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  • Concepción del Uruguay

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Journées d’étude en littérature africaine et de sa diaspora

    Cuando decidimos abordar el estudio de la “literatura africana”, nos enfrentamos a una serie de problemas, en tanto campo complejo de tensiones, de núcleos constitutivos, de perspectivas, inherentes a toda etiqueta formada por la palabra literatura y un gentilicio. Una dificultad no menor la encontramos en los planes de estudios de las carreras de Letras en Argentina cuyo “patrón cognitivo” (Quijano 2017) aún persiste dentro de los rasgos de un patrón de poder fundado en la colonialidad: el centro no ha sido del todo desplazado, para decirlo con wa Thiong’o (2014).  El eurocentrismo académico en nuestro país perdura en el escaso interés que el pensamiento africano y afrodiaspórico ocupa en las carreras de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, con destacadas excepciones siempre individuales o colectivas pero rara vez institucionale.

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  • Florianópolis

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: The Consequences of Gay Rights Without Social Justice in the Transnational Sphere

    Doing Gender 10 – Current Challenges of Feminisms, Thematic Symposia n°076

    Historically, the Gay Liberation Movement emerged as a collective wish for social transformation regarding sexual practice, sex roles, gender prescriptions and the privitization/commodification of relationships. The movement was situated in a context of other movements for visionary social change regarding race, citizenship, women’s autonomy, children’s rights, national identity, regional self-determination and a revolution in the distribution of wealth. The AIDS crisis propelled a profound transformation of the LGBT community from a political movement to a consumer group. Abrupt changes in media representation, psychological consequences of the mass death experience, and the impact of widespread loss of generations and individuals in traumatic and sudden ways resulted in the grassroots Gay Liberation Movement fading into history, to be replaced by a Gay Rights Movement, controlled from the top down by national organizations with paid staff and LGBT individuals situated within ruling political parties, lobbying from within the cultural frameworks of those constructions. This confluence of Rights and Nation States, lead to what Rutgers Professor Jasbir Puar called “Homonationalism”, the granting of Gay Rights in the service of state interests rooted in supremacy ideology about race, gender, class and ethnicity.

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  • Ouro Preto

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Figurations and Interlocutions: The Feminine Question in Walter Benjamin’s Oeuvre

    Artefilosofia Journal

    Even though he was a philosopher, not a poet, Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) thought poetically, says Hannah Arendt about his friend and life-long correspondent. In his oeuvre, the feminine appears through recurrent images whose meaning may vary according to the context, in different figurations and fictions. In agreement with these fictional figurations, one of his first essays presents the question of what a feminine culture or a feminine language would be (Metaphysik der Jugend, GS, II, I, 1977).

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  • Porto Alegre

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Imigração e maternidade

    Chamada de trabalhos para o número 1 da revista Iberoamerican Journal of Health and Citizenship, sob o tema da imigração e maternidade. Os manuscritos devem ser enviados até 28 de fevereiro de 2012 para

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  • Esprit et Langage

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  • Histoire des femmes

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