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  • Beirut

    Call for papers - Political studies

    "It's a rich man's world?"

    Financing humanitarian aid and development in the Middle East since the mid-19th century

    Cet atelier exploratoire abordera les ressources financières de l’aide transnationale, leur gestion et leur circulation, en examinant les pratiques, les discours et les stratégies mises en œuvre, de l'émergence de l'humanitaire moderne, autour de la crise de 1860 au Liban, jusqu’aux récents bouleversements tels que la guerre en Syrie. L’analyse sera menée à diverses échelles, avec une attention aux réflexions sur le temps long et aux interrelations entre le local et le global. Il s'agit de mettre en dialogue diverses approches des sciences humaines et sociales, ainsi que savoirs académiques et pratiques. Sont particulièrement bienvenues les propositions portant sur un cas d’étude, un corpus de sources, un retour de terrain, des outils techniques et méthodologiques.

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  • Le Havre

    Call for papers - Modern

    Le Havre et le voyage en Chine au XIXe siècle

    La ville du Havre et son port occupent une place importante dans l’essor maritime et industriel de la France au dix-neuvième siècle : ce colloque a précisément pour but d’examiner les rapports entre Le Havre et la Chine, pays-continent dont l’ouverture progressive au monde au dix-neuvième siècle en fait une destination nouvelle.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Science studies

    Science, Technology and Nationalism in India

    Although the question of nationalism in India has been of interest to many social science scholars, the relationship between science and nationalism has seldom been discussed in an in-depth manner. STS perspectives and debates allow a framework that investigates the pivotal role and position of science and technology in the realization of state policies in India through several technoscientific projects and illustrates how deeply it is enmeshed within the larger political and social goals of national growth and development. Therefore, we would like to investigate the role science and technology play in these imbrications, the challenges they pose, and how these new assemblages reconfigure power relations between the Global North and the Global South within India, between States and markets. 

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Financing agricultural and food transformations. Practices, mechanisms, collective action, and public policies

    « Revue internationale des études du développement » n°254

    This issue is a continuation of the series of thematic issues that the Revue Tiers Monde, now the Revue internationale des études du développement has regularly published for 25 years on the subject of financial inclusion (no. 145, 1996; no. 172, 2002; no. 197, 2009; no. 225, 2016). This issue calls for original papers based on field research that contribute to knowing how the transformation of agricultural and rural systems in emerging and developing countries is financed, and more specifically, how farmers are financed. It aims, in particular, at delving into the new practices in the field of agricultural and rural financing, which is often marginalized in development financing policies.

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  • Call for papers - Economics

    Development and democracy in the era of the health crisis

    As part of our next collective publication, we invite you to submit a proposal related to the theme of this edition “Development and Democracy in the Age of Health Crisis”. The book aims to address different issues, constraints and perspectives of the covid-19 health crisis on development and democracy in a context of hegemony, instability and climate change.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Petropolitics in the Countries of the South

    Revue internationale des études du développement n°250 (2022-3)

    For this special issue, we consider a broad approach to the world of hydrocarbons, ranging from economics to cultural issues, and including history, politics, demography, sociology, and anthropology. Our aim is to go beyond a conception that reduces oil-producing countries to black boxes with outgoing flows of oil and gas and incoming financial flows, thus boiling everything down to this single (economic, political, and geopolitical) issue. Before causing global warming, oil had an in situ impact on territories, human communities, and ecosystems. This approach calls for a critical rereading of the abundant literature on the oil-producing countries of the South, in order to tackle oil-related phenomena differently, to identify new connections between them, and to examine those which are only little or not studied.

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  • Agadir

    Call for papers - Africa

    From one crisis to another: politics, Russia-Ukraine war, Covid-19 and the future of tourism

    Post Crisis Tourism: Resilience, Transformation, or Evolution?

    The covid-19 pandemic has plummeted the tourism sector into a serious and unprecedented crisis. For the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) the covid-19 pandemic is «by far the most serious crisis that international tourism has faced since records began (1950) [...] The impact will be felt to varying degrees in different regions of the world." In the first three months of 2020, the tourism industry lost $80 billion, and several million jobs are at risk. As we begin to talk about decontamination, Global tourism may be facing a new challenge: the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. From soaring oil prices to sanctions, declining tourist numbers, etc., the escalating conflict in Ukraine will have an impact on tourism. Thus, after the coronavirus crisis, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is becoming a new challenge for the tourism sector. Several questions arise that we would like to explore. Rather than adopting a developmental approach, we propose to adopt a reflexive approach instead. The expected contributions will combine empirical work and theoretical reflections and can be anchored in a variety of disciplinary fields in the humanities and social sciences.

