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  • Meknès

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Gender and education amid Covid-19

    Impacts, responses, and prospects

    The present conference aims to examine the devastating impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on gender equality and quality education, two sustainable goals identified by the UN, and the kind of responses which were triggered as forms of activism, self-expression, and creation of new meanings. Furthermore, it explores the prospects which may be unlocked for future professionals through learning different skills and values which foster equal opportunities for both genders in leadership and in the labour market, eventually and hopefully resulting in an equitable, unbiased, and fair labour culture for all.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Anchoring International Organizations in the Study of Organizational Sociology

    This paper session aims to bring together scholars who adopt a sociological perspective to the study of international organizations (IOs). IOs have historically been studied by jurists and later by political scientists through the prism of theories in international relations (IR). In the past two decade, growing scholarship in IR has shifted the focus to analyzing IOs as actors in IR in their own right. To this end, scholars have not only developed new methodologies, traditionally used by anthropologists and organizational sociologists, but have also embraced sociology as a discipline and more precisely the field of organizational sociology. In this way, IOs have been studied as bureaucracies, as organizations within which various actors compete, which comply and produce norms and values. Nowadays, organizational sociology provides a fascinating basis to study IOs not only from within, but also with respect to their environment in a dynamic perspective.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    La justice sociale en temps d'incertitude

    The 2021 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA)

    Social Justice in Times of Uncertainty takes as a starting point the health pandemic that erupted in 2020, which led societies across the world to cope with disruptions in the provisioning of goods and services, means of livelihood, and fundamental freedom – not least, that of movement. The crisis also revealed global and local inequalities, translated into who has the right to live or not, and raised new questions around (in)justice in the contemporary world. In light of the turmoil experienced, as a globalized society and within our communities, this congress emphasizes the relevance of social and environmental justice in the making of a fair society, asking the question: in times of uncertainty, what does it mean to live a good life in a just society?

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Labour and Global Solidarity during the Long 20th Century

    History of Communism in Europe Journal, no. 12/2021

    The current call for papers seeks new, transnational, methodologically innovative perspectives on labor and workers, stressing on the transformations work and work relations have undergone during the 20th century.

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  • George Town

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Social Changes in Contemporary Southeast Asia

    Exploring New Forms of Labour Regimes

    As social, ethnic or religious, identity or position in the political hierarchy is more often pronounced in Southeast Asian societies, labour is rarely at the centre. In particular, labour does not often appear to be at the root of the formation of inequalities. In reality, the labour factor - including migrant labour - clearly fuels the regional dynamics of growth, and enables trade specialisation just as its mobilisation has, in the colonial past, enabled insertion into the international division of labour. This conference seeks to bring labour back in at the centre of the analysis. Offering a rare opportunity to pay tribute to the main oeuvres and pioneering authors in the field in Southeast Asia, it will open space to recent ongoing research on social changes with respect to  labour relations, working conditions, labour norms, and wages.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Digital Labor in the Wake of Pandemic Times

    The last few years have been marked by a global economic crisis, strains on both institutions and labor markets, and unprecedented disruptions in the mobility of goods and people. Covid-19 has profoundly affected the way we work, causing an increase in people turning to digital labor platforms to deal with the uncertainties of an unstable economy. Even in the formal sector, remote work and automation have led to dramatic changes in the workplace. In navigating this new reality, it is crucial to examine how these changes are impacting workers, businesses, and society as a whole. By bringing together researchers, workers, policymakers, and practitioners, the INDL-6 conference “Digital Labor in the wake of Pandemic Times” addresses the latest developments and challenges in the fields of technology-mediated labor, platformization, and automation.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Private actors in politics and policy-making

    Czech Sociological Review, special number

    In recent decades, a body of literature has documented the growing involvement of private actors in politics and policy-making at different levels of government. This has been seen as related to changes in modes of governance towards more horizontality and flexibility, but also to the state’s changing regulatory modes and capacities. This issue will reflect on what these changes mean for making the distinction between the private and public spheres, and will do so based on empirical research on the actors and practices that transcend the frontiers between the two.


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  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Workplace democracy: arguments, policies, practices

    While democracy is usually taken for granted within the political sphere, it usually draws less attention in the economic realm and our societies tolerate highly undemocratic forms of economic organizations, which prompts many questions: How is it possible to question this asymmetry?  Does justice require democracy in the workplace? How can we make sense of democratic ideals within economic organizations? Is it possible to draw an analogy between states and business firms? Which institutional forms can workplace democracy take? What are the best theoretical frameworks to articulate the ideals of workplace democracy?  This international conference aims to bring together experts in political philosophy, business ethics, sociology, history, political science, economy and management around these issues.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Le travail en Éthiopie

    Rationalisation, dominations, mobilisations

    Si le travail est loin d’être absent de la recherche sur la Corne de l’Afrique, il n’est cependant pas traité comme un objet à part entière mais subordonné à une analyse du développement. La notion de développement est associée en Éthiopie à la fois à une perception « optimiste » qui met en exergue les réussites du modèle de developmental state mis en œuvre dans le pays, et à une version « pessimiste » du pays qui se concentre sur la réduction de la pauvreté.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Relationships of Trust in Street-Level Bureaucracies

