AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Report from the Pop Line: on the life and afterlife of popular

    At the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, popular culture finds itself at a crossroads: has the concept been drained of its meaning because of its overwhelming popularity? After the euphoria around the popular, what afterlife can be expected from it? Should we still be discussing the popular as opposed to high and folk culture? And where and how do pop art forms intersect with the current notion of the popular? This conference wishes to address the complexities surrounding the debate around the notions of both pop and the popular and discuss the possibilities of their afterlife.

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  • Hong Kong

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Foodways and Heritage

    International Conference organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Department of Anthropology). In collaboration with the UNESCO Chair "Safeguarding and Promotion of Cultural Food Heritages" (University François-Rabelais of Tours, France).This conference aims to :1. look at the politics of foodways and heritage, 2. investigate how different kinds of food are produced, sustained and inherited, 3. investigate how they are preserved as intangible heritage for various reasons.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Shaping Heritage-Scapes

    Processes of Patrimonialization in a globalised World

    The purpose of this multidisciplinary and international symposium is to give scholars from various backgrounds and geographical areas working on the topic of heritage and museums an opportunity to meet. We propose to regard them both as part of one and the same process referred to as patrimonialization that transform places, people, « traditions », and artefacts into heritage to be protected, exhibited, and highlighted. We welcome contributions that address this multifaceted process and focus on one of its aspects : objects, arenas, sites and paradigms.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Médias, internet, démocratie

    Médias, internet, démocratie : colloque international en trois volets : 1. : 23 avril 2012, Nouvelle Université Bulgare, Sofia ; 2. : 25 avril 2012, Université Matej Bel, Banská Bystrica et 3. : 27 avril 2012, Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble. « Nouveaux » médias, nouveaux usages, les espaces publics se transforment, les «massmedia » tentent de décliner dans de nouveaux modèles économiques une nouvelle personnalisation de l’organisation de l’information désormais participative où les réseaux sociaux, massivement investis, jouent un rôle ncontournable. « Digital natives » ou non, les citoyens développent des usages sociaux avec ordinateurs connectés, téléphones portables ou encore télévisions interactives, autant d’évolutions technologiques qui permettent de nouvelles pratiques, mais qui installent également de nouvelles identités numériques.

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  • Appel à contribution

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  • Anglais

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  • 2012

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  • Sociologie de la culture

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