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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Recent ethical challenges in social network analysis (RECSNA17)

    The interdisciplinary workshop RECSNA17 (Paris, 5-6 December 2017) brings together academics from several fields of knowledge to further advance the ethical reflection in the face of new research challenges. Research on social networks raises formidable ethical issues that often fall outside existing regulations. New tools to collect, treat, store personal data expose both research participants and practitioners to specific risks. Issues surrounding political instrumentalization or economic takeover of scientific results transcend standard research concerns. Legal and social ramifications of studies on personal ties and human networks surface at an unprecedented pace.

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  • Bragance

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Refolution: old and new paradigms

    Highlighting the 500-year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation allows us to recollect a cultural, intellectual and political revolution that sprang from it. It is indisputable that the Reform gave rise to one of the most decisive events in European history and the world at large, having thoroughly influenced the theological, historical, mental and political perceptions of western culture.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La notion de relation État-société dans une perspective comparative

    Atelier doctoral

    Le but de cet atelier est de réunir des doctorants à n’importe quel stade de leur projet de recherche (est encouragée d’ailleurs la participation des doctorants en début de recherche) afin d’explorer la relation État-société comme une approche théorique ou heuristique dans le cadre de leur recherche. L’objectif est d’unir les ressources afin d‘aider à une réflexion sur ce concept et son application dans la recherche au-delà les limites nationales/linguistiques et disciplinaires afin d’accroitre la sensibilisation des débats et les problématisations (et ressources) en dehors de la culture académique de chaque participant.

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  • Yogyakarta

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Indonesian Exceptionalism: Values and Morals of the Middle Ground

    ‘Exceptionalism’ is a borrowed political term that implies that a country or entity is somehow special. Indonesia is not small. Indonesia is not poor in cultures, religions, society, or ethnic groups. Indonesia is not unimportant economically, regionally, or politically. Historically, Indonesia has always been an exceptional place. Indonesia as ‘imagined community’ continues to be an ongoing process. Various questions that can be raised include: What are relevant Indonesian values and morals for maintaining Indonesia’s competitiveness in the global world? What is religion’s contribution to forming agreed values and ethics? To what extent is there an Indonesian contribution in balancing Islamic values and democratic practices? How do religious values impact the ethics of state governance?

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Pouvoirs et médias, pouvoir des médias

    Regards sur les Amériques

    A l’occasion de son 11ème numéro, RITA propose d’interroger dans sa section théma les liens entre pouvoir et médias dans les Amériques. Plusieurs pistes de réflexion peuvent d’ores et déjà être évoquées sans pour autant êtres exclusives. Des articles qui porteront sur l’analyse critique des médias officiels ou sur les médias d’opposition, dans des contextes historiques et géographiques variés, seront naturellement les bienvenus. D’autres contributions pourront porter sur les effets des différentes formes de traitement médiatique réservées aux mouvement populaires. Des analyses critiques sur les relations entre médias et pouvoirs économiques sont également encouragées. Le dossier pourra également intégrer des réflexions sur la diversification récente des médias d’information, en se focalisant par exemple sur l’émergence des médias « alternatifs » sur Internet, ou traiter également du pouvoir des fake news dans la construction des représentations collectives. 

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  • Catane

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Redistribution and Recognition: Calling Paradigms of Justice into Question

    Since 2009 the Department has been hosting scholars from all over the world within the Colloquium of Philosophy and Global Affairs of which the journée is part. The journée d'étude aims at encouraging reflections about social justice by questioning the competing and yet perhaps complementary paradigms centered on redistribution and recognition. The philosophical reflection on these paradigms will be enriched by contributions from neighboring disciplines.

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  • Stockholm

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The pragmatics of negation – Aspects of communication

    An international conference Pragmatics of Negation‑Aspects of Communication will take place in Stockholm from May 31 to June 2, 2017. The meeting is organized by the Department of Romance studies and Classics at Stockholm University in the period 31 May - 2 June 2017. Conference languages will be English, French and Spanish, but we also welcome presentations on negation in other languages. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV), Second Issue

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) welcomes contributions from young researchers and established academics concerning the philosophical issues raised by violent crimes. The selected articles will be published open access by Trivent Publishing at the beginning of December 2017.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Beyond the Revolution in Russia

    Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 years since the Event

    During the conference, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the events in Russia, we would like to consider individual layers of reception, commemo­ration, and performance of revolutionary thoughts, images, and practices in the area of the Central and Eastern Europe.

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