    Research on social policies have analysed the increasing role of personalised relationship between street-level bureaucrats and "users", focusing on tensions between values and practices, daily professional practices and adaptation strategies or between the ways in which users understand the service and professionals their engagements.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie


    “Africa e Mediterraneo” Journal

    The debate on asylum and migration is bringing to light the theme of return; not that of an old migrant returning to his country of origin after a lifetime of work, but that of the younger generations who still find themselves in the midst of an existential and professional journey. There are more and more questions on the phenomenon of asylum seekers forced to deal with this step due to their asylum request being denied or their integration into society failing, as well as on the cases in which migrants return home deliberately out of choice with an enterprise project possibly favored by national and international policies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global

    16th annual conference EBHA

    Call for papers for the Sixteenth annual Conference of the European Business History Association (EBHA) and First joint conference with Business History Society of Japan (BHSJ). The conference on "Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global" will take place from August 30th to September 1st 2012, at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.The deadline for submission of paper proposals is January 15th 2012. For further details please, see the conference website:

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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Reembedding Finance

    Social Studies of Finance Workshop

    The purpose of this conference is to provide a venue for a productive dialogue between different perspectives to be found in the Social Studies of Finance, to think about their respective contributions, their commonalities, their differences and the opportunities of hybridization they may bring to light, stressing their relevance in the current historical context.

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  • Appel à contribution - Économie

    Management devices and the quest for performance in the public sector

    International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM)

    For several decades, and with renewed vigour since the late 1980s, public action has been called into question. All public institutions: the State, local governments, health organizations, state-run companies have been the object of two types of criticism. Economic inefficiency was jointly denounced with what was perceived as lack of democracy, transparency, equality, fairness and even security.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    The Comparative Analysis of Local Government Performance Measurement Systems

    A Global Perspective

    La revue « International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management » est une revue pluridisciplinaire ayant pour objet l'analyse critique des systèmes et outils de gestion développés dans le cadre des politiques de réforme administrative.

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  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Syndicalisation et formation. Renouvellement des perspectives et approches comparées sur le syndicalisme

    Colloque international de clôture de l'équipe ANR « Formasynd »

    Les communications devront s’inscrire dans trois axes principaux de réflexion. L’un porte sur la construction et la mise en œuvre de dispositifs de formation dans lesquels les enjeux de la syndicalisation, et plus largement de la diversification des publics-cible du syndicalisme, sont posés. Le second interroge les usages individuels et collectifs qui peuvent être faits de ces formations. Le troisième oriente le regard sur la circulation des savoirs entre les organisations syndicales et d’autres champs de réflexion sur le salariat, le travail et les relations professionnelles. Les propositions de communication d’une longueur maximum de 5000 signes ou 1000 mots rédigées en français ou en anglais sont à adresser aux organisateurs avant le 1er mai 2010 à l’adresse mail suivante :

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Un ingénieur, des ingénieurs : expansion ou fragmentation ?

    Nouveaux regards et approches comparées

    Tantôt perçus comme membres d'une catégorie en plein éclatement, tantôt dénoncés comme cheville ouvrière d'une économie génératrice d'inégalités, les ingénieurs semblent aujourd'hui être une catégorie sociale aux contours flous, dont la perception par la société n'est pas évidente à saisir. Qu'est-ce qui relie encore les ingénieurs entre eux, devant l'autonomisation croissante des branches industrielles? Comment peut-on analyser à la fois l'unité du groupe, ses multiples segmentations et ses zones d'expansion ? Mieux cerner ce groupe doit permettre à la fois de saisir les contraintes qui encadrent ses actions, et d'éclairer, par des événements ou des débats souvent tombés dans l'oubli, les pratiques actuelles sous un nouveau jour. Le colloque « un ingénieur, des ingénieurs: expansion ou fragmentation? » souhaite répondre à un besoin de réactualisation des connaissances scientifiques sur le sujet, notamment en contribuant au renouvellement des approches et en permettant d'établir une discussion entre les différentes disciplines.

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  • Appel à contribution - Économie

    Le marketing au service de la performance publique ?

    Marketing Strategies for Public Performance

    Le secteur public a pour finalité de produire un impact sur son environnement. La performance publique se situe donc à l'interface de l'organisation publique et de son environnement et ne peut être mesurée ou gérée sur la seule base de ses ressources et activités internes. Justement, le marketing, entendu de manière extensive (Kotler, 1969), est en charge de gérer les relations d'une organisation avec l'ensemble de ses partenaires extérieurs. L'incorporation des dispositifs marketing dans les systèmes de mesure de la performance publique semble donc inéluctable, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. L'objectif de ce numéro spécial est de réunir des recherche empiriques focalisées sur les modalités et les effets de la mise en œuvre des démarches marketing dans le secteur public.

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