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  • Sherbrooke

    Call for papers - History

    Space and territoriality. The spatial twist: new perspectives in history

    12th history students conference at Sherbrooke University

    Les 14 et 15 mars 2019 se tiendra le douzième colloque des étudiants et des étudiantes en histoire de l’université de Sherbrooke. Pour cette édition, le comité organisateur vous propose une réflexion sur le tournant spatial en histoire et de réfléchir plus globalement à la dimension spatiale en histoire. Ce mouvement transdisciplinaire a provoqué une réorientation et un changement de paradigme qui atransformé la discipline historique. L’espace et le territoire sont une dimension d’analyse de plus enplus prisée par les historien·nes. C’est un tournant épistémologique qui donne lieu à de nombreux débats, notamment quant à l’appropriation de certains concepts par la discipline historique.

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  • Montreal

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    Ambiances in action

    The second International Congress on Ambiances is an international gathering for researchers, artists and players engaged in analyzing the ambiance-related dimensions of the built environment and in the sensory construction of the contemporary world. Many approaches are at work in the field of architectural and urban ambiance, and these multiple contributions nurture its rich diversity. The Congress aims to give voice to this activity, feeding on work exploring new forms of exchange between what is designed and what is experienced, between the measured and the qualified, the projected and the tested, the material and the immaterial. The Congress will be held for four days at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), in Montreal, from 19 to 22 September 2012. It will seek to express advances in learning and new hypotheses proposed by the various disciplines and fields of activity which address the question of ambiances.

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