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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Quantum Social Theory: The Future of Sociology?

    In sociology, without explicit basis on quantum theory, numerous streams established strong similarities with it, setting at the forefront of their paradigm: the subjectivity of the observer, the continuous adjustment between the object and the observer, the impossibility to be fully deterministic or discussions about an objective reality. In this session, we invite panellists to discuss the links that can be drawn between quantum theory and sociology. We welcome both empirical (qualitative or quantitative) as well as theoretical papers. Depending on the variety and the quality of the papers, a publication will be considered to set the basis of this emerging theoretical stream.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Memory of Migrations and Diasporas / Family Memories of Mass Violence and Slavery

    International Sociological Association forum of sociology 2020

    For the IVth ISA (International Sociological Association) Forum that will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, we organize two sessions with the Research Committee Historical Sociology. We would like to welcome contributors from a wide variety of research fields in order to discuss issues related to social, cultural and collective memory. One of the sessions will focus on migrations and diasporic experiences, in particular on family memories. The second session is about intergenerational transmission in families in contexts of mass violence, slavery or war.

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Estudos feministas e de gênero em jornalismo: história, metodologia e epistemologia

    Revista Âncora - Revista Latino-americana de Jornalismo (UFPB)

    A Revista Âncora - Revista Latino-americana de Jornalismo - lança seu novo dossiê temático que tem como título «Estudos feministas e de gênero em jornalismo: história, metodologia e epistemologia». A trajetória da relação ambígua e potente entre o feminismo e a academia é longa. Dos chamados estudos de mulheres, até a década de 1970, ao campo dos estudos de gêneros, que se intensificaram a partir da década de 1980, a atuação de feministas dentro das universidades provocou tensionamentos em alicerces importantes do que tradicionalmente se entendia por conhecimento válido, assim como o perfil e atributos esperados para caracterizar o então sujeito produtor do saber científico. 

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  • Jequié

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration

    "Odeere" Journal

    Since mental health is perceived as a result of ethnic relations within a societal context, the Editors of this special issue are inviting authors from diverse areas of knowledge to submit their papers on the theme “Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration”. The objective of this Special Issue is to offer a perspective about the aforementioned facets of the Brazilian and international contexts grounded from the experiences of researchers from multiple disciplines. This will inspire the debate about this field of research and the development of reflections about social policies.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    African Forced Labour: The Ideological Representations of the Colonial Age

    Chamada de trabalhos para o Colóquio "Trabalho Forçado Africano: As Representações Ideológicas da Época Colonial" que irá realizar-se na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, dias 17 e 18 de Novembro de 2011.

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