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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Nuclear deterrence in Europe

    Visions, debates, opportunities, and challenges from 1945 to present

    This conference aims at gathering contributions investigating the gradual emergence, circulation and appropriation of ideas, projects or even programs connecting Europe with nuclear deterrence, whether crafted in, by or for Europe in its broader meaning, in national or international, informal or institutionalised frameworks.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Methodologies of Working in Cold War Archives

    Facts, Values and Archival Ecologies

    The workshop aims to contribute to the discussion on knowledge practices in times of reflexive disbelief by addressing the role of scholars with regards to different truth regimes. Michel Foucault once remarked that the analysis of “truth” should go beyond the evaluation of isolated statements: truth regimes are power systems which produce and sustain certain truths in a circular way, through political and economic institutions. William Davies of “The Guardian” traced back the current popular skepticism vis-à-vis professional expertise to a paradigm shift in truth regimes: the immediacy of self-revelatory data has been replacing, through a multitude of revelations, leaks and informational wars dating as far back as the Cold War, the interpretative work by experts and journalists

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Labour and Global Solidarity during the Long 20th Century

    History of Communism in Europe Journal, no. 12/2021

    The current call for papers seeks new, transnational, methodologically innovative perspectives on labor and workers, stressing on the transformations work and work relations have undergone during the 20th century.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Exploring a democratic ritual: “Young citizens’ ceremonies” in transnational perspective

    Throughout the 20th century, and in some instances until today, various European countries, among them Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France, have organized ceremonies to celebrate the accession of young citizens to their political rights (and duties). Called Jungbürgerfeier, Erstwählerfeier, Burgerdag or promotions citoyennes, these rituals have long been forgotten in countries where they ceased to exist, or been overlooked as marginal or simply boring. In fact, however, in the course of their transformations and transnational circulation they have crystallized key tensions within contemporary democracies. We would like to invite scholars working on or interested by these ceremonies in other contexts to join us and help us broaden our transnational perspective.

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les voisinages artistiques entre tension et coopération

    L’espace artistique de l’Europe centrale et orientale dans ses interactions avec l’URSS dans l’entre-deux-guerres

    Dans l'entre-deux-guerres, l'administration soviétique forme une diplomatie culturelle d’un type nouveau avec pour but d’attendre des fins politiques, diplomatiques et propagandistes. Les historiens s’intéressent surtout aux expériences et aux échanges culturels avec l’Europe occidentale ou avec les États- Unis, alors que les pays limitrophes sont souvent exclus des études de ces circulations. La journée d’études, qui aura lieu le 1er juin 2021, vise à revisiter l'histoire artistique et culturelle de l'entre-deux-guerres dans la perspective des relations entre l'URSS et l'Europe centrale et orientale, à travers l'étude de la carrière internationale des artistes et des œuvres d'art au sens large du terme (peinture, sculpture et plus particulièrement les productions d'art graphique). Son objectif est de rassembler des jeunes spécialistes (doctorants et chercheurs en début de carrière) autour de cette thématique complexe, riche et peu étudiée.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Advocating religious freedom in the Helsinki process

    New research perspectives on the non-state actors in view of the 50th anniversary of the Helsinki treaty (1975–2025)

    This online workshop aims at further exploring human rights activists involved in the Helsinki process, at the interface between the Dissent and the Western public, and between state and other private networks. The focus of this workshop is on the religion, on religious networks and actors who advocate religious freedom and human rights in the CSCE process. We are particularly interested in contributions focussing on the neutral States of Europe (e.g. Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Malta, Austria) and on Eastern European groups as they are often underrepresented in international research.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Commercial Centres in Post-War Cities. Questioning Rearrangement of the Urban Landscape and the Society

    IGU congress - Paris 2022

    From the Battle of Baghdad in 1258 to the late Syrian Civil Conflict, wars always were outstanding occurrences for urban landscape changes by making physical destructions and population change. Certainly the acceleration in urban development and reconstruction in order to catch up the period of conflict, chaos and recession affects the urban landscape. An element of importance on which we would like to focus when questioning urban landscapes in post-war cities is the commercial centre, a representative urban object of our current consumption society.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Assist and Unify? Nation Building and Welfare in the Upper Adriatic and Eastern Baltic Sea Region in the 20th Century

