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  • Dublin

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Perspectives - Varia

    UCD Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 9, Issue 1 (Autumn 2021)

    The editorial board of the 2021 issue of Perspectives: UCD Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy seeks submissions of contributions, from postgraduate students and recent graduates, on any topic relevant to the theme of Social Philosophy broadly construed. We welcome articles as well as book reviews on recent publications in all areas and approaches to Social Philosophy.

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  • Budapeste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Philosophical Perspectives on Crime, Violence, and Justice

    The Criminal Justice and Philosophy series, published by Trivent Publishing and edited by M. Blake Wilson, is calling for proposals and papers for its inaugural edited volume, Philosophical Perspectives on Crime, Violence, and Justice. We are soliciting abstracts, completed papers, and a limited selection of previously published papers from philosophers, legal scholars, political scientists, sociologists, and criminal justice researchers. 

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    The struggle to tax inheritance: An impossible debate?

    This two-day conference aims to provide a comparative and multidisciplinary approach to studying the contested histories of inheritance taxation. We seek contributions that explore the political, legal, economic and philosophical struggles over inter-generational wealth from ancient time to the present day.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Transformational Experiences

    The Role of Immersive Arts and Media in Individual and Societal Change

    In a time of humanitarian and environmental crises, a better future depends on the willingness to embrace systemic changes with unknown consequences for each of us and for society as a whole. In this issue of AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images, we welcome any contributions investigating the role of the arts and media in these processes, focussing on immersive experiences in particular.

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  • Lyon

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Approches plurielles au « dividuel » : politique, espace, corps, numérique

    Les journées d’étude Approches plurielles au « dividuel » : politique, espace, corps, numérique sont un projet hybride et transdisciplinaire. Elles partent du constat que, parmi les éléments de la modernité se trouvant en crise dans le monde contemporain, il est nécessaire de consacrer la juste attention philosophique à la notion d’individu et à ses transformations radicales. Face à cette crise, nous proposons d’explorer les interprétations et implications multiples qui émergent de la notion de « dividuel ».

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  • Budapeste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Violence and Conflict in Hegel’s Philosophy

    Special Edition of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Guest-edited by Tomáš Korda, this special issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence will be devoted to reappraisals as well as critical perspectives on Hegel’s thoughts on violence and conflict.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Global Series: TV and the Political Imagination

    This collective volume seeks to explore the vast potential of TV series and their role in shaping our moral and political perspectives on the world. Global Series: TV and the Political Imagination is part of the ERC Demoseries project, hosted by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and responds to Sandra Laugier’s call for taking TV series seriously as “a new form of education…[that is] both political and moral” (Laugier 2022). TV series have the capacity to reflect complex social and political realities and can serve as shared representations of moral reasoning and values, prompting viewers to engage in ethical reflection and philosophical inquiry. By examining a diverse range of TV series from across the globe, the volume aims to highlight their power to act as common reference points in shaping public discourse and conversation.

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  • Nápoles

    Chamada de trabalhos - Época Moderna

    Natural Rights and Politics in the Early Modern Period

    Despite the ubiquity of the idea of human rights in our political culture, and its strong presence in the work of political scientists, jurists and contemporary historians, scholarly interest in natural rights — the tradition from which human rights are drawn — remains sporadic and fragmentary. This interdisciplinary workshop aims to deepen and broaden our understanding of the political uses and development of natural rights in the Early Modern Period, in Europe, the Atlantic world and beyond. By interrogating the relationship between natural rights and politics, this will be an occasion not only to analyze natural rights as a theoretical concept, but also and above all to study the different uses of concepts drawn from natural rights in precise political contexts, the political projects they served, their relationship with republicanism, and the emergence and evolution of particular rights.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    “Public Realm Postgraduate Philosophy Journal” - Varia

    The second issue of Public Realm: Postgraduate and Early Career Journal of Philosophy invites young scholars and researchers to submit their original works that address a range of topics specialising on the political philosophy of war.

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  • Béja

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Délinquances, crimes et répression dans l’histoire

    La question de la délinquance, dans l’acception la plus générale du terme, se révèle particulièrement complexe car les criminologues, sociologues, psychologues, psychanalystes, médecins, juristes, historiens qui ont abondamment étudié ce sujet ont émis des opinions souvent très différentes, voire contradictoires. Les difficultés surgissent dès qu’il s’agit de qualifier le phénomène. En droit français, le mot délinquance désigne tous les types d’infractions. Celles-ci se répartissent en trois catégories : les contraventions qui constituent les infractions les plus légères, les délits qui se situent à un niveau intermédiaire et les crimes parmi lesquels on distingue les meurtres, homicides volontaires non prémédités, et les assassinats, homicides volontaires prémédités.

