and social dynamics from the 19th century until today

    Cette journée d'études doctorale internationale a pour objectif de questionner la clandestinité en tant que catégorie d'analyse : au-delà de la dissimulation qui caractérise la plupart des actes illégaux ou transgressifs, quelles sont les caractéristiques des luttes politiques qui choisissent de s'organiser dans une illégalité prolongée ? Quels parallèles peut-on tracer, quelles oppositions et quelles évolutions depuis le XIXe siècle ? La variété des situations interroge la valeur heuristique du concept lui-même.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Representation

    Memories of the Ventennio. Representations in and memorial issues of the Fascist regime from 1945 to the present day

    Cinéma, théâtre, arts plastiques

    À soixante-dix ans de la fin du second conflit mondial, nous pouvons toujours apprécier en Italie l’abondance d’une production artistique multiforme qui ne cesse d’évoquer, d’explorer et de réélaborer le souvenir de la dictature italienne. Des mémoires du fascisme nécessairement plurielles car, de l’immédiat après-guerre à nos jours, les artistes ont composé de diverses façons avec ce passé historique. Par conséquent, c’est à la lumière de cette évolution historique, historiographique et générationnelle que nous souhaitons interroger le réservoir d’images, de paroles et de gestes mobilisé par les artistes tout au long de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Comment ces mémoires, directes ou indirectes, se déclinent-elles au cinéma, dans les arts plastiques, au théâtre ? Quels usages et quels objectifs mémoriels visent-elles ?

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  • Call for papers - History

    The clothing of politics: dress, appearances and political identities (XIXth-XXth centuries)

    Journal "Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del 900"

    Fashion and clothing, a crucial aspect of social life, has aroused strong interest in recent years in many different fields of the social and human sciences. After a long period of neglect, many historians have begun to develop new approaches to the experience of dress as a situated bodily practice and as a form of language, always allusive and polysemic. The special issue of Contemporanea aims to engage in a reflection on the relationship between clothing and politics in the widest sense of the term, analyzing how “appearances” can express, perform and negotiate political, ideological, and national identities.

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