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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Fuir les nazis : les exils bénis de l’Asie ?

    Cette rencontre s'inscrit dans la continuité du colloque de l'université franco-allemande (UFA) Montpellier-Weimar organisé en 2014 à Berlin « Construction des mythes de héros de guerre (Allemagne, France, Japon) » publié en 2017 au Leipziger Universitätsverlag. Après avoir étudié les ambivalences dans la construction des « héros guerriers », ce nouveau colloque s'intéresse cette fois à deux autres ambivalences associées à la deuxième guerre mondiale : celles du positionnement de certains États d'accueil vis-à-vis des exilés fuyant le nazisme et de « l'éthique de survie » des exilés eux-mêmes.

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  • Oxford

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Body Counts: The Administration of Military Losses and Casualties in East & South-east Asian Wars, 1930s – 1970s

    This conference examines war losses and casualties during the East and South-east Asian conflicts from the 1930s (e.g. Manchurian Crisis) to the 1970s, including the Second World War and the Chinese Civil War, with a focus on military (and prisoner) casualties rather than those of civilians. These conflicts were marked by the juxtaposition of hybrid military strategies and tactical configurations; a variety of local, regional, and international actors (including non-state groups); and a high degree of violence within fluid categories of imperial/anti-imperial, civil, and global warfare. The conference seeks to draw connections between these conflicts and regions by examining the administration of war losses and casualties, including the transfer of skills, knowledge, material, and personnel associated with these practices

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Chinese Students, Teachers and Scholars Abroad

    Myths and Realities

    Chinese Students, Teachers and Scholars Abroad: Myths and Realities, University of Helsinki, Finland, 23-24.5.2013. Organized by the Confucius Institute (University of Helsinki) and The Education for Diversities Research Group (E4D, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland). This conference is interested in the myths and realities that seem to surround the Chinese in international academic mobility and migration.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Global Ethics of Compromise

    What are the normative assumptions and solutions proposed to develop morally right or wrong compromise typologies? Can we develop a universal ethics of compromise or does compromise vary depending on the socio-cultural history of a country? To what extent is culture relevant in shaping types and norms of compromise? The conference aims, firstly, to understand how to distinguish a compromise from a compromise of principles; what constitutes an ethical or fair compromise? Second, it will analyze if practices of compromise vary from one country to another. To do so, different types of compromise will be explored through geopolitical, philosophical, historical approaches, with a particular focus on Japan and Taiwan. This symposium will examine theoretical issues and practices associated with compromise, by adopting a global perspective. It will bring together contributions from European, American and Asian researchers.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Smaller European Powers and China in the Cold War, 1949-1989

    This international conference aims to examine the policies of the smaller European powers towards China – and vice versa – during the Cold War. Thereby it focuses, on the European side, on both Western and Eastern Europe – regardless of whether a country was part of the NATO or the Warsaw Pact. Meanwhile, on the Chinese side, the conference proposes to include both Chinas, namely the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (RoC). While this should allow for the analysis of different relational constellations, the chronological framework – that ranges from the Communist victory in China in 1949 to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989 – should enable us to identify policy shifts and patterns.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    L'organisation internationale du travail et l'arc pacifique

    This conference brings together scholars from various national settings and disciplines to explore the historical role of the ILO and its relationship to other standard setting institutions in North America, East Asia, India, and Latin America during the post-World War II period.

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