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  • Cagliari

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    « Imago mundi ». Un regard sur la métaphore : créativité, phraséologie et discours

    The guiding question of the conference will therefore be to try to specify the linguistic and conceptual functioning of the metaphor. More generally, the conference will welcome any contribution aimed at bringing out the relationships between metaphor and the three concepts in question: creativity, lexicalization and discourse. The analysis of metaphor can proceed from both a diachronic and synchronic perspective and address different types of corpora and texts. The conference will pay particular attention to the analysis of different types of discourse, in particular scientific, technological, media, tourism, advertising, political, legal, philosophical, historical, literary, artistic and educational/didactic discourse.

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  • Brno

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Penser, pratiquer et vivre le plurilinguisme

    Third edition

    Reflétant les grandes lignes de ce troisième colloque, les trois verbes – interconnectés et complémentaires – de l’intitulé permettent d’élargir la sphère d’investigation des recherches portant sur la didactique des langues et la construction d’identités plurilingues, majoritairement liées aux lieux d’apprentissage institutionnalisés comme les écoles ou les universités, à d’autres terrains et approches, à d’autres métiers et profils engagés dans l’exercice de l’interculturel et dans l’aménagement ou la gestion d’espaces plurilingues. Ce colloque international réunira des interventions de spécialistes en didactique des langues/du plurilinguisme et en politiques linguistiques dans la perspective d’un échange fertile.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Matérialismes merleau-pontiens

    Revue « Chiasmi International »

    La phénoménologie de Merleau-Ponty évolue spontanément dans la direction d’une ontologie, et celle-ci se décline en plusieurs occasions comme une ontologie matérialiste. Nombreux sont les élans de la réflexion merleau-pontienne dans cette direction. Le marxisme avec lequel il se confronte dans les années 1950, les philosophies de la nature qui convergent dans les derniers cours, le grand thème husserlien du corps qui explose dans Le Visible et l’invisible en une philosophie de la chair. La gamme des matérialismes merleau-pontiens est donc irréductible à tout paradigme préconçu et elle présente des visages différents, à chaque fois liés aux chantiers particuliers qui occupent Merleau-Ponty.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Estudos das Ciências

    Galileo and Literature

    The aim of this call is to draw attention to two specific issues of historical, literary, and philosophical research. On the one hand, the objective is to explore how Galileo considered and used literature; on the other, to observe how past and current writers and intellectuals have tested and enriched their knowledge with Galileo’s teachings.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Estudos urbanos

    Eden Project

    “Vesper”. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory

    Eden Project aims to give space and visual representation to goals. It seeks to explore the ‘essence’ of pursued destinies, the tangible ‘collapse’ of imagined goals, and the tools employed in the realms of work, life, and thought to achieve them. Karl Kraus once argued: ‘Origin is the goal’. Eden represents the origin, eternally lost and only attainable as a goal. Eden, the garden of delights, in its innumerable interpretations and representations, is an enclosed place (indeed the original meaning of ‘paradise’ is ‘enclosed space’). It exists separately from the prevailing logic of the surrounding territory, exclusive in nature, safeguarding its unique contents: a realm brimming with water and diverse forms of life. Vesper invites a wide spectrum of narratives on that can contribute to the reflection of this matter, welcoming different writings and styles, privileging the visual intelligence of design, of graphic expression, of images and contaminations between different languages.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Actors, practices and the circulation of scientific knowledge in Colonial Italy

    Farestoria. Società e storia pubblica. Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea di Pistoia

    Over the past forty years, the relationship between science and colonial empires has been increasingly debated in the historical field. Following the perspectives opened up by international historiography, this issue of Farestoria aims to reflect on the processes of construction of scientific practices in the context of Italian colonial expansion. It intends to examine the construction of medical and scientific knowledge within a widened landscape, that of the circulation and reformulation of conceptions, practices and scientific objects between colonial and metropolitan spaces and across imperial borders. The issue will also give priority to reflection that considers longer-term perspectives, paying attention to the processes of formation and structuring of knowledge, practices and devices across liberal, fascist and post-war republican Italy.

