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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    Les dimensions transnationales de l’activisme dans la culture contemporaine du livre

    Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, vol. 26-2, automne 2022

    A is for Activist est le titre d’un livre pour enfants à succès publié en 2013 par Innosanto Nagara. Ce petit livre cartonné véhicule un message fort : les livres peuvent être des catalyseurs de changement. Le monde de l’édition a tantôt facilité, tantôt entravé le progrès politique et social dans divers contextes internationaux. L’activisme en édition a certainement une dimension transnationale : si les facteurs nationaux et identitaires doivent être pris en compte, reste qu’ils s’inscrivent dans un réseau transnational présentant des inégalités de pouvoir et de « capital littéraire » (Casanova 2004). Ce numéro spécial puise son inspiration dans « l’activisme imprimé » qui s’est développé dans le long XXe siècle (Schreiber 2013) pour proposer une réflexion sur l’activisme qui a cours aujourd’hui dans l’industrie de l’édition, et sur les recherches qui s’y rapportent.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Rethinking Participatory Processes Through Music

    This conference aims to explore the potential of music to contribute to this rethinking of participatory processes. We invite proposals from scholars working in any discipline for papers exploring participation, decision-making and power negotiation in relation to any musical practice in any historical and geographical context.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Or­din­ary Or­al­it­ies: Every­day Voices in His­tory

    Histories of voice are often written as accounts of greatness: great statesmen, notable rebels, grands discours, and famous exceptional speakers and singers populate our shelves. This focus on the great and exceptional has not only led to disproportionate attention to a small subset of historical actors (powerful, white, western men and the occasional token woman), but also obscures the broad range of vocal practices that have informed, co-created and given meaning to human lives and interactions in the past. The volume aims toward geographical and chronological breadth, from any region of the globe, from roughly the seventeenth to the twentieth century. Contributors to this volume seek out spaces and moments that have been documented idiosyncratically or with difficulty, and where the voice and its sounds can be of particular salience.

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les voisinages artistiques entre tension et coopération

    L’espace artistique de l’Europe centrale et orientale dans ses interactions avec l’URSS dans l’entre-deux-guerres

    Dans l'entre-deux-guerres, l'administration soviétique forme une diplomatie culturelle d’un type nouveau avec pour but d’attendre des fins politiques, diplomatiques et propagandistes. Les historiens s’intéressent surtout aux expériences et aux échanges culturels avec l’Europe occidentale ou avec les États- Unis, alors que les pays limitrophes sont souvent exclus des études de ces circulations. La journée d’études, qui aura lieu le 1er juin 2021, vise à revisiter l'histoire artistique et culturelle de l'entre-deux-guerres dans la perspective des relations entre l'URSS et l'Europe centrale et orientale, à travers l'étude de la carrière internationale des artistes et des œuvres d'art au sens large du terme (peinture, sculpture et plus particulièrement les productions d'art graphique). Son objectif est de rassembler des jeunes spécialistes (doctorants et chercheurs en début de carrière) autour de cette thématique complexe, riche et peu étudiée.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Living in the Aftermath. Catastrophes in South Asia and the Himalayas

    In 2024, the Centre for South Asian and Himalayan Studies (Centre d'études sud-asiatiques et himalayennes, CNRS/EHESS) is organizing an international conference open to all disciplines in the social sciences and humanities on the topic of the aftermath of catastrophes in South Asia and the Himalayas. The theme of this conference is in keeping with recent, global-scale and transdisciplinary reflections on the way the modern world thinks about and deals with disasters and the unexpected, be they ecological, technological or health-related, whether they are collective or individual.  

