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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    La Dramaturgie du visible (1500–1800)

    Scénographie, costumes et mouvement sur la scène de l’Époque moderne

    L’intérêt des chercheur.e.s pour les aspects visuels et matériels du théâtre de l’Époque moderne s’est accru au cours de la dernière décennie. En plus de l’histoire de la scénographie et de la danse, un nombre croissant de publications touchant aux costumes, à l’éclairage et à l’interprétation historique a émergé, comprenant des études plus techniques qui s’intéressent à leur production et à leur ré-activation sur la scène d’aujourd’hui (voir bibliographie ci-dessous). Ce colloque vise à aborder ces questions de façon transdisciplinaire en réunissant chercheur.e.s et intéressé.e.s par les arts du spectacle en Occident (opéra, danse, théâtre) du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, afin de partager leurs dernières recherches, de comparer les pratiques de différentes périodes, nations et formes théâtrales, de rechercher des convergences et peut-être même de démystifier certaines idées reçues sur ces aspects du théâtre. 

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Early Modern Encounters. Religions, Cultures and Societies

    Thirteenth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity

    The international conference aims at problematising religious encounters and the issues of religious diversity in the early modern period with an interdisciplinary and transcultural perspective.

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  • Nice

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Ecocriticism And Race Theory in the Humanities, 16th-18th centuries

    EARTH 16-18 Symposium

    This two-day academic symposium on ecology and race from the 16th to the 18th century will apply both ecocriticism and race theory that period. We hope to historicize the interconnectedness of human beings and the natural world in the early modern and modern age before looking at the impact and repercussions of early modern racial and ecological theories in our contemporary world in an Ecology and Race Campus” on the 5th of July 2024, the 3rd day of activities.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La traduction dans les diplomaties de l’époque moderne : entre tradition et innovation

    L’époque moderne est une période d’activité diplomatique florissante sur le continent européen, caractérisée par la diffusion de la représentation diplomatique permanente et l’apparition des congrès de paix. Les pratiques linguistiques évoluent également de manière spectaculaire, le latin, l’allemand et l’italien étant progressivement éclipsés par le français en tant que moyen de communication diplomatique paneuropéen. Tous ces développements ont eu un impact considérable sur la traduction en diplomatie, affectant son fonctionnement et son rôle de diverses manières. Nous souhaitons adopter un point de vue transnational et interdisciplinaire et examiner le sujet sur la base de nouvelles sources primaires dans le contexte général du développement de la traduction et de l’évolution de la diplomatie au début de la période moderne.

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  • Liverpool

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    “To sleep, perchance to dream”: Dreamscapes in Shakespearean Plays and Adaptations

    After falling asleep, a whole new world awaits. Sleep enables dreamers to get access to an imaginary location usually set up by their own mind more or less consciously. This is a call for papers for a research seminar on “Dreamscapes in Shakespearean Plays and Adaptations” for the British Shakespeare Association (BSA) 2023 Conference in Liverpool (25-28th July 2023).

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  • Essen

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Conviviality and Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century: Restoration to Romanticism

    Christoph Heyl (Université de Duisburg-Essen) et Rémy Duthille (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) poursuivent la longue tradition du Landau-Paris Symposium on the Eighteenth Century, qui accueille jeunes chercheurs et chercheurs confirmés. Le colloque porte sur la littérature et la culture des îles britanniques, mais est également ouvert aux communications sur les colonies britanniques, la France, l’Allemagne et d’autres aires géographiques. Le colloque comportera un panel de chercheurs en cours de thèse ou qui ont l’intention de commencer une thèse dans un avenir proche.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Artistic Confluences in the Iberoamerican culture (1600-1850). The world of Robert C. Smith (1912-1975)

    This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Robert C. Smith (1912-1975), the North American art historian who devoted much of his academic life to the study of Ibero-American art and culture of the 17th and 18th centuries. To mark this event the International Conference “Artistic Confluences in Ibero-American Culture. The world of Robert C. Smith (1912-1975)” was launched. This congress aims to revisit the themes of Robert Smith’s work, expanding its dimension in an interdisciplinary and contemporary context. His published and unpublished work currently constitutes a scientifically relevant legacy for the research that is developed around the chosen theme. Reflecting on and problematizing his legacy, inserting it in the broader field of Iberoamerican cultural studies, recovering minor themes and objects in the light of the new art historiography and projecting new paths for its study and dissemination are the broad objectives of this international event.

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  • Florence

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Souvenirs, keepsakes and tokens

    Material and visual expressions of personal memories (12th-21st centuries)

    The researcher-led Visual and Material History Working Group of the European University Institute in Florence invites you to a one-day conference on the material and visual expressions of individual memories. By encouraging exchanges between different disciplines and scholars researching on the medieval, early modern and modern periods, we hope that this event will foster new questions and perspectives on the fields of historical anthropology, history and art history.  

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  • Odense

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Settling Sophonisba

    Rediscovering a lost figure in the early modern European imagination

    Early modern European dramatists, poets, and painters took a striking interest in the Carthaginian noblewoman Sophonisba (c.235-203 BC) who chose to poison herself to avoid the humiliation of becoming a Roman captive. A minor character in Roman and Greek historical sources such as Livy’s Ab urbe condita, Plutarch’s Life of Scipio, and Appian’s Punic Wars, Sophonisba became a popular heroic figure in early modern Europe across national and confessional borders. Why did a seemingly insignificant Carthaginian noblewoman such as Sophonisba become such a popular figure across early modern culture? And what did she come to signify in different early modern contexts? This theme issue is dedicated to this enigmatic figure and her many different appearances in early modern literature and art.

