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  • Saint-Denis

    Call for papers - Modern

    Between generational continuities and ruptures: Research on the Algerian war of independence Fifty years later

    La guerre d’indépendance algérienne, en tant qu’événement fondateur majeur de l’après-seconde guerre mondiale, peut constituer, en termes de « générations », un espace-temps bien défini et homogène. Dès lors, il est légitime de mieux comprendre et d’interroger la nouveauté des paradigmes d’une génération de chercheurs inscrits dans un champ de recherche en construction. Peut-on déceler des ruptures ou des continuités dans les objets, les sujets, les méthodes, les approches macro et micro-historiques ? Quelle place les sources ont-elles dans ces travaux ? Existe-t-il des changements entre les travaux qui se veulent plus larges et exhaustifs et ceux qui se fondent sur des aspects plus localisés ? Quels sont les déplacements de paradigmes explicatifs que l’on peut observer ? Cette nouvelle génération évite-t-elle encore les présupposés idéologiques liés à une mémoire militante ? Au-delà des résultats et conclusions des travaux, le colloque devra aussi mettre en exergue les méthodes, les matériaux, les perspectives d’enquêtes engagés. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux propositions des doctorants et jeunes chercheurs.

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  • Barcelona

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    1st International Conference on Anthropology and Urban Conflict

    Desertions, Counter-movements, and Forced Mobilizations in the Contemporary City

    The aim of this conference is to make an inventory and to analyze, from different ethnographic approaches, those often invisible phenomena of daily or extraordinary disobedience designed for, or inspired by, a rejection of spatial, economic, political, and social order. However, in order to identify them as mechanisms aimed at denouncing a particular order, we must approach these by looking at concepts that synthesize at once the processes that impose a homogeneous order as well as the practices that challenge it.

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  • Birmingham

    Call for papers - Political studies

    Rights and Representations

    Foreign Language Film Conference V

    Submissions are invited for the fifth Foreign Language Film Conference, on the theme of Rights and Representations. In this historic setting of the American South, and in conjunction with Birmingham's 50th anniversary remembrance of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, FLFC celebrates civil and human rights. Scholars will consider the question of civil rights in international cinematic traditions. How does film as an art and a genre represent civil rights, and human rights? What are the places of rebellion, terrorism, or non-violent resistance in forging individual freedoms, and how is this reflected in national cinematic traditions? How do international films address issues of discrimination, violence, repression, the struggle for social equality ? On the pedagogical side of the question, how do films about civil rights teach their viewers about international cultural and political traditions and movements ? How are these films incorporated into classroom discussions of global civil rights ?

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    • English

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    • 2012



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