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the UK

    Within the context of the Black Lives Matter movements in the United States and the United Kingdom in the 2010s and 2020s, this conference will examine antiracist mobilizations and their historical continuities, their transatlantic circulations, their political resonance, as well as the many responses they have elicited, particularly in the arts.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New Monuments

    Iconoclasm, Reenactments, and Alternative Commemorations in the United States since 2000

    As demonstrated by Wendy Bellion’s scholarship, iconoclasm lies at the foundation of the United States. Yet Bellion also shows us that, rather than being sealed in the past, iconoclastic projects continue into the present. Iconoclastic destruction invariably entails creation—whether it is the construction of new monuments to replace the toppled ones, or the coalescence of a new community, movement, or nation. This conference seeks to bring together scholars interested in monuments and their destruction, public history and public art, historical reenactments, memory studies, and artistic practices across diverse media. We invite papers that evaluate recent commemorative projects, examine acts of iconoclasm and their aftermath, and study or propose novel approaches to representing historic events. 

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Récupération des espaces : spatialité et (re)occupation d’espaces en France et dans le monde

    ASMCF Annual Conference 2023

    La conférence annuelle de l’ASMCF (Association for the study of modern and contemporary France) 2023 cherchera à explorer le concept de spatialité : les dimensions physique et sociale de l’espace et comment elles façonnent nos expériences, nos identités et nos cultures. Ce thème s’appuie sur la conférence de l’année dernière autour de « présence, absence, hybridité » et s’interroge sur l’occupation des espaces pour comprendre les cultures et identités françaises et francophones modernes et contemporaines. Cela est particulièrement pertinent à un moment où les gens réoccupent des espaces qui ont été restreints pendant la pandémie de covid-19 et réfléchissent à la nouvelle relation à l’espace engendrée par cette crise.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    « Postcolonial Cultures Journal. Studies and Essays » - Varia

    Call for papers on historical, social or political issues in Commonwealth societies for issue no.2 of Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays. The journal Postcolonial Cultures Studies and Essays is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing research on Commonwealth and postcolonial societies. Using an inter-disciplinary approach (history, sociology, political science, cultural studies, economics, cultural history), the idea is to compare social issues across the English-speaking world. These issues include indigenous rights, settler, postcolonial et decolonising identities, gender and sexuality, social class, minority rights, republicanism and monarchy, ecology and the shifting frontiers of globalisation.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Imaging North-Eastern Europe: Baltic and Scandinavian states in the eyes of local, regional, and global observers

    The image of North-Eastern Europe appears composite and complex. While its geographical conglomeration is cut across by the Baltic Sea, it is not a coherent area at a cultural and political level. Far from attempting to see homogeneous regions where there are none, the transnational interactions and mobility across the Baltic Sea in the last centuries are, besides historical realities, central nodes around whom regional linkages of solidarity and mutual understanding have been imagined. These constructions show that imagination operates also for linking distant spaces and uneven realities. Our aim is to investigate the birth, transformation, international success or lack of success as well as conflicts concerning the multiple imaginaries of North-East Europe, intended as the space which includes all the Baltic riparian states, plus Norway and Belarus, from a historical perspective, with a focus on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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  • Lahore

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Understanding Gradients of Political Engagements

    Citizenship and Identity in South Asia

    Historian and political scientists of South Asia have been dealing with the ascent of postcolonial state and the form of citizenships in South Asia. The meteoric rise of postcolonial theory, subaltern school of historiography to be precise made efforts in bringing the role of ideas and culture in shaping state, community and political narratives. Notwithstanding these insights still this literature failed to bring in one very important thing; a comparative lens to study informal politics in the region. The social transformation and process of democratization has appeared to be inching ahead across the region from Nepal to Bangladesh. Therefore, increasingly a cross country perspective is required combining interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative) to develop a comparative perspective of way social and cultural factors influence informal politics in South Asia.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Une Méditerranée transatlantique ?