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  • Angers

    Call for papers - Geography

    Territories and trajectories of development: relational dynamics as the key to renewed analysis

    Dans un contexte de concurrence accrue entre les territoires, le développement territorial et la mise en réseau sont édifiés comme des enjeux majeurs à de nombreuses échelles politiques et administratives. À ce titre, le colloque questionne l’inscription spatiale des dynamiques relationnelles et leurs rôles dans les trajectoires des territoires. La diversité des acteurs qui prennent part au développement interpelle les modes de gouvernance. La société civile et les structures de l’économie sociale et solidaire jouent notamment un rôle croissant dans le développement des territoires, à travers leurs initiatives citoyennes. Alors que les partenariats entre les différents acteurs sont largement plébiscités dans le discours public, quels rôles jouent les dynamiques relationnelles dans l’émergence des processus de développement territorial et, en particulier, dans ceux propres aux innovations sociales ?

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  • Call for papers - Political studies

    Chronic illness in the South

    Experience, knowledge and policy on the fringes of global health

    Ce numéro thématique interroge le phénomène social particulier qu’est la maladie chronique en prenant en considération des contextes extrêmement variés. Il ne s’agit pas d’un « sud » considéré comme homogène, mais de situations qui sont traversées par des contextes et des enjeux diversifiés qu’il sera nécessaire de préciser afin de comprendre en quoi et comment le statut « négligé » des maladies chroniques affecte les sujets malades. L’objectif est d’appréhender les formes et temporalités de la maladie chronique en partant du constat d’une certaine « négligence » dans l’agenda de la santé globale, impliquant des manques d’infrastructures, de savoirs et de visibilité.

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  • Agadir Tasguint

    Call for papers - Economics

    Appraisal of the strategic and operational issues of the COP22 - from sustainable entrepreneurial logic to climatic financing

    CREMA journal volume 6 - the journal of the centre for research into the economy and African management.

    La revue scientifique francophone internationale à comité de lecture CREMA / Centre de recherches en économie et en management africain ouvre son volume n°6 à la restitution des résultats de la COP 22 et à ses enjeux  stratégiques et opérationnels.

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  • Montreal

    Call for papers - Political studies

    The impant of the rise of emerging countries on economic governance and international trade and financial regulations

    CoSPoF-SQSP conference 2017

    Depuis les années 2000, la montée en puissance des pays émergents a modifié les rapports de force au sein du système de gouvernance économique mondiale. Dans un monde de plus en plus multipolaire, les politiques extérieures des principaux pays émergents visent davantage à légitimer leur statut de puissances régionales qu’à promouvoir un multilatéralisme véritablement démocratique. Dans ce contexte d’évolution des rapports de force internationaux, cet atelier pose la question de l’impact de la montée en puissance des pays émergents sur la gouvernance économique et les régulations commerciales et financières internationales.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    The Zabbaleens - a victim of over-analysis?

    Revue Égypte Monde arabe journal

    Les chiffonniers du Caire, ou zabbalin en arabe, ont fasciné les chercheurs et journalistes depuis plusieurs décennies. Ces communautés vivant de la collecte des déchets, de leur recyclage et de l’élevage de porcs nourris par les restes organiques, se situent en effet à la croisée de nombreuses problématiques fondamentales liées à la capitale égyptienne. Leur situation souligne les failles d’un État qui ne s’est avéré capable ni de gérer le ramassage des ordures ménagères, ni d’intégrer pleinement cette population marginalisée. L’objectif de ce numéro d’Égypte Monde Arabe est de rassembler pour la première fois les nombreuses études portant sur les divers aspects touchant à la vie et l’activité des zabbalines, mais aussi d’interroger de façon critique une certaine fascination académique pour cet objet d’étude.

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  • Nogent-sur-Marne

    Call for papers - Economics

    The Political Economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

    An accurate assessment of the current economic and political situation in Iran today clearly implies examining the relations between the structure of political power, the dominant forms of ownership, and economic activity. Furthermore, the interweaving of the economic and political spheres in Iran today can be better understood through this lens. Finally, an analysis of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s political economy can also provide keys to understand the country's future political evolutions. An analysis in terms of political economy thus requires a multidisciplinary approach involving exchanges between economists, political scientists, sociologists, and historians.

