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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Science, Technology and Nationalism in India

    Although the question of nationalism in India has been of interest to many social science scholars, the relationship between science and nationalism has seldom been discussed in an in-depth manner. STS perspectives and debates allow a framework that investigates the pivotal role and position of science and technology in the realization of state policies in India through several technoscientific projects and illustrates how deeply it is enmeshed within the larger political and social goals of national growth and development. Therefore, we would like to investigate the role science and technology play in these imbrications, the challenges they pose, and how these new assemblages reconfigure power relations between the Global North and the Global South within India, between States and markets. 

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  • Guyancourt

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Globalisation and Minor Cultural Groups

    The role of so-called minority people in rethinking the future of modern societies

    Minority groups, whose way of life has historically suffered from globalization, are often cited as victims of global processes, but they are rarely studied for the techniques or technologies of accommodation and resistance they have implemented as a response to global processes— the most devastating of these processes being colonization in its various aspects. Indeed, globalist literature does not yet offer a conceptualization or theorizing of the social, cultural, political and territorial continuity of “minorized” cultures, let alone does it afford enough analytical space to these so-called cultural minorities in the process of questioning the values and practices of globalization. Therefore, this conference will participate in building more connections between different experiences  in order to think up the best alternatives to the global economic and political system in place and to the way of life brought about by global phenomena which do not work anymore. 

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Crise ecológica e novos desafios para a democracia

    Special issue of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais

    Esta chamada de artigos propõe-se reunir contribuições que, pela compreensão da crise ambiental contemporânea, utilizem criticamente os instrumentos de análise provenientes das seguintes áreas de investigação: justiça ambiental, saúde coletiva, democracia/cidadania ecológica, economia ecológica, ecologia política, ecocriticismo, sociologia ambiental e história ambiental.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Estudos do consumo

    Vida sustentável: práticas cotidianas de consumo

    O VI Encontro Nacional de Estudos do Consumo ocorrerá nos dias 12, 13 e 14 de setembro de 2012 em paralelo com o II Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Estudos do Consumo. O ENEC se propõe a estimular o debate sobre o consumo como um fenômeno que já pode ser considerado um campo científico consolidado em diversos países. Juntos, os dois eventos têm por tema a reflexão sobre a “Vida sustentável: práticas cotidianas de consumo”. Os eventos decorrerão na Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil).

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  • Études du politique

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  • Développement économique

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  • Ethnologie, anthropologie

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