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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Dialectological Intersections

    Dialectology, History and Language Contact in the Americas and elsewhere

    This monographic issue of Forma y Funcion Journal intends, from an interdisciplinary perspective, to complete and complement the dialectological research with inquiries carried out in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in the Americas, a territory that concentrates the largest number of speakers and varieties of Spanish in the world.


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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Dialogues in Antiquity: Archetypes for a Contemporary World

    Xth Conference on Classical Philology in honorem Giselle von der Walde

    The expressive wealth of dialogue presents itself in numerous artistic and intellectual ways. The encounters between emotional and aesthetic resources, pedagogical and didactic purposes, as well as between claims of objectivity and scientific rigor, are fertile ground for the transdisciplinary inquiry characteristic of classical studies. This invites a diversity and multiplicity of perspectives for contributions in relation to ancient authors and their works. Investigating the history of dialogue since Antiquity also allows us to consider it as an archetype for the exchange of opinions and ideas. This is suitable for dealing with current problems that increasingly require the willingness to negotiate and rethink ideas and convictions, empathize with the feelings of others, and build agreements based on the examination of opposing arguments and points of view.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media

    By choosing the topic “Contemporary Aesthetics: Dialogues through Art, Culture and Media” as its main theme, the organizing committee of the 22nd International Congress of Aesthetics (ICA 22) aims at the increasing and deepening of the discussion by today’s practitioners of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, about the modes, through which this field of knowledge could contribute to enhance peaceful and fruitful contacts among the most different people and cultures of the world. 

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    13th International Congress of Aesthetics – Brazil

    13th International Congress of Aesthetics – Brazil

    The 13th International Congress of Aesthetics – Brazil, entitled “Os fins da arte”, aims to highlight recurring themes in the history of philosophical aesthetics, elaborating the already constant ambiguity in its title, namely: “fins”. The term refers to the millenarian discussion about the uses of art in the past, present, and future. This takes on the important question about the autonomy of art and the regime of its heteronomy that not only asserted itself in its beginnings, but still imposes itself in the form of market demands tending to disfigure the original impetus of important aesthetic manifestations. 

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Social Rights and Democracy

    Prim@ Facie, Vol 15, No 29 (2016)

    We are especially interested in manuscripts on social rights and democracy. Our intent is to prepare a set of discussions on how democracies promote social rights today, i.e., to what extent social movements, legal institutions, parliaments and executive power are able to find solutions to the challenges of democracies today? Have, for example, affirmative action, housing and health care programs, and even direct financial assistance to the poor actually reduced inequality? In addition, what are the most effective solutions for poverty? Are courts the best way to ensure social rights today? We are also interested in papers that address the costs of social programs. These are some of the possibilities, but many other questions may be brought to the table. We encourage submissions based on historical approaches carried out by jurists, political scientists, historians, sociologists, and other professionals in fields that have particular focus on legal problems.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Circulation and Scientific Institutions

    The Americas, Western Europe, South Asia (1750s-1914)

    While historians should take into account the movements in space that constantly transform sciences, they should not lose sight of the specific locations dedicated to the daily work of scientists. In scientific facilities (museums, laboratories, hospitals, etc.), modern scientists use their research instruments, meet with members of their networks, teach, and interact with various actors from outside of their scientific community. Participants in this symposium will seek how to write the history of this dynamic between circulation and institutions of science.

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  • Jequié

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration

    "Odeere" Journal

    Since mental health is perceived as a result of ethnic relations within a societal context, the Editors of this special issue are inviting authors from diverse areas of knowledge to submit their papers on the theme “Mental health, Ethnic relations and Immigration”. The objective of this Special Issue is to offer a perspective about the aforementioned facets of the Brazilian and international contexts grounded from the experiences of researchers from multiple disciplines. This will inspire the debate about this field of research and the development of reflections about social policies.

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  • Pereira

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Latin American History in Global perspective

    The New Science magazine ISSN:2539-2662 (Italy—Colombia) invites interested scholars to submit proposals for articles to be published as part of a dossier on “Global perspectives of Latin-American History”.

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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Intermediate Groups in the Portuguese Dominions, 16th-18th century

    Revista de História (Universidade de São Paulo)

    The Revista de História of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) invites interested scholars to submit proposals for articles to be published as part of a ‘dossier’ concerning intermediate groups in the Portuguese dominions on the Early Modern Age. Throughout that period, ‘middle people’ strove to assert themselves in rural areas and helped to shape old and new urban centers in the Portuguese World, corresponding to an increased demand for specialized services and ensuring the necessary extensions of royal representation functions and Church activities. Even though almost non-existent in juridical or normative terms, those groups were recognized both by nationals and foreigners as a complex and vibrant intermediate social layer. Time has come to try and distinguish its specificities, trends of formation and effective roles in social dynamics.

