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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Approches socio-économiques de la traduction littéraire

    L’objectif de cette journée d’étude est d’explorer le secteur, les professions et les trajectoires professionnelles de la traduction littéraire sous un angle socio-économique.

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  • Florence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Comunicação

    Publishing in a changing media environment

    New products, new organizations and new research models

    The European publishing studies association (EuroPub) aims to foster the exchange of knowledge around the contemporary book trade. This three-day conference brings together industry professionals, educators, and scholars to examine key issues around the digital transformation of the book, as well as to discuss the developing field of publishing studies. In previous years we have discussed topics ranging from the evolution of cultural habits (Building audiences, 2016) to the development of publishing skills (Curation. A perspective on the book industry, 2017). By the Book 5 will focus on innovation in order to identify the nature and drivers of change within the industry.

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  • Oxford

    Chamada de trabalhos - Época Moderna

    Printing and misprinting: Typographical mistakes and publishers’ corrections (1450-1600)

    This one-day symposium – opening with a keynote lecture by Anthony Grafton (Princeton) – aims to explore the notions of typos and manuscript or stop-press emendations in early modern print shops. Building on Grafton’s seminal work, scholars are invited to present new evidence on what we can learn from misprints in relation to publishers’ practices, printing and pre-publication procedures, and editorial strategies between 1450 and 1600.

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  • Montreal

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Hégémonie ou résistance ? Sur le pouvoir ambigu de la communication - Audience section

    Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2015

    The IAMCR Audience Section invites papers that both reflect the conference theme and the Section's interest in new approaches to audience research in the context of a digital, global media environment.  The Section aims to reflect and encourage plural  understandings of audiences for a range of media technologies, in diverse settings, reflecting the role of media in identity, everyday life and broader social and political engagement.

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  • Montreal

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Hégémonie ou résistance ? Sur le pouvoir ambigu de la communication – Comic Art Working Group

    Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2015

    The Comic Art Working Group, founded in 1984 by John A. Lent, is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary. As part of that occasion, the group hopes to have a full program of papers for the 2015 IAMCR conference in Montreal. Papers on any aspect of comic art are requested, such as political, advertising, or gag cartoons, newspaper strips, comic books, graphic novels, humor /cartoon periodicals, animation, and caricature.

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  • Florence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Comunicação

    Books and Reading in Age of a Media Overload

    By the Book 2. Publishing studies conference

    This two-day conference brings together scholars from the field of publishing studies to examine key issues around the digital transformation of the book, as well as to discuss the developing field of publishing studies.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Américas

    Alice Munro, Dance of the Happy Shades

    Revue Études Canadiennes / Canadian Studies, n°77, February 2015

    The Revue Études Canadiennes / Canadian Studies seeks contributions in English dealing with Alice Munro’s short fiction writing (particularly Dance of the Happy Shades).

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Comunicação

    Handbook of Research on Multimedia Integration and Interactivity in Electronic Books

    The purpose of the publication is to summarize the international current body of research on history, theory, models, methods, and experimentations on e-books and “enhanced” e-books (also named “media-enriched”, “augmented”, “interactive”, “multimedia”, “social”, e-books, etc.) in the fields of information and documentation studies, design, art theory and practice, literary studies, and computer science.

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  • Belfast

    Chamada de trabalhos - Representações

    États policiers : l'État dans le roman policier et le roman noir

    L’université Queen’s de Belfast organise les 17 et 18 juin 2011 un colloque international et interdisciplinaire sur l’État et le roman policier. Les propositions de contribution venues de nombreux domaines des sciences sociales et des sciences humaines et s’intéressant à cette relation sont les bienvenues et peuvent être adressées jusqu’au 28 février 2011, sous forme d’un résumé d’environ 300 mots à statesofcrime2011@gmail.com. Les communications, d’une durée de vingt minutes, devront être en anglais.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture

    Dédiée à la diffusion de travaux d’histoire du livre, Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture accueille des études portant sur tous les supports de l’écrit, du manuscrit à l’écran, en passant par l’imprimé. La perspective historique n’exclut pas ici les recherches portant sur des phénomènes contemporains, envisagés sous l’angle de la sociologie, de la bibliothéconomie, de la statistique et de l’analyse des professions. Dedicated to the dissemination of research in the history and culture of the book, Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture welcomes studies pertaining to all types of media for the written word, from manuscript to print to the screen. Our historical perspective broadens to include research on contemporary phenomena undertaken from a sociological point of view, whether in library and information studies, statistics, or an analysis of the various trades related to the book world.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Le livre dans le livre : représentations, figurations, significations

    Quatrième numéro de Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture

    Ce numéro de Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture vise à examiner comment se déploient le livre et les métiers du livre dans les œuvres fictionnelles (poésie, roman, théâtre, chanson), toutes époques et tous corpus confondus. Les articles pourront relever de l’histoire du livre et de l’édition, de la sociologie du littéraire ou encore de la sociocritique, mais privilégieront un questionnement méthodologique ouvert. This issue of Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture sets out to study how the book and its related professions are portrayed in works of fiction (poetry, novels, drama, lyrics), in a melding of eras and corpuses. Articles may be based on the history of the book and book-publishing, the sociology of literature or even social criticism, but will privilege a methodologically liberal interrogation process.

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  • Leeds

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    Finding the Plot

    On the Importance of Storytelling in Popular Fictions

    A conference co-organised by the Popular Cultures Research Network (University of Leeds) and the Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures Populaires et les Cultures Médiatiques (University of Limoges), 14-16 April 2010

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  • Nancy

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Les vies du livre

    Colloque international, Nancy-Université, 20-21 juin 2008

    Le groupe de recherche I.D.E.A. (“Interdisciplinarité dans les Études Anglophones”, E.A. 2338) de Nancy-Université lance un appel à communications en vue d’un colloque sur « Les Vies du Livre » qui se déroulera à Nancy les 20 et 21 juin 2008. Dans le cadre de la réflexion sur l’interdisciplinarité menée au sein d’IDEA, le colloque envisage d’explorer, par le biais de perspectives diverses, les questions liées à la production, à la distribution et à la réception du livre. Sont particulièrement encouragées les communications ayant trait aux domaines et champs d’étude suivants: l’évolution historique du livre, le statut du livre dans la culture contemporaine, le livre et le texte. Parmi les autres champs d’étude envisageables on peut citer: les politiques de préservation du livre dans les archives et les collections publiques et privées, l’illustration et l’ornementation du livre, les rééditions et les nouvelles éditions, les études comparatives de différents marchés du livre.

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