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  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation

    Cultural heritage is not just a testament to our past; it is a living testament to the diverse cultures and histories that enrich our global tapestry. Yet, it faces numerous challenges in the contemporary world, from natural disasters and climate change to urbanization and the pressures of globalization. Our conference embraces a multidisciplinary perspective, acknowledging that the preservation of cultural patrimony cannot be accomplished through isolated efforts. It calls for the convergence of expertise from diverse fields, from archaeology and conservation to law, technology and new technologies, management, marketing, and social sciences. By doing so, we reflect the spirit of our consortium, which is firmly rooted in the belief that innovative and sustainable practices are essential for the effective safeguarding of our rich cultural heritage.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    ESPI International Real Estate Conference

    In November 2024, ESPI2R will host its biannual International Conference on Real Estate in Paris, serving as a premier platform for discussions and insights on the evolving real estate landscape at various levels from global to local. This call for thematic sessions, abstracts, and full papers invites submissions on a wide range of topics.

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  • Sétif

    Appel à contribution - Information

    The relevance and rôle of digitalization technologies in the documentation, conservation and diagnosis of cultural property

    The conference raises problem inherent in-built heritage, which is its deterioration over time. Throughout its existence, built cultural heritage is exposed to numerous external threats (destruction, alteration, vandalism, etc.) and internal threats (wear and tear, deterioration, unhealthy conditions, etc.). This invaluable, non-renewable resource needs to be carefully documented and archived. What is the relevance and role of digitisation technologies in these practices? What technological tools do people have at their disposal to access built cultural heritage? What techniques are already being used for this purpose?

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    A Different Perspective for the Atlantic Routes

    Impressions and Exchanges in Transoceanic Journeys from the 16th to the 19th Century

    After more than two years of a preparation that have been careful and laborious, but slowed down and hindered several times by the difficulties that have arisen due to the global pandemic, this project finally gets underway. It intends to go back once more to questioning issues that already count important in-depth studies, like the transoceanic relations between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, but also has the ambition of wanting to integrate the results already obtained with new reflections and achievements, and above all with a different point of view.

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  • Tozeur

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Architecture troglodytique : design, matériaux, énergie et environnement

    Le premier colloque international « Architecture troglodytique : Sauvegarde, mise en valeur et développement durable », organisé à Gafsa le 24 et 25 décembre 2022, a traité plusieurs problématiques intéressant les thématiques de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur du patrimoine troglodytique, de son inscription sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, ainsi que des moyens et des perspectives de sa contribution au développement économique et sociale durable. Dans ce deuxième colloque, la focalisation sur les thématiques du design, des matériaux, de l’énergie et de l’environnement vise, non seulement, l’approfondissement et la continuité des thématiques abordées dans le premier colloque, mais aussi l’enrichissement des connaissances autour des différents axes qui touchent de près le patrimoine dans son sens le plus diversifié.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Eden Project

    “Vesper”. Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory

    Eden Project aims to give space and visual representation to goals. It seeks to explore the ‘essence’ of pursued destinies, the tangible ‘collapse’ of imagined goals, and the tools employed in the realms of work, life, and thought to achieve them. Karl Kraus once argued: ‘Origin is the goal’. Eden represents the origin, eternally lost and only attainable as a goal. Eden, the garden of delights, in its innumerable interpretations and representations, is an enclosed place (indeed the original meaning of ‘paradise’ is ‘enclosed space’). It exists separately from the prevailing logic of the surrounding territory, exclusive in nature, safeguarding its unique contents: a realm brimming with water and diverse forms of life. Vesper invites a wide spectrum of narratives on that can contribute to the reflection of this matter, welcoming different writings and styles, privileging the visual intelligence of design, of graphic expression, of images and contaminations between different languages.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Diaspora(s) arménienne(s) en mouvement : espaces, acteurs et pratiques au XXIe siècle

