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  • Milão

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    Promoting the Made in Italy Brand (1948-1960)

    Histories of Italian craft and design for the 21st century

    The conference Promoting the Made in Italy Brand (1948-1960) will reflect on the meaning of 1950s Italian design on a global scale and from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It aims to highlight the presence of an Italian creative heritage spanning all aspects of design (including architecture, fashion, furniture, product and graphic design, and transport). It will examine the many ways to experience Italian design both inside and outside the museum through the lens of a post-pandemic world.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas


    Urgent issue of The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

    This special issue, Tilting, seeks to take up themes that have animated the Blackwood’s program and mandate throughout the last several years: questions of connectivity, the challenges of public and private space, community and/in isolation; imperatives to re-structure modes and methodologies of care, including revaluing care work, confronting collective care responsibilities within colonial and capitalist structures, and engaging with the infrastructures, aesthetics, contestations, and radical possibilities of mutual aid; responses to the precarization of art, labour, and life; interest in what modes of knowledge production, circulation, and re-distribution are vital to us now, and how these networks might take new form. These urgencies continue to drive Blackwood programming (and this forthcoming publication), supporting and activating artists, curators, and writers who incite us to be responsive, critical, and answerable.

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  • Oslo

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Labor in the creative industries: The case of fashion

    On the occasion of the exhibition “Tomorrowear. A French Story” at Villa Stenersen, this international conference will shed new light on labor in the creative industries, with a special focus on fashion. The present conference intends to do so without chronological nor geographical limitations. The Call for Papers is up until April 7, 2019.

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  • Nápoles

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    International migrations and labour from the 70s to the present

    Since the 70s the presence of migrants in Europe, and especially in Italy, has become a structural issue and has been at the center of the public and political debate. The progressive demolition of welfare systems, the job precariousness, and new consumer lifestyles have generated different responses in terms of regulation of the admissions of foreign citizens in search of a job and their management (housing issues, access to health care, etc.). Both with regard to organization of forms of protection of immigrants in the exercise of theirs fundamental rights, especially in cases of serious discrimination and exploitation (immigrant associations, trade union action, etc.).

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  • Lausana

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Histoire des théories du salaire

    Théories, analyses théoriques et histoire du salaire de subsistance au revenu de base

    The Centre Walras-Pareto is organizing a workshop on the history of wages. The workshop will take place at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 29-30 September 2016. Much has been written on wages within economics. In his classical account of the history ofwage theory, Dunlop (1957) refers to three time-periods: the wage-fund theory domination,the rise of marginal productivity distribution theory, and the “contemporary setting”, startingin the 1930s and characterized by a diversity of theoretical arguments; but much has changed.

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  • Lisbon

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    O trabalho no ecrã: memórias e identidades sociais através do cinema

    O trabalho nas sociedades contemporâneas tem vindo a sofrer, desde o início do século XX, processos vários de mudança que, com o contexto atual de crise económica e emprego, exigem equacionar a estruturação das identidades que sobre o trabalho se constroem e modificam. Este seminário internacional e multidisciplinar tem como objetivo reunir e discutir contribuições que analisem os processos envolvidos na formação de identidades sociais e suas representações através do cinema. O seminário explorará como o cinema e as práticas cinematográficas – a produção, realização e usos dos filmes – têm contribuído para a formação de memórias sociais sobre o trabalho.

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  • Lovaina

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    In-Corporate. The Human Sciences in Business History: between Naturalization and Legitimization (1880-1940)

    Even if human scientists and business executives like to argue otherwise, the human sciences have always been in-corporated. Without them, the modern business corporation would simply have been unimaginable, just as the production and consumption of working bodies within these corporations. ‘The Firm’ continues to frame itself as a fundamental human enterprise, in which the prominence of human ressources and human relations only continues to increase, yet the humanities of the business corporation largely remain to be written.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    A "subjective shot" on labor

    Issue n. 9 of the journal Snodi will be devoted to the theme of labor, in its broadest sense, as a manual and an intellectual activity; labor of the land, in the factory, in the services; dependent or autonomous labor; regular or irregular labor; labor as a blessing or as a curse; loved or hated labor; labor producing identity and participation or refusal and exclusion, as long as it is represented 'subjectively'.

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  • Lisbon

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Unsettling the local: changes in food and in rural development

    Appel à communication pour le XIIIe congrès mondial de sociologie rurale. Thème de travail : alimentation et local. Thèmes de recherche : histoires alimentaires locales ; valorisation de l'alimentation locale dans un nouveau contexte environnemental ; approche multidimensionnelle des enjeux liés aux aliments locaux.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global

    16th annual conference EBHA

    Call for papers for the Sixteenth annual Conference of the European Business History Association (EBHA) and First joint conference with Business History Society of Japan (BHSJ). The conference on "Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global" will take place from August 30th to September 1st 2012, at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.The deadline for submission of paper proposals is January 15th 2012. For further details please, see the conference website: http://ebha-bhsj-paris.sciencesconf.org/

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  • Lunéville

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Travail et histoire culturelle

    Colloque de l'International Society for Cultural History — Lunéville (2012)

    Le congrès annuel de l'International Society for Cultural History, organisé au château de Lunéville du 2 au 5 juillet 2012, propose d’engager une réflexion sur l’articulation entre travail et culture, en établissant un dialogue entre différents courants historiographiques, dans une optique résolument transdisciplinaire. Il privilégiera la diversité des communications sur les plans méthodologique, géographique et chronologique. À l’heure où les questions du chômage, des retraites et de la souffrance au travail constituent des enjeux majeurs des sociétés contemporaines, l’histoire culturelle peut apporter un nouveau regard sur la notion de travail.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Un ingénieur, des ingénieurs : expansion ou fragmentation ?

    Nouveaux regards et approches comparées

    Tantôt perçus comme membres d'une catégorie en plein éclatement, tantôt dénoncés comme cheville ouvrière d'une économie génératrice d'inégalités, les ingénieurs semblent aujourd'hui être une catégorie sociale aux contours flous, dont la perception par la société n'est pas évidente à saisir. Qu'est-ce qui relie encore les ingénieurs entre eux, devant l'autonomisation croissante des branches industrielles? Comment peut-on analyser à la fois l'unité du groupe, ses multiples segmentations et ses zones d'expansion ? Mieux cerner ce groupe doit permettre à la fois de saisir les contraintes qui encadrent ses actions, et d'éclairer, par des événements ou des débats souvent tombés dans l'oubli, les pratiques actuelles sous un nouveau jour. Le colloque « un ingénieur, des ingénieurs: expansion ou fragmentation? » souhaite répondre à un besoin de réactualisation des connaissances scientifiques sur le sujet, notamment en contribuant au renouvellement des approches et en permettant d'établir une discussion entre les différentes disciplines.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Temps éclatés, urgence et perte de sens

    Dossier thématique de la Nouvelle revue du travail

    Le monde du travail subit de plus en plus la dictature du présent. Cela donne une impression d’agitation permanente, qui est aussi une façon d'éviter de se poser des questions sur le sens de l'action. Que veut dire, matériellement et symboliquement, de devoir travailler dans l’urgence ? Que fait l’urgence aux conditions d’exercice du travail et au sens même de ce travail ? Que fait-on concrètement subir au travail et au travailleur quand on accélère son rythme ?

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  • Berlim

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Labour history network

    European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC)

    Fifth European Social Science History Conference Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 24 - 27 March 2004 The Fifth European Social Science History Conference will be held at the Humboldt University in Berlin, on 24 - 27 March 2004. The ESSHC aims

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