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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies” - varia

    # 10 (2024)

    The editors of Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies are pleased to announce that the journal is now accepting proposals for its 10th issue. For this volume, we welcome proposals offering original analysis on the broad subject of Judaic and Islamic studies.

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  • Norwich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Ideas of Europe and Images of Russia. From the Eighteenth Century to the Present

    XV Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of Idea of Europe

    (Western) European perceptions of and discourses about Russia tell us much more about Europe’s self-perceptions (and delusions) than about Russia itself. And the same holds true for Russian views about Europe. Underlying such a complex identity-formation processes is an often troublesome intellectual dialogue between Europe and Russia, between two closely entwined entities. One of the purposes of this international conference, is to shed light on such a dialogue, discern its main elements, and its untold assumptions and underlying prejudices. The overall aim is to examine how images of Europe and discussions about Russian identity have interacted and influenced each other. Embracing a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, the conference aims to engage intellectual, cultural, social, and art historians as well as literary scholars and political theorists. 

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Approches plurielles au « dividuel » : politique, espace, corps, numérique

    Les journées d’étude Approches plurielles au « dividuel » : politique, espace, corps, numérique sont un projet hybride et transdisciplinaire. Elles partent du constat que, parmi les éléments de la modernité se trouvant en crise dans le monde contemporain, il est nécessaire de consacrer la juste attention philosophique à la notion d’individu et à ses transformations radicales. Face à cette crise, nous proposons d’explorer les interprétations et implications multiples qui émergent de la notion de « dividuel ».

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Global Series: TV and the Political Imagination

    This collective volume seeks to explore the vast potential of TV series and their role in shaping our moral and political perspectives on the world. Global Series: TV and the Political Imagination is part of the ERC Demoseries project, hosted by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and responds to Sandra Laugier’s call for taking TV series seriously as “a new form of education…[that is] both political and moral” (Laugier 2022). TV series have the capacity to reflect complex social and political realities and can serve as shared representations of moral reasoning and values, prompting viewers to engage in ethical reflection and philosophical inquiry. By examining a diverse range of TV series from across the globe, the volume aims to highlight their power to act as common reference points in shaping public discourse and conversation.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Récupération des espaces : spatialité et (re)occupation d’espaces en France et dans le monde

    ASMCF Annual Conference 2023

    La conférence annuelle de l’ASMCF (Association for the study of modern and contemporary France) 2023 cherchera à explorer le concept de spatialité : les dimensions physique et sociale de l’espace et comment elles façonnent nos expériences, nos identités et nos cultures. Ce thème s’appuie sur la conférence de l’année dernière autour de « présence, absence, hybridité » et s’interroge sur l’occupation des espaces pour comprendre les cultures et identités françaises et francophones modernes et contemporaines. Cela est particulièrement pertinent à un moment où les gens réoccupent des espaces qui ont été restreints pendant la pandémie de covid-19 et réfléchissent à la nouvelle relation à l’espace engendrée par cette crise.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies - Varia

    The editors of Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies are very pleased to publicly announce that the journal is now accepting proposals for its 9th volume. Proposals offering original analysis on the broad subject of Judaic and Islamic studies are welcome.

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  • Turin

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Rethinking Liberal Europe

    Ideas of Europe and Notions of Freedom between 1848 and 1945

    The aim of this conference is to shed new light on the ways in which concepts of freedom and ideas of Europe have interreacted between 1848 and 1945. While recent research into the history of European ideas for this period has focused on anti-liberal thinking, we emphasise that in the era of nationalism the idea of a Europe founded on freedom played an important role in the political and cultural debates. In doing so, we also want to rethink the link between Europe and liberal democracy in general as well as analyse its political implications for current debates. Scholars interested in participating are invited to consider their research with regards to how ideas of and discourses about freedom, however understood, (re)shaped notions such as “Europe”, “European”, “European civilization” etc. within historical and philosophical works, novels, works of art, treatises, speeches, propaganda material, and so on.


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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Terra universalis. New perspectives on Early-Modern first globalization.

    2021 The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting

    For several years, the new concept of space that emerged between the end of the 15th and during the 16th century has been the object of study by several disciplines. Besides well-known works by historians of science, contributions by epistemologists and historians of geography analysed the genesis of both the concept of universal Earth – i.e. the representation and conception of the word as a unity – and new perspectives on art and science.

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les voisinages artistiques entre tension et coopération

    L’espace artistique de l’Europe centrale et orientale dans ses interactions avec l’URSS dans l’entre-deux-guerres

    Dans l'entre-deux-guerres, l'administration soviétique forme une diplomatie culturelle d’un type nouveau avec pour but d’attendre des fins politiques, diplomatiques et propagandistes. Les historiens s’intéressent surtout aux expériences et aux échanges culturels avec l’Europe occidentale ou avec les États- Unis, alors que les pays limitrophes sont souvent exclus des études de ces circulations. La journée d’études, qui aura lieu le 1er juin 2021, vise à revisiter l'histoire artistique et culturelle de l'entre-deux-guerres dans la perspective des relations entre l'URSS et l'Europe centrale et orientale, à travers l'étude de la carrière internationale des artistes et des œuvres d'art au sens large du terme (peinture, sculpture et plus particulièrement les productions d'art graphique). Son objectif est de rassembler des jeunes spécialistes (doctorants et chercheurs en début de carrière) autour de cette thématique complexe, riche et peu étudiée.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    COVID19 and the Plague Year

    Special Issue of "Angles"

