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  • Jarandilla de la Vera

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Ancient religion in rural settlements

    XVIII International ARYS Conference

    This conference aims to deconstruct the ideas of rural religion as mechanically reproducing urban rituals and religious hierarchies and of the rural world as a space of cultural and religious resilience against urbanity. Rural areas represented an arena for very situational processes of negotiation between, on the one hand, administrative patterns and related social configurations, and, on the other hand, processes of social conformance to the very characteristics of a local specific rural environment, of adaptation to its peculiar habitus and religious customs, possibly involving gods whose competences directly mirrored a geophysical environment made of mountains, rivers, woods, etc.

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  • Málaga

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies

    Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire from Individual Experience to Social Reproduction

    The Department of Historical Science at the University of Málaga and the Institute of Historiography “Julio Caro Baroja” at the University of Carlos III of Madrid are organizing an international conference titled “Calling upon gods, offering bodies. Strategies of human-divine communication in the Roman Empire from individual experience to social reproduction”. Researchers of Ancient History, History of Religion, Archaeology, Anthropology, Classics, and other related fields are invited to present their research on this topic. The conference aims at analysing how self-experience of religious communication becomes a reflexive phenomenon reproduced in time and space to constitute a collectively shared narrative.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    La gestion des ressources hydrauliques en Méditerranée au 1er millénaire avant notre ère

    IIIe symposium international HYDRΩMED

    Le colloque propose de comparer les différents modes d’adaptation des populations méditerranéennes pré-romaines à leurs ressources hydriques. Dans un climat marqué par l’inégale répartition de l’eau, les sociétés antiques, qu’elles soient phénico-puniques, grecques, perses ou étrusques ont répondu différemment ou non aux diverses situations, voire crises hydriques qui les touchaient. On pourra proposer aussi bien réflexions théoriques systémiques qu’études de cas sur des sites antiques pour chercher à dégager les mutations et les permanences, les éventuels transferts technologiques d’une société à une autre. Ici, comme dans d’autres champs de l’activité humaine, on s’interrogera sur l’existence d’une koinè méditerranéenne antique autour des savoirs et des pratiques techniques, autour des traditions culturelles et cultuelles. La chronologie s’échelonnera du VIIIe siècle au Ier siècle av. J.-C., c’est-à-dire avant la diffusion des modèles et techniques romains.

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  • Édimbourg

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Meet the New Gods, Same as the Old Gods? Formulary, Ritual and Status in Hellenistic Ruler Cult

    Panel to be held at the Eighth Celtic Conference in Classics

    Despite recent and widespread interest in Greek hero and ruler cult, evaluating the processes that lead to the bestowal of cultic honours on Hellenistic sovereigns still remains a controversial matter. Political readings of such honours within the framework of contemporary international diplomacy and euergetic discourse have picked up on polarities widely discussed by previous bibliography, such as "dynastic vs. civic", "living vs. posthumous", etc. Yet the main focus is still limited to a "top-down" perspective, which leaves aside the fascinating dialectics between "private" and "public", or to perhaps phrase this more accurately, between "institutional" and "non-institutional" actors.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Les dieux dans la ville

    Approches du paysage religieux urbain et suburbain en Occident (Ie-VIe siècle ap. J.-C.)

    La Casa de Velázquez et l’Institut archéologique allemand de Madrid organisent la septième édition de leur atelier de formation pour jeunes chercheurs du 17 au 21 juin 2013, à Madrid, coordonnée cette année par Bertrand Goffaux, Dirce Marzoli et Fedor Schlimbach. Les travaux porteront cette année sur le paysage religieux urbain et suburbain en Occident, entre le Ie et le VIe siècle ap. J.-C. 

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