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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Journal “Imago, Interculturality and Didactics” - Varia

    Imago Interculturality and Didactics, a free international annual journal, invites the international academic community to submit their original articles. This multidisciplinary journal focus on literature, history, civilizations, political sciences, religious studies, translation, contrastive linguistics, laguage didactics and discourse analysis. The journal is committed to publishing in a variety of languages including English, Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish and Russian. 

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Polarized Societies? Challenges for Sociology

    XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology

    The challenges that polarization brings to sociology now extend to crucial domains of social processes and action, reaching, among others, the arenas of consumption, religions, identities, sexuality, childhood, culture, and science. In this context, the digitization of society and the economy creates and emphasizes dynamics of polarization, while simultaneously opening up new possibilities. Beyond the general impact on social interactions and practices, to what extent are the new social media a factor that promotes expressions of polarization?

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  • Appel à contribution - Psychisme

    Love, Lust and Longing: Rethinking Intimacy

    Research Program on Recasting Bonds, 4th International Symposium

    While discussion of sex become ever more common, opportunities to explore the nature of love are still rare. When the topic is raised, most often the focus is on dramatic experiences or hard cases. The “epic” and the “mundane” are probably more intertwined in our experiences of love than cultural speech and literature admit. Yet, an imbalance continues to exist: we reflect little on the smallness of events that sustain love bonds. What goes unexamined as such are the ways in which love is spoken of and enacted in everyday life. This trans-disciplinary research project is interested in exploring the lived experience of love considering the ways in which it is described and how it is practiced, identifying how love differs from and overlaps with concern, care, friendship and lust and raising questions about the ontology, expression and politics of love.

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  • Taipei

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Bodily Cultivation & Cultural Learning

    8th International Symposium of CORPUS (International Group for the Cultural Study of the Body)

    Almost all cultures recognize as a means of achieving religious or spiritual goals, cultivating moral and emotional virtue, or transforming ideas into bodily practices. Some of the most common examples include fasting, meditation, vegetarianism, and qigong or taichi. Rather than focus on these obvious examples, conference attendees will examine culturally driven bodily practices such as proper ways to walk, sit, and gesture—all of which are often endowed with rich cultural meaning, information about cultural learning, and knowledge about the cultivation of values and merit. Bodily cultivation can also be analyzed as a channel for learning, manifesting, developing, or shaping cultural concepts and ideals.

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  • Fribourg

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Que nous apprend l'enseignement religieux ?

    Was lernen wir vom Religionsunterricht?

    La Chaire de science des religions de l'Université de Fribourg organise une conférence de deux jours sur les aspects historiques et sociopolitiques de l'enseignement religieux. Cette conférence met l'accent sur l'importance de la recherche sur l'enseignement religieux pour comprendre l'évolution des relations entre Etat, communautés religieuses et société civile.La conférence aura lieu à Fribourg (Suisse) le 25 et le 26 juin 2010. Les papiers peuvent être présentés en français, allemand ou anglais. Délai pour les résumés (via e-mail, max 200 mots) : 1er décembre 2009. Dr. Ansgar Jödicke ( ; Lic. phil. Andrea Rota (

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