    This Special Issue of Angles would like to delve into the pandemic provoked by COVID-19, and its effects on the Anglophone world. As schools and universities are still reeling from weeks of lockdown and emergency distance-learning, plans are already underway to cope with an expected Second Wave when classes resume in the Fall. This issue invites writers, artists and academics to reflect on what has occurred in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, on historical, political, institutional, artistic, and personal levels.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique


    Urgent issue of The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

    This special issue, Tilting, seeks to take up themes that have animated the Blackwood’s program and mandate throughout the last several years: questions of connectivity, the challenges of public and private space, community and/in isolation; imperatives to re-structure modes and methodologies of care, including revaluing care work, confronting collective care responsibilities within colonial and capitalist structures, and engaging with the infrastructures, aesthetics, contestations, and radical possibilities of mutual aid; responses to the precarization of art, labour, and life; interest in what modes of knowledge production, circulation, and re-distribution are vital to us now, and how these networks might take new form. These urgencies continue to drive Blackwood programming (and this forthcoming publication), supporting and activating artists, curators, and writers who incite us to be responsive, critical, and answerable.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Langues minoritaires vocales ou signées et espaces inclusifs

    L'objectif de ce colloque international est d'interroger la manière dont les espaces sociaux qui se veulent inclusifs (école, université, espace culturel, service public ...) prennent ou non en compte les langues minoritaires. Il vise à faire émerger et discuter des initiatives originales et innovantes dans leurs dimensions psychologique, sociale, glottopolitique, anthropologique, linguistique, pédagogique, didactique et digitale.

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  • Venise

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Waging war and making peace

    European ways of inciting and containing armed conflict, 1648-2020

    The history of Europe is as much about violence and divisions – including religious wars, national clashes and ideological conflicts – as it is about shared cultural, social and economic accomplishments. If war has been such a constant presence in the history unfolding on the continent, the incessant efforts to limit its destructiveness are also an undeniable fact. It was such efforts that eventually led to the birth of Jus ad bellum and, ultimately, laid down the foundations of modern international law. From such a viewpoint, one might even find another definition of what European history might be. Some scholars have suggested that if war has structured a common European space, the containment of violence and the art of peacemaking have constituted ‘Europe’ in thought and practice. 

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Violence and film

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence is seeking articles dealing with philosophical issues that arise in connection with the depiction of violence in film and television. Violence, real or threatened, drives the plots of many, if not most, of the narratives we watch on the screen. Detectives solve grisly murders, victims seek revenge, teenagers flee slashers, gangsters spray bullets, Kungfu fighters trade punches, and armies clash on the battlefield (or in outer space). While almost everyone claims to wants to reduce the levels of violence in society, movie audiences regularly get an enormous kick out of watching on the screen what we abhor in real life. But not all cinematic violence is meant to titillate. Often the aim is to bring audiences closer to the sickening reality of the mistreatment and abuse suffered by those whose plights might otherwise remain invisible to us. While many worry that exposure to cinematic violence may desensitize us, perhaps it can also serve to awaken our empathy.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Fields of collaboration in contemporary art practices

    Can all art be considered collaborative? What has motivated so many artists, in recent decades, to organize in collectives and participate in collaborative projects? Does collaboration in the arts play a major role in redefining the art world and in the production of new subjectivities? How do collaborative art practices challenge the myths of creative genius and artistic individuality?

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of knowledge-making in the early modern world (1450–1800)

    Following the successful conference held in October 2017 in London and funded by the London Arts and Humanities Partnership, the organisers would like to extend a formative call for publications in preparation to propose a special issue on cross-disciplinarity and forms of knowledge in the early modern world (1450–1800).

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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Europe inside-out

    Europe and Europeanness exposed to plural observers (9th Edition)

    The 9th International Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader approach and understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of regular conferences and workshops for a wider arena of participants and disciplinary backgrounds in order to put on stage a worldwide monadology for such concerns. The conference aims also to enable critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxies by creating a framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to become once more a European trademark.

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  • Guildford

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Dispossession: Agency, ecology and theatrical reality

    TaPRA Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group

    In Ursula Le Guin’s 1974 novel The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia, children are educated to engage only with what interests others; the opposite is considered self-indulgence, condemned as “egoizing”. The disowning of any idea of the self is considered a virtue, as is the ability to speak the language of others. Le Guin’s novel fictionalises a common narrative in processes of 20th and early 21st century art: the withdrawal of the self. In relation to concurrent processes that reclaim agency for those who are already dispossessed, that call for the legitimisation of systematically marginalised voices, is the withdrawal of the self merely a privilege? How might wilful dispossession and agency be related through difference, as interconnected transitions of power, in such a way that reveals theatricality in the construction of reality?

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  • Huddersfield

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Music and Democracy: beyond Metaphors and Idealization

    This study day aims to interrogate the experimental and novel socialities, imagined communities and social and institutional conditions summoned into being by 'democratic' forms of music-making: What is the nature of a 'democratic ideal' in music (or art-making more widely)? What is achieved, politically, by rethinking the way in which music is made? When does such rethinking affect the wider domain of social relations, and when does it not? If democratic music-making can help with the wider democratisation of social life, how does it do so? When and how is ‘democratic' music more than just a metaphor?

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Envisioning Latin America: Power and Representation in audiovisual (re)productions

    Forma Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura, Pensament

    This issue seeks to critically address power structures in audiovisual (re)productions in and from Latin America and discuss how these play a role in the societal construction and representation of individual and collective identities, the ‘us’ and the ‘other’. By doing so, it aims at understanding how these representations – and broader discourses associated therewith – can be critically examined through media productions (cinema, television, radio, photography etc.) and their use as historical sources.

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