    Depuis l’émergence du champ des Diaspora studies à partir des années 1980, la dispersion arménienne occupe une place de choix dans les entreprises taxinomiques des spécialistes. Or, 40 ans après le début de l’essor des Diaspora studies, force est de constater que, loin d’offrir un paradigme stable, la diaspora arménienne (expression qu’il conviendrait davantage d’employer au pluriel) a connu de nombreuses transformations. L’objectif de ce colloque sera de réfléchir à ces reconfigurations contemporaines de la ou des diaspora(s) arménienne(s), en faisant apparaître leur diversité et les nouvelles dynamiques qui les traversent.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Swiss Mobility Conference

    L’objectif de la conférence est de proposer un lieu de discussion et de débat pour les chercheur·es en sciences humaines et sociales qui travaillent sur les différentes formes de mobilité. Les présentations aborderont les mobilités dans leur diversité. Elles peuvent s’inscrire dans les domaines de recherche suivants: les débats théoriques; les innovations méthodologiques; l’action publique et les processus de décision en matière de mobilité; la régulation de la mobilité et ses outils; les acteurs et leurs logiques d’action; les normes et valeurs sous-tendant les mobilités et les inégalités sociales; les temporalités et spatialités des mobilités; la prospective de la mobilité.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Cities in Transition

    A review of historical discourses, planning decisions and conservation strategies

    This interdisciplinary conference, realised by the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with the University of Bamberg (KDWT), and the research network UrbanMetaMapping asks: Which phenomena in society, planning and heritage conservation accompanied historical transformation processes of cities and, above all, (how) did they interact? What insights can be drawn from the observation of historical processes and what can be derived from them for current developments? The focus of interest lies on historical processes of evaluation, selection, and planning in the historic building stock and the discourses of different players - individuals, institutions, or organisations - that accompanied these processes. Also to be examined are the effects of planning and conservation decisions not only on the built but also on the social structure of cities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    UrbanMetaMapping Semester Talks

    Academic Year 2023/24

    The UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium warmly invites applications from scholars interested in presenting their research at our online, midday academic seminar. We are open for projects dealing with mapping man-made and natural catastrophes, issues of heritage and urban planning in the context of such disasters, as well as digital tools used for researching these themes. We are interested in research projects without any geographical and temporal limitations. The call for application is open to all scholars (from PhD students upwards). The language of the seminar is English. Further information, includingprograms and abstracts of previous Talks can be found at our website.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Heritages Cities and Destruction

    JADH | Journal of Architectural Design and History

    The second issue of the journal JADH is dedicated to the theme of “destruction”, its perceptions, as well as its implications that can be perceived in several fields of architectural heritage as positive and negative at the same time (destruction/construction, absence/loss, memory/oblivion, etc.). Destruction refers to the process and outcome of an event: every destruction, regardless of whether being voluntary or involuntary in nature, imposes a reflection on losses, things that have existed but ceased to exist, and forces us to make a value judgment about what we recognized as being part of our history and identity. 

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Récupération des espaces : spatialité et (re)occupation d’espaces en France et dans le monde

    ASMCF Annual Conference 2023

    La conférence annuelle de l’ASMCF (Association for the study of modern and contemporary France) 2023 cherchera à explorer le concept de spatialité : les dimensions physique et sociale de l’espace et comment elles façonnent nos expériences, nos identités et nos cultures. Ce thème s’appuie sur la conférence de l’année dernière autour de « présence, absence, hybridité » et s’interroge sur l’occupation des espaces pour comprendre les cultures et identités françaises et francophones modernes et contemporaines. Cela est particulièrement pertinent à un moment où les gens réoccupent des espaces qui ont été restreints pendant la pandémie de covid-19 et réfléchissent à la nouvelle relation à l’espace engendrée par cette crise.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Inhabiting Collectivity

