AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Relationship between Art, Architecture and Society

    From Vitruvio to Herbert Read and Miwon Kwon, there is an important selection of publications which focus on analyzing the relationship between art and architecture. There is also a significant number of publications which explore the relationship between art and society, or between society and architecture, respectively, although there is a lack of papers which address the three together. This call for submissions welcomes fresh ways of looking at reality and underrecognized vernacular expressions, which could help us to unveil new ways of understanding the relationship between art, architecture and society, as a transdisciplinary response to the current state of affairs. 

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  • Erevan | Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Balat: Living Together

    Memory book. Collective monograph

    The Cultural and Social Narratives Laboratory (CSN Lab.) together with the City Detective - Palimpsest Center for Space and Memory announces a call for academic contributions to the “Balat: Living Together” project that aims at researching the peaceful dwelling experiences and the memory of multicultural community in Balat district, Istanbul, Turkey.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Intangibility Matters

    International Conference on the values of tangible heritage

    Tangible heritage is the support of some of the most relevant and perennial values of Mankind. It connects us with History, projects us to past environments and to lost cultural contexts, includes landmarks of our identity and constitutes a relevant economic asset. Therefore tangible heritage has intangible aspects inextricably associated to it and when tangible heritage is addressed, intangibility matters. Conservation of tangible heritage is a cultural act with the value approach as a leading concept. The protection statutes, the arguments used to sustain the protection policies, the management options and definition of priorities, the allocation of resources and the uses of heritage assets are intimately connected and dependent on values, bringing to focus the intangible side of their nature.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Images of the courtier in Northern European art, 1500-1700

    L’image du courtisan a été fréquemment étudiée par les historiens de l’art italien, notamment autour de la figure de Baldassare Castiglione. Elle a été, en revanche, singulièrement moins traitée en relation avec les pays d’Europe septentrionale – pays germaniques, Flandres, Provinces-Unies, France, Angleterre. À l’occasion de la rencontre de la RSA à Berlin (2015), nous souhaiterions aborder cette question en proposant une comparaison des théories et des pratiques, des rituels sociaux et religieux, des stratégies politiques et institutionnelles ou des mécanismes d’appartenance et de distinction élitaire. Il s’agira de reconstituer l’imaginaire du courtisan, qui suscite l’émulation entre les espaces curiaux traditionnels (France, Flandres), encourage de nouvelles formes de sociabilités (pays germaniques, Angleterre) ou est reformulé par des sociétés dénuées de cours officielles (Sept-Provinces). L’accent sera mis sur l’examen des formes symboliques prises par cet imaginaire dans les arts visuels (allégories, emblèmes, etc.) mais aussi dans l’architecture et le décor, où la notion de convenance est prépondérante.

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  • Sociologie de la culture

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  • Architecture

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