    Monographic issue of «Qualestoria. Rivista di storia contemporanea»

    Questioning the primacy of the nation-state, a special issue of Qualestoria to be published in December 2022 aims to analyze how different welfare practices have represented a tool of nation-building in territories contested by various national groups or states. To what extent have different political contexts affected the use of welfare for nation-building purposes? What role have welfare practices played in strengthening the position of the titular nation or in attempting to integrate/assimilate minorities? What outcomes have “bottom-up” initiatives propelled? The special issue will try answer these questions with a focus on the eastern Baltic Sea region and the Upper Adriatic. Contributions related to other east central European areas will also be considered.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (1922-2022)

    The centenary of the creation of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC) is an opportunity for historians to step back and examine the achievements but also the limitations of this enterprise, its lack of diversity and cultural representativeness. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in this field of research, in parallel with a renewed interest in the League of Nations as a whole, in a context of doubts about the capacity of multilateral institutions. Without attempting to cover all the areas that remain to be studied in relation to intellectual cooperation and soft power diplomacy in the interwar period, such an event therefore seems to be a useful place of exchange at the crossroads between the archives, teaching and research communities. To do this, the scientific committee invites participants to reflect in particular on the renewal of our methods: whether it is about new approaches or the use of innovative digital tools, the aim of this conference is not only to look at the past but also to inspire future research.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    The Contribution of Women to International Law and International Relations: between War and Peace

    Third Global Online Congress on International Relations and International Law of the European University of Valencia

    More than 20 years ago, UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) underlined the fact that women play a key role in promoting peace, security, development, and human rights. States were invited to ensure that women are better represented at all levels of decision-making processes in national, regional, and international institutions and mechanisms for the prevention, management, and resolution of conflicts. The aim of the congress is the analyze of women’s contributions to the areas of international relations and international law in the context of war and peace processes, both from a general approach and illustrated in specific political and legal areas.

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  • Oxford

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Body Counts: The Administration of Military Losses and Casualties in East & South-east Asian Wars, 1930s – 1970s

    This conference examines war losses and casualties during the East and South-east Asian conflicts from the 1930s (e.g. Manchurian Crisis) to the 1970s, including the Second World War and the Chinese Civil War, with a focus on military (and prisoner) casualties rather than those of civilians. These conflicts were marked by the juxtaposition of hybrid military strategies and tactical configurations; a variety of local, regional, and international actors (including non-state groups); and a high degree of violence within fluid categories of imperial/anti-imperial, civil, and global warfare. The conference seeks to draw connections between these conflicts and regions by examining the administration of war losses and casualties, including the transfer of skills, knowledge, material, and personnel associated with these practices

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    « Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » - Varia

    Call for papers on historical, social or political issues in Commonwealth societies for issue no.2 of Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays. The journal Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing research on Commonwealth and postcolonial societies. Using an inter-disciplinary approach (history, sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, cultural history), the idea is to compare social issues across the English-speaking world. These issues include indigenous rights, settler, postcolonial et decolonising identities, gender and sexuality, social class, minority rights, republicanism and monarchy, ecology and the shifting frontiers of globalisation.

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Conquer your Future Now!” Youth and the Continuous Construction of Communism

    “History of Communism in Europe”, vol. 13/2022

    The relation between youth and communist parties can be analyzed from three major perspectives: policy, politics, activism. Firstly, there are youth policies implemented by the socialist regimes (education, sports, housing, employment, leisure) that were meant to respond to the needs of the young. Secondly, their political involvement (participation in elections, party membership, national and international youth organizations) was encouraged, sought for and sometimes even forced upon. And thirdly, the young’s activism, which was manifest in mass organizations or voluntary work, and which was preferred to be in support and not against the regimes. The latter includes young communists active in non-socialist countries such as Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, United States etc. along the 20th century.

