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  • Kalamazoo

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    The Virgin and the City : Urban Marian Spaces in Late Medieval Europe

    The session wishes to analyze the Marian presence in Late Medieval European cities. The scholarly importance of the session lies in understanding how the Virgin became a part of urban landscapes and how the political and civic powers enhanced religious place‐making practices. How was the Mother of God accommodated and exhibited in civic space? What does Marian images’ location reveal about the relationship between devotion and public places? Why did the Virgin become the guarantor of civic unity? And finally, how did Mary personify the “urban ideology”?

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions


    Symbolic and Material Changes to Cult Images in the Classical and Medieval Ages

    Iconotropy is a Greek word which literally means “image turning.” William J. Hamblin (2007) defines the term as “the accidental or deliberate misinterpretation by one culture of the images or myths of another one, especially so as to bring them into accord with those of the first culture.” In fact, iconotropy is commonly the result of the way cultures have dealt with images from foreign or earlier cultures. Numerous accounts from classical antiquity and the Middle Ages detail how cult images were involved in such processes of misinterpretation, both symbolically and materially. Pagan cultures for example deliberately misrepresented ancient ritual icons and incorporated new meanings to the mythical substratum, thus modifying the myth’s original meanings and bringing about a profound change to existing religious paradigms. Iconotropy is a fundamental concept in religious history, particularly of contexts in which religious changes, often turbulent, took place. At the same time, the iconotropic process of appropriating cult images brought with it changes in the materiality of those images...The conference hopes to generate new research questions and creative synergies by initiating conversation and the exchange of ideas among scholars in the arts and humanities.

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  • Kalamazoo

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Body and Soul in Medieval Visual Culture

    52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies

    This session seeks papers that explore the range of ways in which medieval artists responded to the anthropological duality of body and soul in the visual arts of the Byzantine and Western medieval worlds.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Liturgie et architecture

    Constructions, usages et aménagements des églises (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle)

    Dans le cadre de l'ANR Lodocat. Chrétientés en Lotharingie et dorsale catholique (IXe-XVIIIe siècles), l'université de Lorraine souhaite organiser une journée d'études sur les liens entre architecture et liturgie entre les XIIIe et XVIIIe siècle. Il sera alors question des aménagements ou réaménagements intérieurs des édifices religieux, l'émergence des pratiques liturgiques et leurs implications sur le bâti architectural...

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  • Anthropologie religieuse

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  • Bas Moyen Âge

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