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  • Marseille

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Migrations : nos voix, nos chemins de traverse

    Rencontre entre arts, sciences et militances

    Du 22 au 28 octobre 2018 se tiendra, à Marseille, une rencontre autour de tables-rondes, expositions, projections, spectacles. Ce croisement des pratiques, créations et réflexions cherchera à explorer comment imaginer de nouvelles manières de rendre visible les migrations, d’entendre la voix migrante. Face à l’urgence et à la complexité des situations, face à un modèle sociétal qui oscille entre images spectaculaires et mesures restrictives, nous souhaitons en effet nous poser ensemble la question de notre responsabilité : comment sortir du « grand spectacle » politique et médiatique pour penser nos productions de façon à « dire la vérité du mieux possible » (N. Chomsky) ?

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  • Aberystwyth

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Dialectics of Dread and Refuge

    Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group (TaPRA Conference)

    In A Grammar of the Multitude, Paolo Virno discriminates between the Kantian view of the dialectic of dread and refuge, which is based on a distinction between particular danger and absolute danger (also articulated by Heidegger through the distinction between fear and anguish) and the collapse of this distinction in the post-Fordist world, in which "the dividing line between fear and anguish, between relative dread and absolute dread, is precisely what has failed." (Virno 2004, 32) If post-Fordist institutions rely on a culture of pervasive dread – manifest as fear and anxiety – how do we resist this nearly intangible culture today? Arguably, we are moving beyond the sort of entrenched paralysis Virno speaks of, towards a new sort of political breakthrough, a manner of imagining life not determined by institutional cultures of fear and anxiety. Yet much thinking needs still to be done around the ways in which we engage in concerted resistance: do we fight within institutional walls – and if so, how do we resist systems of perpetual visibilisation – the gaze of securitization that renders us so exposed? What does this fight look like? Do we exit – and if so, where to? Is there a new underground? 

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  • Pessac

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Cinéma diasporique sud-asiatique : Rencontres

    The fourth issue of /DESI/ will focus on the question of encounters in diasporic South Asian cinema: Afghanistan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Bangladesh Nepal and Sri Lanka. The transformation of this contemporary human condition into filmic material coincides with a turn in the scientific study of diasporas. Forced migrations, which generate a movement of displacement and settlement in home territories, movements of arrivals, caught in a logic of deterritorialization, diasporas – and more particularly South Asian diasporas – are all relocated in transnational and transcultural spaces. Cinema holds a mirror to this experience of movement through this new “ethnoscape” (Appadurai) made up of shifts and disjunctures, free flows and political hurdles, border-crossings and assignment of identity.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Travelling Narratives and Images in Times of Migration

    Migrant narratives and aesthetic practices influenced by experiences of migration constitute a growing field in contemporary art and literature. Current patterns of migration and issues related to the protection of refugees and asylum seekers contribute to the strong societal impact of migrant aesthetics and narrratives, but also serve to explain the need for them as such, as well as the need to reexamine them. More than ever, we need to understand the experiences of exiles, migrants and refugees. The objective of this interdisciplinary seminar is to examine textual, material and visual expressions that represent, discuss and problematize migration.  

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  • Appel à contribution

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  • Ethnologie, anthropologie

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  • Migrations, immigrations, minorités

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  • Études visuelles

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