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  • Cergy-Pontoise

    Call for papers - Economics

    Funding and secure financing of agriculture in developing countries

    Funding and secure financing of agriculture in developing countries

    ISTOM, École supérieure d’agro-développement international organise le jeudi 21 janvier 2016, en partenariat avec La Chaire Microfinance de l'École supérieure de commerce de Dijon, un séminaire de recherche sur le thème : « Financement et sécurisation du financement de l’agriculture dans les pays en développement ».

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  • Paris 05 Panthéon

    Call for papers - History

    Europe and the Arabian Peninsula (19th-21th centuries)

    This international workshop will deal with the relations between Europe and the Arabian Peninsula in the Modern Era, from the beginnings of globalization until the most recent economic and strategic developments. In order to study both the evolution and the contents of such relations, two main topics will be given a more particular interest: Cultural and Scientific Relations in connection with the change of mutual understanding from the 19th to the 21th century; Evolution of Economic relations from the 19th to the 21th century.

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  • Call for papers - Education

    Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education

    Quality et conduite de la valeur pour l'enseignement du supérieur (pédagogie, organisation etc.)

    This book will aim to provide identified and relevant proposals of good practices to promote the outcomes and favor the issues of Higher Education providers; proposals that integrate all stakeholders dialogic expectations (the clients: trainers, trainees, companies and society) in a resolutely innovative optical within the sense of sustainability and the EFQM Excellence model. Within theoretical results into perspective by the concrete practice work, clues will be presented to help quality through design process, pedagogy, organization and management for WIL in Higher Education. Value management principles and standards are considered as a global framework to develop such trainings to achieve success in a European Environment (European Standards and Guidelines) but not only: facing uncertainties and constraints. Obviously strategy, policy and leadership have to be considered.

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  • Béja

    Call for papers - History

    Trade and traders throughout history

    Linked to human societies through the ages, trade has taken many forms; it was associated with the appearance of man since barter between tribes and groups of people in the primitive era. This has been one of the pillars of political entities (kingdoms, principalities, Nations and Empires) during all historical periods; it was a factor in their appearance and economic dynamism, a source of political and financial resources due to significant revenue provided to the public treasury power. Trade was behind the emergence of several social phenomena and changes that have affected certain groups of society; it was and is a tool for traffic or movement of social actors, values, and ideas between communities. Currently, trade is of great importance for economic development in all countries ; it is a real challenge that has had an impact on the lives of people, their daily lives, and human and economic development.

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  • Istanbul

    Call for papers - Urban studies


    Climatic change, air quality and energy challenges: the role policy in urban transport and preventative measures in developing countries and emerging economies

    Transport is an integral component of sustaining livelihoods: without efficient urban transport mankind would not survive and develop and nor would economies. Yet, despite the immense benefits that transport enables, such as access to jobs, markets, education, and consumer goods and services via global supply chains, the transport sector generates substantial disbenefits. These include dependence on non-renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions, local pollutions, road accidents and inequalities of access. Such disbenefits clearly demonstrate that the transport sector is currently unsustainable economically, environmentally and socially.

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  • Delhi

    Call for papers - Asia

    Labour, mobility and mobilization in South Asia

    16th Workshop Young Researchers Association Jeunes Études Indiennes (AJEI)

    Les ateliers 2014 de l’AJEI ont pour objectif d’offrir une vision aussi complète que possible de l’actualité de la recherche contemporaine sur le travail en Inde, afin d’en comprendre les évolutions conceptuelles et d’en analyser les enjeux les plus récents. En mettant en avant les questions de mobilité et de mobilisations politiques et sociales, l’objectif de ces ateliers est de placer au coeur des discussions, les travailleurs et leurs enjeux quotidiens.

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  • Denpasar

    Call for papers - Asia

    Tourism in Indonesia

    The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the development of international tourism practices. This activity, that has deeply changed the relation to time and space in the western world since the XVIII century, is now conquering the expanding countries of Asia. This specific moment of adoption of an activity and its practices, give the opportunity to analyze the various aspects of its growth. Are we observing a phenomenon of transfers, mutations or creations? If the development of tourism inChina and India has been studied for several years, its development in Indonesia still requires an in-depth analysis. How is this new activity appropriated in the fourth most populous country in the world? What are the effects on the Indonesian society, whose distinctiveness comes from the diversity of its people, cultures, and religions, throughout its 17,000 islands, from Sumatra to Papua?

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