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AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

  • Détroit

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Reinventing Public Space in Business Improvement Districts

    Over the last two decades, public space renewal in downtown Detroit has undergone phases of experiments in response to emerging phenomena that put pressure on existing governance models. The introduction of business improvement districts (BIDs) has been key in creating an armature for diversifying the principle urban actors and financing sources involved in public space renewal and creation. Through presentations and lightning talks the symposium will share knowledge and discuss best practices and innovative ideas for central public space governance, programming, and design within business improvement districts/zones/areas.

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  • Edmonton

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Relations nordiques

    Colloque annuel de l'Association canadienne de communication (ACC) 2021

    Placé sous le thème des relations nordiques, le congrès 2021 incite les congressistes à explorer les liens entre les peuples, les collectivités, les cultures et les formes de savoir, tout en se penchant sur certains des défis les plus pressants auxquels le Nord est confronté en matière de relations humaines et au territoire : changement climatique, gouvernance, justice sociale, réconciliation, réciprocité et éducation, entre autres. Une relation n’est pas qu’une association ou une affiliation. C’est aussi un acte qui consiste à dire ou à rendre compte. Les relations sont au coeur de la manière dont les peuples communiquent, organisent leur savoir et parviennent à cerner leur place dans le monde.

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  • Gainesville

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Dreaming and “the Unseen” in Africa and in Muslim Worlds

    This online workshop seeks to trace the connections between dreaming and the world of “the unseen” in a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective. Its main aim is to explore how in Africa and in Muslim worlds people dream of the invisible, which constitutes part of everyday experience and religiosity.

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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Chican@s studies

    Contributions of articles for electronic journal Verbum et Lingua

    The electronic magazine Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura will dedicate its 16th edition (July-December 2020) to the topic of Chican@s studies. Grosso modo, for Ornelas, Ramírez and Padilla (1975), the Chican@s studies have made a great effort to integrate four main constructs: race, class, culture and gender/sexuality. These constructs are present in the work of different artists who express their ideology in order to politicize and lead their community(ies) to change. According to Macias (2018), the Chican@s field of study seeks to make research holistic and multidisciplinary, as well as inclusive, comparative, grounded, up-to-date and critical. At the same time, it seeks to apply the results to social justice, education, as well as to the change of the global Chican@ communities.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    The Prediction Factor

    Medical Decision in the Age of Big Data

    This panel seeks to create a dialogue among researchers interested in the use of big data to manage health, in the construction of data processing tools for AI purposes, as well as in the regulation of data access. Whether the papers are based on quantitative or qualitative research, they will be invited to shed light on the impacts of big data on health practices, individual futures, especially for minority groups, and collective imaginary.


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  • Kalamazoo

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Editing and Studying Medieval Annals

    59th International Congress on Medieval Studies - Kalamazoo

    ARANHIS (Archivum Annalisticum Hispanum) is a research project focused on the study of Medieval annals, in particular to their transmission and to the study of their uses during that period. An interdisciplinary team of scholars, presently working on different European universities, is developing electronic editions and studies on Medieval Iberian annals, but the project aims to create an international network on brief historiography written during the Middle Ages. Proposals on this subject are welcomed to join the sessions of this 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies held in Kalamazoo (USA).

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  • Chicago

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Art Collections of Academies of Sciences

    College Art Association Annual Conference

    As part of the College Art Association Annual Conference and on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the session seeks contributions on art collections of academies of sciences, including portrait galleries, emblems and other symbols, representations of the academies, internal and external decoration of the buildings including e.g. the allegories of sciences. We also welcome submissions dealing with scientific objects, instruments and collections with aesthetic or historical value in these collections.

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  • Los Angeles

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Amazigh Orality in Contemporary Production

    Orality, that is, the culture of the spoken word, is a central feature of Amazigh everyday life, history, and linguistics, and communal knowledge. Indeed, although Imazighen have one of the oldest writing systems in North Africa, known as Tifinagh, the latter is not associated with a body of written literature, an Amazigh literary canon. On the other hand, the Amazigh peoples have an extensive and rich oral literature that includes poetry, myths, fables, songs, proverbs, sacred rituals, and tales, which are excluded from a simple textualist notion of culture and communal identity. 

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  • Providence

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Conversations corporelles

    Les œuvres d’art s’interpellent entre elles, invitant des conversations qui dépassent les frontières et transcendent les époques. De la circulation d’œuvres écrites dans le contexte de salons littéraires au pouvoir qu’ont les images de capturer un mouvement, comment comprendre nos interactions avec nous-même, les autres et les médias sous formes de conversations qui soient à la fois centrées sur le(s) corp(s) et facilitées par ce(s) dernier(s) ? Nous encourageons les communications à traiter des sujets suivants : la construction d’un corpus, la relation entre texte et critique, les questions de voix, les corps qui parlent pour et par eux-mêmes, la lisibilité d’un corps racisé, sexué et/ou handicapé, la postérité d’œuvres d’art, l’héritage de traditions créatives, la construction d’archives, et les textes en tant que documents vivants. Enfin, comment comprendre nos propres interventions en tant que conversations corporelles à part entière ?