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  • Florence

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Scandalous Feasts and Holy Meals

    Food in Medieval and Early Modern Societies (12th-18th centuries)

    The researcher-led Visual and Material History Working Group of the European University Institute in Florence invites participants to a one-day conference on the visual and material culture of the history of food in medieval and early modern societies. We welcome proposals covering any aspect of food history, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century. Papers should discuss the methodology and the perspectives brought by the use of objects and visual representations as source material. We aim for this conference to reach beyond the bounds of historical scholarship and therefore warmly welcome papers from the fields of history of art and archaeology.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Dominion of the Sacred

    Image, Cartography, Knowledge of the City after the Council of Trent ("In_bo" vol. 12, no. 16)

    Between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Italian political geography was polarized by a number of cities of different sizes and traditions: Rome and Florence, Milan and Naples, Genoa and Venice, Turin and Modena, either ancient republics or new dynastic capitals, satellites of the great European monarchies or small Signorias. The conjunction — less frequently the conflict — between the mandates of the Council of Trent and the interests of the ruling élites of those cities set the foundation for novel forms of social, cultural and spiritual control, fostering new urban structures and policies, deeply conditioned by the presence and government of the sacred.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Imaginary places, real territories

    Territorial imagery and the creation of a Dutch identity (1579-1702)

    This two-day symposium aims to shed light on the ways in which Dutch depictions of national and transnational territories participated in the formulation of a shared identity. Multidisciplinary discussions will allow us to examine the terms of territorial imagery in Dutch visual culture, and their links with the formation of a national myth in the Early Modern Dutch Republic.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri: Art and Culture

    We are encouraging academic researchers and independent scholars to present their paper proposals for the international conference Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri: Art & Culture, to debate on Oratorian art (architecture, painting, sculpture, music, etc.) through all periods and geographical areas.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Représenter l’altérité : rencontres à travers l’espace et le temps (entre les XVIe et XIXe siècles)

    Cette journée d'étude se donne pour but de considérer les stratégies mises en œuvre par la littérature de voyage entre les XVIe et XIXe siècles afin de représenter la figure de l'autre, qu'il s'agisse de stratégies textuelles ou visuelles. Tous les domaines linguistiques et culturels pourront être considérés afin de construire un tableau aussi large que possible de la manière dont l'autre est appréhendé par les récits des voyageurs à l'époque moderne.

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  • Nice

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Venise, puissance régionale méditerranéenne

    Perspectives économiques, maritimes et politiques, 1669 – 1797

    Cette journée d’études vise à explorer le rapport entre Venise et la Méditerranée entre 1669, date qui consacre la perte de l’île de Crète, dernière grande possession maritime vénitienne, et 1797, qui marque la fin de la République. Après la guerre de Candie, Venise se trouve définitivement reléguée au rôle de puissance régionale. À travers l’analyse des échanges économiques et commerciaux, de sa présence et de son action navale et maritime et des rapports diplomatico-militaires que la Sérénissime a entretenus en Méditerranée, nous nous proposons de réfléchir aux dynamiques de transformation et d’adaptation d’une puissance moyenne comme la République de Venise face au défi d’une mer intérieure sur laquelle s’activent désormais une série de concurrents avec des moyens économiques et militaires nettement supérieurs.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Soldiers, prisoners and converts between permeable borders in the Mare Nostrum (16th-18th centuries)

    The COST Action “Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750)” [CA 18129] is launching a call for a conference “Soldiers, prisoners and converts between permeable borders in the Mare Nostrum (16th-18th centuries)”. The event that we are disseminating is being organised within this project, which as the purpose to provide a transnational and interdisciplinary approach capable of overcoming the segmentation that currently characterizes the study of relations between Christianity and Islam in late medieval and early modern Europe and the Mediterranean. We aim to create a network that will help to provide a comprehensive understanding of past relations between Christianity and Islam in the European context through the addressing of three main research problems: otherness, migration and borders.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The paths of humanism: professional mobility and cultural expansion during the Renaissance

    Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire

    The history of humanism during the Renaissance is one of an international cultural circulation which saw the rise of “humanities studies”, born in north-central Italy at the turn of the fifteenth century, and which came to dominate other models for a large part of the Western élite during the next two centuries. If the exchange of letters and books was surely an important vector in the development of this movement, it is also important to consider this phenomenon in light of mobility, particularly the professional mobility of the learned adherents of these scholarly practices, by creating a dialogue between intellectual and social history.  

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Construction Techniques and Writings on Architecture in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe

    Thematic issue of the journal Opus Incertum (Florence University Press)

    The 2020 issue of the open access journal Opus Incertum (Florence University Press) aims to examine, through selected case studies, the complex relationship between construction practices and architectural writings in Renaissance and early modern Europe. Situated at the crossroads of several disciplines (architectural history, history of science and technology, history of literature), the subject can be approached from different perspectives. To begin with, confrontations of texts on construction techniques with the material realities of extant buildings may reveal, for specific contexts, to what extent these texts operated as vehicles for the transmission of technical know-how, and how much weight they gave to topoi borrowed from ancient authors. 


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  • Pereira

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Latin American History in Global perspective

    The New Science magazine ISSN:2539-2662 (Italy—Colombia) invites interested scholars to submit proposals for articles to be published as part of a dossier on “Global perspectives of Latin-American History”.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Contextualizing bankruptcy

    Publicity, space and time (Europe, 17th to 19th c.)

    Although bankruptcy is a rather exceptional situation in the life of a merchant, it has explanatory power for routines of economic stakeholders. Considering the long, non-uniform and unsteady transition from merchant capitalism to industrial and financial capitalism, we suggest to start a dialog between modernistes and contemporanéistes. The workshop focuses on the various forms of contextualizing business failure and puts forward three major research axes: Covering and uncovering/secrecy and publicity; economic space and area of jurisdiction; temporal narratives of (in)solvency.

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