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  • Budapeste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Violence and Conflict in Alexandre Kojève’s works

    “Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence” - Special Issue

    Alexandre Kojève is well known for having initiated a whole generation of intellectuals into a certain reading of Hegel. From the claim that the struggle for recognition must be necessarily a “bloody” one to the assessment that the replacement of those elites whose authority has expired may call for their annihilation, not to mention his equation of biological “death” with human freedom or his interpretation of revolutionary terror as a pedagogical tool to bring forth the perfect citizen of the post-historical age, Kojève´s corpus offers not few topics in which to ground such a reexamination. The special issue of Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) seeks cutting-age articles from contributors which openly explore the aforementioned topics as well as others along the same lines.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Recherche État, société, marché Europe (cahiers RESuME)

    ERASMUS+ Action Jean Monnet

    Le projet Ressources sur le modèle socio-économique européen (RESuME), cofinancé par le programme « ERASMUS+Action Jean Monnet institutions » et l’université du Luxembourg, a pour objectif de contribuer à l’étude du modèle socio-économique européen, de ses origines, de ses caractéristiques actuelles et de son développement à venir. Le projet se concentre sur l’interaction entre la société, les acteurs économiques et les autorités publiques, à travers le prisme de la notion de compétitivité européenne. Il mobilise à ce titre l’histoire contemporaine, le droit, l’économie, les sciences politiques, ainsi que la philosophie politique ou la sociologie.  Afin d’éclairer ce sujet, le projet RESuME crée une nouvelle série innovante de contributions scientifiques : les Cahiers de recherche Etat, Société, Marché, Europe (Cahiers RESuME).

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Recent ethical challenges in social network analysis (RECSNA17)

    The interdisciplinary workshop RECSNA17 (Paris, 5-6 December 2017) brings together academics from several fields of knowledge to further advance the ethical reflection in the face of new research challenges. Research on social networks raises formidable ethical issues that often fall outside existing regulations. New tools to collect, treat, store personal data expose both research participants and practitioners to specific risks. Issues surrounding political instrumentalization or economic takeover of scientific results transcend standard research concerns. Legal and social ramifications of studies on personal ties and human networks surface at an unprecedented pace.

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  • Berlim

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Marx, Semiotics and Political Praxis

    This special issue of Open Cultural Studies will return to the work of Karl Marx to reflect on and engage with his coherent articulation of words and their use, of words and actions, and of the intellectual and the political. The coherence of his discourse and praxis offers tools to think through, if not seek to transform, the alienated semiotic landscape of our times as described by the Frankfurt school philosopheers, Jean Baudrillard, Frederic Jameson, Sloterdijk and Slavoj Žižek. To commemorate the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth, in this special issue we want to honour his 11th Thesis on Feuerbach: "philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it."

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  • Catânia

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Redistribution and Recognition: Calling Paradigms of Justice into Question

    Since 2009 the Department has been hosting scholars from all over the world within the Colloquium of Philosophy and Global Affairs of which the journée is part. The journée d'étude aims at encouraging reflections about social justice by questioning the competing and yet perhaps complementary paradigms centered on redistribution and recognition. The philosophical reflection on these paradigms will be enriched by contributions from neighboring disciplines.

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  • Lille

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Workplace democracy: arguments, policies, practices

    While democracy is usually taken for granted within the political sphere, it usually draws less attention in the economic realm and our societies tolerate highly undemocratic forms of economic organizations, which prompts many questions: How is it possible to question this asymmetry?  Does justice require democracy in the workplace? How can we make sense of democratic ideals within economic organizations? Is it possible to draw an analogy between states and business firms? Which institutional forms can workplace democracy take? What are the best theoretical frameworks to articulate the ideals of workplace democracy?  This international conference aims to bring together experts in political philosophy, business ethics, sociology, history, political science, economy and management around these issues.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    The economic agent and its representation(s)

    3rd International Conference Economic Philosophy

    It goes without saying that how the “economic agent” is represented does matter to the utmost. It matters as much for economic theory as for empirical investigations that are based upon such models. It matters in the way institutions emerge, as to how societies get organized, and for the many devices contributing to the “general good” (whether they appear spontaneously, or are pragmatically and purposely created). It matters also for correcting incomplete or missing markets.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Disobey! Understanding the Politics and Ethics of Disobedience

    IPSA’s Research Committee on Political Philosophy (RC31) and Sciences Po, Paris are pleased to announce that a jointly organized conference on disobedience will be taking place at Sciences Po, Paris. The purpose of this conference is to explore the content and to assess the force of contemporary injunctions to disobey. In doing so, we want to step back from those dominant views that concentrate primarily on the question of civil disobedience, and see if there are other less visible forms of disobedience that demand closer theoretical scrutiny. Our conceptual bet is that disobedience does not have to be civil in order for it to matter politically and ethically. We intend to ask what is the meaning of disobedience, reflect on how disobedience gives rise to particular social movements and ideals, analyze the extent to which the morality of disobedient acts is practice-dependent, and think about whether there are categorically distinct types of disobedience. 

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    La production des subjectivités en contexte de gouvernance néolibérale

    Neoliberal governance and its structures, and dispositifs, are at the core of contemporary debates in the human sciences. David Harvey (2006) considers neoliberalism a theory that places individual freedom as the final goal of all civilisations. Private property rights, free markets and liberal democracy are the means through which individual freedom is best protected and society flourishes, according to neo-liberal views. The primary role of the state is to enforce property rights, while market forces govern the economy. Neo-liberal ideas have shaped global and national policy for over three decades, introducing the primacy of private property and market rationality in all range of public life from education to healthcare, from land governance to environmental protection. Workers' rights in the global North as well as in the South are devalued in favour of individual responsibility.

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  • Toronto

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Reinventing Citizenship

    Part of the Research Program on: Protest, Justice and Deliberative Power

    The International Network for Alternative Academia invites you to participate to the 7th International Symposium: Reinventing Citizenship, to be held on Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th of May, 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This trans-disciplinary project seeks to identify central problems of the experience of being a citizen today and evaluate to what degree is citizenship a good vehicle for democratic agency in contemporary societies and democracies the world over.

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