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  • Milão

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    The European space. Geo-economic balances and State powers in the long run

    In the construction of the European space(s) a crucial role has been played by economic actors and relations, which often overpass national borders and intertwin with the nature and roles of political powers and national States. Even well before the last globalization (or re-globalization), traditional government systems were pressed by the internationalization of economies: by centrifugal pushes, the need for external resources, or the emergence of new actors on the international stage in economic, technical, and social fields, that have increasingly influenced both the private and the public life. In more recent times, then, a new institutional framework developed at the supranational, European, level getting new functions and involving actors, such as trade unions, charities, business interests, scientific institutions, and churches, reinforcing the dynamics of cooperation, integration, and convergence beyond national borders.

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  • Chambéry

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    La littérature homosexuelle italienne : vers un canon littéraire possible ?

    Le colloque encourage les contributions qui portent sur des textes publiés de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle à nos jours, plaçant l'homosexualité au centre du récit tout en soulignant la remise en discussion des normes de la virilité.

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  • Nápoles

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    Good and evil in the Germanic Middle Ages

    1st PhD Conference Associazione Italiana di Filologia Germanica (AIFG)

    The concepts of good and evil are expressed, from a lexical point of view, in different ways in different Germanic languages and at the same time they are declined in different forms depending on linguistic and literary traditions. The theme takes into account texts of different types: religiouos, legal, medical and so on. Starting from these assumptions, we encourage prospective participants to submit proposals which deal with the theme from a literary, philological, linguistic and/or historical perspective. The call is open to PhD students and PhDs in Germanic Philology and Linguistics.

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  • Siena

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pré-história, Antiguidade

    Classicamente. Dialoghi senesi sul mondo antico

    V edizione

    Following the successful results of last year's series of seminars, the PhD students belonging to the Anthropology of the Ancient World curriculum of the PhD course in Classics and Archeology would like to promote a fifth cycle of seminars of the series Classicamente. Dialoghi senesi sul mondo antico. The series is characterised by a particular interest in the different methodologies and research perspectives which represent the main fields of enquiry of anthropology of the ancient world since its first development (with the works of Gernet, Vernant and Detienne), but it also focuses on how different inter-discipliary approaches can contribute to its constant innovation. In addition, one of the main goals of this year's edition is to create a meeting point for scholarship on antiquity and contemporary debate on its reception in modern societies, underlining the cultural, social and ideological aspects which spark from the interection between present and past.

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  • Cluj-Napoca

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    Terminologies émergentes et traduction spécialisée

    Le numéro 1/2024 de la revue Studia universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, série philologia sera consacré aux approches interdisciplinaires concernant les terminologies émergentes et les problèmes de la traduction spécialisée dans ces contextes thématiques et textuels. Ce numéro se propose d’approfondir l’analyse et la mise en débat de nouveaux terrains d’enquête terminologique dans des domaines spécialisés de l’extrême contemporain ainsi que dans des domaines spécialisés déjà constitués qui s’enrichissent de nouvelles portions de réalité et qui expriment les besoins néologiques relatifs.

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  • Modena

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    La métaphore dans la communication numérique

    Le Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulle Metafore (CIRM) organise, pour octobre 2022, un colloque international autour du thème de la métaphore dans la communication numérique, un domaine de recherche récent et fortement interdisciplinaire. Le thème du colloque sera étudié sous différents aspects et perspectives épistémologiques.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    Entre éthique et sémiotique. Signes et nature à l’ère de l’Anthropocène

    “Filosofi(e)Semiotiche” journal (Il Sileno Edizioni), volume 9, n. 1, 2022

    L’Anthropocène, contrairement à d’autres époques précédentes, est communément reconnu comme l’ère où l’impact des êtres humains est le plus incisif pour déterminer la dynamique du climat et de la planète dans laquelle nous vivons. Avec cet appel, nous entendons donc surligner quelques aspects de l’Anthropocène afin de proposer une refonte de la relation entre la nature humaine et l’environnement qui l’entoure ; cela nous permettra de préciser comment l’éthique et la sémiotique peuvent être utilisées pour repenser ces deux catégories, et, en général, le lien entre langage et nature, ce qui implique inévitablement la nécessité de revoir nos manières de « faire monde ».