    Guest editors Nele Aernouts (VUB), Emmanuelle Lenel (USL-B) and Christine Schaut (ULB) invite contributions for the themed issue of Clara 10 “Inhabiting Collectivity”. This issue of Clara pursues a twofold objective. At a larger scale, it aims at shedding light on the context within which collective housing is produced, on their underpinning architectural and spatial models, and on the interplay among the involved actors. At a smaller scale, it questions the intentions underlying this production by investigating its architectural and social mechanisms, and how these can foster or instead hinder certain uses and forms of sociability.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Tool box, tools for emancipation

    “Woman Journal” - Volume 2

    The Woman Journal is a periodical that focuses on notions of gender in regards to the spaces we inhabit, with an intersectional feminist perspective. The next issue’s theme is Toolbox: tools for emancipation. We love craft and do it yourself (DIY) and want the magazine to be a resource. Toolbox refers to the desire to share know-how, practices, tutorials and experiences, which we believe participate in creating community. Tools for emancipation refers to the way alternative organizations and experimentations of new societal modelsare shared and passed on.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Special issue on Cinema, Architecture and Urban Space in the Balkans

    The special issue is intended to discuss Balkan urban space and architecture through a cinematic perspective, and further explore elements linking urban studies with film studies. We are particularly interested in contributions discussing fiction films or documentaries focused on specific urban spaces of the Balkans, significant constructions, major cities or lesser-known towns and villages. We are also interested in itinerary films that map the peninsula through their passage from different built environments.

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Housing co-creation for tomorrow’s cities

    RE-DWELL Conference 2022

    Responses to different crises allow us to rethink housing conceptions and identify initiatives, policies and patterns that can make a difference for the future. Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed critical failures of current housing systems and the changing nature of our understanding of housing challenges. Initiatives and collaborations with a transformative potential have emerged or have been reinforced in that context. Moreover, transformations of conceptions, of policy agendas and of professional practices have been steered since a longer time by the recognition of the affordability crisis and of climate change as major challenges for the housing sector. The conference will focus on present or past collaborative initiatives that bring together local actors, from institutions to the third and private sector, regional and central governments, technicians, residents and sometimes academia. We will discuss the potential of such multi-actor processes and of co-creation to adapt the ways we conceive, build and manage housing to present and future challenges that cities face.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    The unresolved tensions of mass housing

    Session in the Society of Architectural Historians Conference 2023

    This session invites contributions that examine the diffusion and transformation of mass housing projects worldwide. It focuses on how the processes and outcome of housing projects relate to programs of social reform, restructuring or coercion, in various cultural and political contexts from the 1920s to recent years.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Popular Dance: Pivoting Towards Digital Sociality

    PoP Moves, the international research group on popular dance and performance, invites popular dance researchers to think about the pivot towards togetherness in the digital space as a creative means of redirection and reorientation. Popular dance in digital spaces has opened up possibilities for global collaboration and connection and wider reaching geographic and social scope, yet issues of access and inclusion remain. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Party Tourism

    “Journal of Festive Studies”, n°5

    This special issue of the Journal of Festive Studies is dedicated to Party tourism. While many types of festivities - religious celebrations, film festivals, and traditional local festivals - have been touristified over the last 150 years, what is generally referred to as “party tourism” (i.e, travel for which the main motivation is partying) is more specific. It involves one type of party that is usually urban, commodified and privatized, targets a young clientele, and centers on the massive consumption of psychoactive substances (alcoholic or otherwise). This phenomenon is often the subject of an approach focused on risks and conflicts between residents and partygoers, or between city officials and residents. While important to our discussion, these themes will not be central, so as to leave room for other, less-explored topics. This special issue wants to encourage a comprehensive approach to this phenomenon. It sits at the intersection between tourism studies and festive studies. We welcome contributions from various disciplinary fields and papers centering on nightlife economy in tourism, history representations and practices of party tourism and more.

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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Migrant Atmospheres

    Ambiances. Revue internationale sur l’environnement sensible, l’architecture et l’espace urbain

    This special issue of Ambiances explores the transfers and creation of atmospheres and materialities caused by migratory movements, and how urban and architectural spaces develop, emerge or are transformed when specific migrant spatial practices intersect with specific hosting environments in the globalised contemporary city.

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