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AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

  • Chicago

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Art Collections of Academies of Sciences

    College Art Association Annual Conference

    As part of the College Art Association Annual Conference and on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the session seeks contributions on art collections of academies of sciences, including portrait galleries, emblems and other symbols, representations of the academies, internal and external decoration of the buildings including e.g. the allegories of sciences. We also welcome submissions dealing with scientific objects, instruments and collections with aesthetic or historical value in these collections.

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  • Honolulu

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Worlds of Earth Law : Emergence and Governance of Earth’s new Normative Spaces

    Law, technologies, and living things in 'nature' exist in a relation of co-production.What happens, however, in practice when lawyers, technoscience, and 'nature' meet in transnational adjudication – Ecuador v Chevron being an ideal-typical case ? This panel will invite papers that consider Earth Law and normative spaces as co-productive worlds of configurations of legal practices, technoscientific practices, and living and lively agencies.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Archiving Fashion Conference: Mapping Fashion Collections

    Following the “Archiving Fashion Workshop” held at The American University in Paris in June 2022, The Fashion Institute of Technology-State University of New York will host an international academic conference, “Archiving Fashion: Mapping Fashion Collections,” on November 11th, 2023 in New York City. This conference will gather scholars, researchers, archivists, librarians, faculty, students, and professionals for a one-day event (with optional second day of programming for speakers) to discuss the present and future of fashion and textiles, and related material, in archives. Papers considering the impact on access to archives and libraries during the Covid-19 pandemic and the various institutional responses to it, as well as other topics, are welcome.

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  • Kingston

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Hors des sentiers battus

    Nouvelles directions dans la recherche sur le militaire

    Régulièrement interpellée pour son manque d’inclusion et de diversité, ce n’est pas seulement l’institution militaire qui a besoin de changer, mais aussi la manière dont elle est étudiée. Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, il est important de prêter attention à ces voix et perspectives qui ont longtemps été considérées comme marginales dans le champ de la recherche sur le militaire. Elles offrent en effet des pistes de réflexion – si ce n’est des réponses – à certaines des problématiques centrales que l’institution militaire affronte actuellement. L’objectif de cet évènement est de mobiliser la communauté scientifique travaillant sur les questions en lien avec le militaire, et ce afin d’échanger et de débattre sur les nouvelles directions que la recherche devrait prendre dans les prochaines années selon elle.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Clio Reflects. XXI Historical Fiction by Women and about Women

    We invite authors and researchers working in various academic disciplines to submit chapter proposals that look at post-2000 historical fiction, whether literary, visual and performing art, e.g., film and television series, or in games, and explore questions such as: what do women look for and, more importantly, find in the past? For what purposes and with what effects do female authors intersect historical fiction and reality? How does female historical fiction situate itself with regard to history? What insights does female historical fiction contribute to our current state of knowledge?

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  • Gainesville

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Migration, Mobility, and Sustainability: Caribbean Studies and Digital Humanities Institute

    Partners in the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) are pleased to invite applications to an NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities entitled “Migration, Mobility, and Sustainability: Caribbean Studies and Digital Humanities Institute.” This Institute is designed for anyone who teaches or supports Caribbean Studies courses or sections dealing with Caribbean Studies in courses. This Institute is also aimed at people who are interested in learning ways to utilize digital collections and implement digital tools and methods into their teaching and collaborative practices.

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  • Guelph

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Perspectives historiques sur les prisons, les personnes incarcérées et les archives des prisons

    La constitution de la prison comme institution d'incarcération de masse a longtemps attiré l'intérêt des chercheurs. La nature exceptionnellement détaillée de la plupart des archives carcérales explique en partie cet attrait. Des sources similaires sont aisément disponibles dans les sociétés européennes et leurs colonies, ce qui permet de rassembler une grande quantité d'informations personnelles sur les individus incarcérés. L'analyse détaillée de ces données, débute dès les années 1970; elle est le fait autant des criminologues que des spécialistes de l'histoire sociale et économique, des démographes et d'autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. La puissance croissante des logiciels et du matériel informatique ainsi que l’accumulation de très grandes quantités de données sur les prisons, dont une partie est jumelée à d’autres sources, offrent aux chercheurs de larges perspectives, mais constituent aussi un défi. Cet atelier sera l'occasion d'approfondir ces questions portant sur l'exploitation des archives de la justice pénale. Il permettra de réunir des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et différents pays pour confronter leurs sources et leurs méthodes (classement, analyse, etc.) et pour réévaluer les paradigmes de la recherche.

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  • Medford

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Peinture ancienne et humanités numériques

    Lorsqu'en 1921 fut publié par A. Reinach le Recueil des textes Grecs et latins relatifs à la peinture ancienne (Recueil Milliet), il s'agissait de rendre accessible à un public le plus large possible ces textes traitant de peinture et d'esthétique. Depuis deux années maintenant, une équipe réunie auprès de la Perseus Digital Library et du Perseids Project (Tufts University) s'efforce de redonner une nouvelle vie au Recueil Milliet (outil indispensable aux historiens de l'art antique) en le transposant dans un format numérique. En regard des travaux effectués, ce colloque vise à interroger les méthodes de travail qui allient humanités numériques et recherche scientifique, en particulier en histoire de l'art de l'antiquité. Mais aussi à mettre en avant les liens entre sources écrites et découvertes archéologiques les plus récentes.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Archives unleashed: Web archive hackathon

    This hackathon will bring together a small group of 20-30 participants to collaboratively develop new open-source tools and approaches to hackathon, and to kick-off collaboratively inspired research projects. Researchers should be comfortable with command line interactions, and knowledge of a scripting language such as Python strongly desired. By bringing together a group of like-minded scholars and programmers, we hope to begin building unified analytic production effort and to continue coalescing this nascent research community.