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  • Veneza | Mestre

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    4a Conferenza Nazionale di Public History dell’AIPH

    The Italian Association of Public History (AIPH) announces the 4th National Public History Conference at the Museum M9 for the history of Italy in the 20th century in Mestre, from the 27th of May 2022 to the 31st May 2022. The 4th AIPH National Conference of Venice-Mestre will create new opportunities for discussion and reflection between those who work with the past. The conference will examine ways in which history is present in society today, from universities to public places, in schools and learning institutions, in high and in popular culture, and, finally, in the daily life of our communities. The invitation to participate aims at those who work in the public history sphere and with various professions aiming at the production of historical and educational content. 

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  • Roma

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Histoire comparée des « carabinieri », de la gendarmerie et des forces armées pour le maintien de l’ordre public

    Le thème principal doit être strictement lié à l’histoire de la gendarmerie, des carabinieri et des forces de police à statut militaire, idéalement à partir du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours à partir de sources primaires. Les principaux domaines d’intérêt sont les activités policières comme le contrôle des foules anti-émeutes, l’ordre public, les activités d’enquête, les patrouilles, etc., mais cela ne se limite pas à ces activités. Vous pourriez envisager d’axer votre article sur le rôle social du personnel, sur le développement des compétences, etc. L’appel à contribution est ouvert aux contributions sur les forces de police en temps de guerre à l’exception du rôle couvert en tant qu’unités combattantes.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    The environment of history

    Diacronie. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea

    The environment of history is a space in the journal “Diacronie. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea” intended to reflect in a historical perspective on one of the most characterizing themes of recent years, the environmental issue. In this space we wish to host contributions that approach environmental history from a wide spectrum of interpretations. We welcome approaches based on its most classical meaning, as a historical discipline that investigates the relationship between humans and the environment and combines different disciplinary fields, and approaches that foreground new themes, scales of analysis and methodologies.

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  • Metz

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    Principes et actions de formation en langues secondes, en contextes migratoire et pandémique

    Au croisement de ces problématiques politiques, sociales, éducatives et linguistiques, soulevées par les formations aux langues-cultures en contextes migratoires et pandémique, nous invitons tout d’abord les communicants à s’interroger sur l’hypothèse suivant laquelle « la langue est la source principale de la connaissance de l’autre, hypothèse qui anime encore aujourd’hui la réflexion linguistique et didactique. Nous les invitons ensuite, en arrière-plan, à se pencher sur la notion de représentation, et à la traiter en termes de catégories, catégorisation, stéréotypes, stéréotypie…, afin de donner à nos échanges une assise linguistique, ou la lui préserver, dans le cadre de recherches-actions en didactique des langues-cultures.

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  • Pavia

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    By What Authority? The Historical narration as a (de)legitimizing instrument

    By what authority? The historical narration as a (de)legitimizing instrument is a Student Conference for graduate students and Ph.D. students who have worked and work on thesis and research projects in the fields of Archeology, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History. The Student Conference aims to encourage dialogue between students and doctoral students from different backgrounds within an inspiring and stimulating context in which to discuss their ongoing or concluded research.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Assist and Unify? Nation Building and Welfare in the Upper Adriatic and Eastern Baltic Sea Region in the 20th Century

    Monographic issue of «Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea»

    Questioning the primacy of the nation-state, a special issue of Qualestoria to be published in December 2022 aims to analyze how different welfare practices have represented a tool of nation-building in territories contested by various national groups or states. To what extent have different political contexts affected the use of welfare for nation-building purposes? What role have welfare practices played in strengthening the position of the titular nation or in attempting to integrate/assimilate minorities? What outcomes have “bottom-up” initiatives propelled? The special issue will try answer these questions with a focus on the eastern Baltic Sea region and the Upper Adriatic. Contributions related to other east central European areas will also be considered.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    SISS Conference of Early Career Scholars in History of Science

    SISS Conference of Early Career Scholars in History of Science

    This conference will be devoted to exploring the richness of approaches, methodologies, and themes of the discipline in order to showcase a wide range of studies and provide a picture of the current state of research in the field of history of science in Italy and beyond. Consequently, the focus of this first event, which it is hoped will be held annually, has been purposefully left open in terms of topics as well as methodological and historiographical approaches. The interdisciplinary approach of the conference is combined with a broad historical scope, stretching from antiquity to the present, in order to highlight the trajectories of the various scientific disciplines in diverse traditions and geographical contexts – from the natural and hard sciences to the medical and clinical disciplines; from social, economic, and political science to cognitive science.

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