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  • João Pessoa

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Economic development and human rights

    Prim@ Facie Law Journal, 24th edition, volume 13

    Prim@ Facie Law Journal invites authors to submit papers for its 24th edition, volume 13. Works that make connections between law and development such as studies relative to economic and environmental sustainability are welcome. Prim@ Facie is an outstanding editorial project in Brazil operated by the Graduate Program in Law at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba taking part in the electronic platform supported by the university.

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  • Recife

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    1956-1958 : une époque de révolutions qui changèrent l’Afrique (et le monde)

    The objective of this panel is to compare the various social mobilizations that took place in Africa during the years 1956-1958 and which arguably constitute a historical watershed. The main aim of the panel is not the making of an abstract comparative analysis, but the analysis, based on the testimonial material collected, of how the memory of these events has been structured over time. Moreover, we are interested in understanding what the impacts of these social movements were on the structuring of states and what continuities can be found between the mobilizations of that period and the ary social mobilizations that have shaken the continent in the last ten years, from the ‘Arab Spring’ of 2011 onwards.

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  • Santiago du Chili

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New approaches to the history of soft power in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

    The study of soft power in the modern period is unequal, with much attention understandably paid to the Cold War when culture offered a surrogate for damaged and blocked political dialogues. But practices that aimed at promoting a nation abroad were not invented after the Second World War, nor were they inexistent before then. Some historians have traced their origins back to the nineteenth century with the formation of nation states (in Europe) and the growth of ministries of foreign affairs.  In addition, the historiography has largely omitted soft power policies produced by and targeting so called “periphery countries”. Therefore, much remains to be written if we are to fully appreciate the history of soft power and its associated key concepts (public and cultural diplomacy, propaganda, publicity, promotion, oeuvres -in the French context, public relations) and the multiplicity of meanings with which these ideas and practices were endowed globally throughout the modern period.


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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Music, Tradition and Creativity in the Digital Era

    New Ethnomusicological Perspectives From the Global South

    This Symposium will explore how digital media and new technologies have affected the ways through which musicians, producers and researchers experiment and engage with "traditional" musical forms, in Colombia and in other parts of the world. The participants are invited to share their research results and methodological experimentations in the field of applied ethnomusicology, music pedagogy, performance, digital audio production or digital humanities about the study of the impact of digital technologies about current musical practices. This Symposium will also include the presence of several local musicians and producers who will conduct workshops on "traditional" Colombian music and music from other countries of the global South.

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  • São Paulo

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La presse francophone dans les Amériques

    La culture et la langue françaises ont joué un rôle important dans le monde, tout particulièrement dans la presse du XIXe siècle, phénomène qui s’étend jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle et s’est développée grâce à l’expansion des moyens techniques de production et de communication, permettant la circulation des modèles de presse et des sujets traités, ainsi que la constitution d’imaginaires mondialisés. Ce congrès est ainsi consacré à rassembler des chercheurs dédiés à l’étude de la presse périodique francophone dans les Amériques du XIXe et début du XXe siècle, comme journaux, revues et almanachs.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Memory of Migrations and Diasporas / Family Memories of Mass Violence and Slavery

    International Sociological Association forum of sociology 2020

    For the IVth ISA (International Sociological Association) Forum that will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, we organize two sessions with the Research Committee Historical Sociology. We would like to welcome contributors from a wide variety of research fields in order to discuss issues related to social, cultural and collective memory. One of the sessions will focus on migrations and diasporic experiences, in particular on family memories. The second session is about intergenerational transmission in families in contexts of mass violence, slavery or war.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Quantum Social Theory: The Future of Sociology?

    In sociology, without explicit basis on quantum theory, numerous streams established strong similarities with it, setting at the forefront of their paradigm: the subjectivity of the observer, the continuous adjustment between the object and the observer, the impossibility to be fully deterministic or discussions about an objective reality. In this session, we invite panellists to discuss the links that can be drawn between quantum theory and sociology. We welcome both empirical (qualitative or quantitative) as well as theoretical papers. Depending on the variety and the quality of the papers, a publication will be considered to set the basis of this emerging theoretical stream.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The foreign language press: between identity and otherness

    3rd Transfopress Brasil conference

    La troisième rencontre Transfopress Brasil est un congrès international ouvert aux travaux sur la presse étrangère publiée au Brésil, qui aura lieu à la Fondation Casa de Rui Barbosa, à Rio de Janiero, Brésil, en 13 et 14 november 2017.

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