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  • San Antonio

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Encoding Data for Digital Collaboration (ASOR 2016)

    Data encoding entails an analog-to-digital conversion in which the characteristics of an object, text, or archaeological site can be represented in a specialized format for computer handling. Once encoded, data can be stored, sorted, and analyzed through a variety of computer-based techniques ranging from specialized data-mining algorithms to user-friendly mobile apps. Especially when encoded data is open-source, researchers around the world can collaborate on the collection, encoding, and analysis of data.

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  • Seattle

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Joint Meeting of the Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable and the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences

    8-10 May 2015 University of Washington, Seattle

    In May 2015 the Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable will meet jointly with the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. This will be the second joint meeting of the Roundtable and ENPOSS, and will continue a tradition of working conferences that brings together philosophers and social scientists to discuss a wide range of philosophical issues raised in and by social research. This joint meeting will be hosted by Alison Wylie in Seattle.

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  • Princeton

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Pratiques, procédures, récursivités : la réalité des médias ?

    Quatrième Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies

    The Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies – a collaboration between the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, IKKM) and Princeton University (German Department) – returns to Princeton in 2014 for its fourth installment. The 2014 topic will be “Practices, Procedures, Recursions: The Reality of Media?”. The weeklong program will be hosted by Princeton’s German Department. It will be directed by Bernhard Siegert (Weimar) and Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton). Besides the directors the faculty will include renowned film maker Harun Farocki as well as scholars of media and literature such as Petra McGillen (Dartmouth), Grant Wythoff (Columbia), and Harun Maye (Weimar).

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  • Louisville

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    (Un)Expected Animals in (Un)Expected Places in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

    International meeting – symposium of The medieval animal data network

    International meeting/symposium of  The medieval animal data network. University of Louisville, Kentucky, 6th and 7th of May, 2014. The meeting will cover multi-disciplinary information ranging from texts to image to material culture and bio archaeology. This year’s international meeting/symposium will focus on (un)expected animals in (un)expected places in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. Deadline : November 5th, 2013.

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  • Waterloo

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    IIEMCA 2013: Technologies and Techniques

    11th international IIEMCA conference on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis

    Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis are primarily concerned with the techniques actors utilize to accomplish the social, be it through workplace studies, studies of scientific knowledge, studies of interactional order, etc. The fundamental question that confronts Ethnomethodologists and Conversation Analysts - “how does this interaction get done?” – has and will thus receive a variety of related answers. We invite papers from the international community of EM/CA scholars that address the issues, practices and phenomena related to Technologies and Techniques. As is EM/CAs tradition, we cast these categories in the broadest possible conception, but are particularly interested in papers which address the themes of Technology in the Home, Workplace, or related settings; Technology’s Impact on Theory/Method; Technological Approaches to Data Analysis; Everyday Technology; and The Artful Techniques of Social Interaction.

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  • Washington

    Appel à contribution - Information

    GL13 : The Grey Circuit

    From Social Networking to Wealth Creation

    Social networking is the way the grey literature community remains connected in the 21st century. It encompasses a range of social media and communication tools that enable subject based communities to create, review, process, publish, and make grey literature openly accessible to public domain. Social networking is not new to grey literature, in fact it is inherent to this field of information. What’s new however are the technologies available to global grey literature communities in developing, monitoring, and sustaining valued information resources and services. In this context, social networking becomes a mechanism both used and applied by grey literature communities in the processes of knowledge generation and ensuing wealth creation.

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  • Vancouver

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Journal of Scholarly and Research Communication

    Scholarly and Research Communication is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, Open Access, online journal that publishes original contributions to the understanding of production, dissemination, and usage of knowledge. It emphasizes the dynamics of representation andchanging organizational elements, including technologically mediated workflows, ownership, and legal structures. Contributions are welcomed in all media and span formal research and analysis; technical reports and demonstrations; commentary, and review.

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  • Laval

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Les lois de la Fable/Fable Laws

    Martyr(e) et échange scriptural/ Martyr(dom) and Scriptural Exchange

    Colloque international et interdisciplinaire organisé à Québec par la Chaire de recherche du Canada en Littératures Africaines et en Francophonie, Le CELAT de l'Université Laval.Deadline for paper submission/ date limite pour les propositions de communication: 30 November 2006Comprises à partir des travaux de Michel de Certeau, les " lois de la fable " renvoient moins aux règles d’un genre littéraire qu’aux dispositifs d’une formation discursive à travers laquelle l’Occident a fondé son empire scriptural à l’aube des temps modernes. La fable désigne en même temps qu’une parole sans sujet nommable (fari), le procès d’au(c)torisation de l’historiographie occidentale sur la parole de l’autre (qu’il soit femme, enfant [infans], fou, sauvage ou mystique), à partir de la césure, ou coupure (épistémologique) du lieu de son écriture.

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