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  • Lahore

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Understanding Gradients of Political Engagements

    Citizenship and Identity in South Asia

    Historian and political scientists of South Asia have been dealing with the ascent of postcolonial state and the form of citizenships in South Asia. The meteoric rise of postcolonial theory, subaltern school of historiography to be precise made efforts in bringing the role of ideas and culture in shaping state, community and political narratives. Notwithstanding these insights still this literature failed to bring in one very important thing; a comparative lens to study informal politics in the region. The social transformation and process of democratization has appeared to be inching ahead across the region from Nepal to Bangladesh. Therefore, increasingly a cross country perspective is required combining interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative) to develop a comparative perspective of way social and cultural factors influence informal politics in South Asia.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence and Conflict in Hegel’s Philosophy

    Special Edition of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Guest-edited by Tomáš Korda, this special issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence will be devoted to reappraisals as well as critical perspectives on Hegel’s thoughts on violence and conflict.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Experts and the City. Urban/spatial planning between politics and expertise in Western Europe, 1945 to present

    The “Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient” is delighted to announce a call for articles for the special issue “Experts and the City. Urban/spatial planning between politics and expertise in Western Europe, 1945 to present”. The special issue will focus on the Western European space between post-WWII reconstruction and the present.

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  • Louvain

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    De-centering the history of international and transnational organisations: archives, methods, and new perspectives

    This workshop seeks to explore how different methodological approaches to international and transnational organisations can bring new histories into view. Rather than approaching international and transnational organisations from a strictly institutional point of view, we, instead, wonder how these organisations and their archives can become the basis for telling other, local, regional or international, stories that shift the focus to the broader context in which these organisations operated. By going beyond the institutional histories the workshop probes to re-evaluate the historiographical position of these organisations, while maintaining a clear view of the historian’s placement, challenges and limits.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Afterlives of Revolutions

    A Special Issue of “Práticas da História”

    Political and social revolutions are events frequently studied by the discipline of History. However, contributions by historians to the study of the posthumous lives of these events are rarer. This call aims to elicit proposals for articles and essays that focus on the memorialistic trajectories of revolutions. Case studies, historical comparisons, or theory-based approaches may be proposed. The journal Práticas da História also encourages the submission of proposals for articles and essays that focus on how political discourse, commemorative politics, and historical staging have dealt and are dealing with past revolutions, as well as the discussion of issues such as the mobilization of examples, icons, or concepts of past revolutions by revolutionary action. The problem of the inscription (or not) of revolutions in the organics of the regimes that succeed them or, finally, the identification of the beginning/end of a revolution, may also be addressed.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Une Méditerranée transatlantique ?

    Circulations, influences et coopérations civiles et militaires entre les États-Unis et l’espace méditerranéen européen et turc (de 1945 aux années 1980)

    L’objectif de cette rencontre est de contribuer à une histoire transnationale et décloisonnée des circulations entre l'Europe méditerranéenne et les États-Unis entre 1945 et les années 1980, qui permette d’appréhender ces relations d’un point de vue global et d’analyser la façon dont ces liens ont pu aussi générer des circulations d’influence entre pays de la Méditerranée. Il s’agit de conjuguer les approches diplomatiques avec la socio-histoire de ces acteurs et avec l’analyse de la circulation des savoirs et des modes de gouvernementalité, en replaçant les enjeux et politiques militaires atlantiques dans le contexte plus large de mobilités intellectuelles et de pratiques croisées. La Méditerranée européenne et turque est ici entendue dans une acceptation large et politique, allant du Portugal aux confins de la péninsule anatolienne. De même, l’ambition est de voir comment ces relations entre l’Europe méditerranéenne et l’espace atlantique ont pu avoir des effets sur les rives sud et orientales de la Méditerranée, que ce soit pendant ou après la période de domination coloniale.

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  • Strasbourg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the XXth century

    The goal of this international colloquium is to explore psychiatry’s contribution to the troubled and non-linear history of the medicalization of addictions in Europe throughout the XXth century. This question should be explored through the lens of medical concepts, institutions of care and cure, as well as patients’ experiences. At the same time, our aim is to explore how psychiatric archives may renew the social history of drugs.

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  • XXe siècle

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