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Policy Advisory Systems in Comparative Perspective

    6th International Conference on Public Policy

    The panel invites both theoretical and empirical papers on policy advisory systems (internal or external) in different political communities, systems, or regimes (both comparative as well as in-depth studies of specific national or regional systems). A comparative analysis of the Global South and North will also be welcomed.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Public Policy in Africa

    A Political Economy Perspective

    African scholars’ contributions to public policy theoretical debates and research have remained little or quasi-invisible, especially at the global level of international journals’ databases. There is also little evidence of African terrain. This panel would like to contribute to filling this gap, thereby asking why such gaps, and looking at policy implications. The panel seeks to systematically question, understand and explain the economic divides in producing public policy research and publications at the international level. This panel is an interdisciplinary venue. It is open to contributions from different political and social sciences fields using public policy as an area of research in Africa: economics, anthropology, political sociology, public administration, political economy, international relations, etc.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Archiving Fashion Conference: Mapping Fashion Collections

    Following the “Archiving Fashion Workshop” held at The American University in Paris in June 2022, The Fashion Institute of Technology-State University of New York will host an international academic conference, “Archiving Fashion: Mapping Fashion Collections,” on November 11th, 2023 in New York City. This conference will gather scholars, researchers, archivists, librarians, faculty, students, and professionals for a one-day event (with optional second day of programming for speakers) to discuss the present and future of fashion and textiles, and related material, in archives. Papers considering the impact on access to archives and libraries during the Covid-19 pandemic and the various institutional responses to it, as well as other topics, are welcome.

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  • Houston

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Civil Disobedience as a Factor in Governmental Adaptation to Climate Change

    “AEL Journal of Environmental Law” Vol. 13/2023

    The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) AEL Journal of Environmental Law is seeking additional articles on the topic of “Civil Disobedience as a Factor in Governmental Adaptation to Climate Change”.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    The unresolved tensions of mass housing

    Session in the Society of Architectural Historians Conference 2023

    This session invites contributions that examine the diffusion and transformation of mass housing projects worldwide. It focuses on how the processes and outcome of housing projects relate to programs of social reform, restructuring or coercion, in various cultural and political contexts from the 1920s to recent years.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Clio Reflects. XXI Historical Fiction by Women and about Women

    We invite authors and researchers working in various academic disciplines to submit chapter proposals that look at post-2000 historical fiction, whether literary, visual and performing art, e.g., film and television series, or in games, and explore questions such as: what do women look for and, more importantly, find in the past? For what purposes and with what effects do female authors intersect historical fiction and reality? How does female historical fiction situate itself with regard to history? What insights does female historical fiction contribute to our current state of knowledge?

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  • Honolulu

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Worlds of Earth Law : Emergence and Governance of Earth’s new Normative Spaces

    Law, technologies, and living things in 'nature' exist in a relation of co-production.What happens, however, in practice when lawyers, technoscience, and 'nature' meet in transnational adjudication – Ecuador v Chevron being an ideal-typical case ? This panel will invite papers that consider Earth Law and normative spaces as co-productive worlds of configurations of legal practices, technoscientific practices, and living and lively agencies.

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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La politesse, la discourtoisie et la communication interpersonnelle

    Revue Verbum et Lingua

    Verbum et Lingua lance un appel à contribution pour son vingt deuxième numéro spécial sur la politesse, la discourtoisie et la communication interpersonnelle. Les articles peuvent couvrir n'importe quel aspect de ces pratiques sociales et les sujets possibles peuvent inclure, sans s'y limiter, la gestion des relations, l'atténuation, les commérages et les banalités. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de se concentrer sur les pratiques de politesse en espagnol. Les propositions relatives à la politesse et à l'impolitesse dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères seraient également particulièrement bienvenues. 

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  • Rochester

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Toys Matter: The Power of Playthings

    The overarching conference theme, Toys Matter: The Power of Playthings, is designed to span the role toys play in our individual and collective identities, the various ways they reflect and shape our worlds (both positively or negatively), and the impact of technology, environmental concerns and societal/cultural crises on toy design, manufacture and use. Sessions will provide toy scholars and industry professionals opportunities to reflect on extant toy research while looking forward to expand our understanding of what counts as a toy, the power of playthings, and the many ways they matter -- for both children and adults. We invite work that examines the power of playthings both historically and in our ever-changing worlds, especially as we navigate these precarious and even perilous times. All play objects (i.e., physical, digital or hybrid) are included in the scope of toys to be discussed including games and indoor and outdoor play spaces.

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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    « Verbum et Lingua », Numéro 21 (Janvier-Juin 2023) - Varia

    Verbum et Lingua : Didáctica, lengua y cultura est une revue académique du département des langues modernes du Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de l'université de Guadalajara. Elle a été conçue comme une publication spécialisée dans l'étude des langues d'un point de vue linguistique, didactique et culturel. Cette revue, qui répond aux besoins du milieu professionnel au Mexique, est publiée tous les six mois, de janvier à juin et de juillet à décembre. Elle publie également des articles, des essais, des entretiens et des critiques en cinq langues : espagnol, anglais, français, allemand et italien, sans restreindre l'étude ou l'inclusion d'autres langues. La revue prolonge l'appel à contributions pour le numéro 21 et invite les chercheurs et les spécialistes de la didactique, de la linguistique et des études culturelles à lui envoyer leurs contributions.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    The Role of Philosophy in Ethics Education

    One of the characteristics of the development of the movement of philosophy for children has been the variety of perspectives and practices that have grown from it over the decade. The aim of this symposium is to tackle this diversity of perspectives and practices in philosophy for children in its relationship to ethics education. In sum, how these different perspectives permit or limit ethics education of children and teenagers? The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) calls for papers that explore how various theoretical and practical perspective on the practice of philosophy in schools fosters students’ ethics learning. We invite to submit papers using a philosophical, theoretical or empirical lens. Accepted papers will be presented at the IAPC special symposium of the 2023 American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Annual Meeting.

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