    Circulations, influences et coopérations civiles et militaires entre les États-Unis et l’espace méditerranéen européen et turc (de 1945 aux années 1980)

    L’objectif de cette rencontre est de contribuer à une histoire transnationale et décloisonnée des circulations entre l'Europe méditerranéenne et les États-Unis entre 1945 et les années 1980, qui permette d’appréhender ces relations d’un point de vue global et d’analyser la façon dont ces liens ont pu aussi générer des circulations d’influence entre pays de la Méditerranée. Il s’agit de conjuguer les approches diplomatiques avec la socio-histoire de ces acteurs et avec l’analyse de la circulation des savoirs et des modes de gouvernementalité, en replaçant les enjeux et politiques militaires atlantiques dans le contexte plus large de mobilités intellectuelles et de pratiques croisées. La Méditerranée européenne et turque est ici entendue dans une acceptation large et politique, allant du Portugal aux confins de la péninsule anatolienne. De même, l’ambition est de voir comment ces relations entre l’Europe méditerranéenne et l’espace atlantique ont pu avoir des effets sur les rives sud et orientales de la Méditerranée, que ce soit pendant ou après la période de domination coloniale.

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  • Cracovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Émigré Europe”: Civil Engagement Transfers between Eastern and Western Europe, 1933-1989

    Agency and action in Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Polish émigré communities during the Cold War

    “Émigré Europe” seeks to explore the means and methods through which Central and Eastern European migrants were able to engage new or existing civil society structures within their host countries to set or express their own agendas and interact with their host societies on a range of levels, from local grassroots initiatives up to institutional European organizations and decision-making bodies. The conference invites scholars from different backgrounds to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and discussion on the future potential of the research model for a wide-ranging study of European migration. We encourage contributors to think broadly about the porous geographical, temporal and political boundaries of European migration during and also immediately after the Cold War.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Autonomy in Art

    « Arts » – Special issue

    This special issue of Arts aims to explore this notion of autonomy across all art forms and politics and the ways that we might both reassert and critique the autonomy of art from social purpose; to paraphrase Adorno, perhaps the social function of art is not to have a social function. We welcome papers that address these key debates and critiques.

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  • Turin

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Rethinking Liberal Europe

    Ideas of Europe and Notions of Freedom between 1848 and 1945

    The aim of this conference is to shed new light on the ways in which concepts of freedom and ideas of Europe have interreacted between 1848 and 1945. While recent research into the history of European ideas for this period has focused on anti-liberal thinking, we emphasise that in the era of nationalism the idea of a Europe founded on freedom played an important role in the political and cultural debates. In doing so, we also want to rethink the link between Europe and liberal democracy in general as well as analyse its political implications for current debates. Scholars interested in participating are invited to consider their research with regards to how ideas of and discourses about freedom, however understood, (re)shaped notions such as “Europe”, “European”, “European civilization” etc. within historical and philosophical works, novels, works of art, treatises, speeches, propaganda material, and so on.


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  • Faro

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Mediterranean Cultures and Societies

    Knowledge, Health and Tourism

    The Mediterranean is a complex combination of ideas, feelings, imageries, cultures, ways of life, cultivated for centuries and still cultivated in this “sea (not ocean) amongst lands”; which was called mare nostrum by Romans and which could still be called in such a way if we understand nostrum in a different way: as a reference to us, human beings. The aim of this conference is to increase awareness about the Mediterranean as a departure and arrival point for the construction of a pluralistic society.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Transatlantic Embrace: Spanish Civil War in America’s Intimate Distance

    "Forma" Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament

    Spanish Civil War has been studied under its multiple angles. This can also be said about the literature concerning this topic: novels, poems, and all literary forms generated by this armed conflict (both by Spanish and foreign intellectuals) have been commented by academic criticism from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. However, fewer approaches have set the axis of their critical focus on the importance of the Spanish conflict in America and its decisive relevance as a part of a phenomenon that is also American. This special number of the FORMA journal sets out to give a voice to all types of contributions able to shed a new light on this fundamental aspect of the war, whose causes and consequences are clearly rooted in Spain, but whose horizon overflows the peninsular and continental borders and requires an inevitably transatlantic point of view.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les trajectoires d’Octobre 1917 : Origines, échos et modèles de la révolution

    Autour d’Octobre 1917, nous proposons de faire dialoguer les historiens de 1917, à même d’apporter des éléments nouveaux d’interprétation et d’analyse de ce mouvement révolutionnaire dans l’Empire russe, avec des chercheurs travaillant sur d’autres aires et des périodes ultérieures, confrontés eux aussi à la question de 1917 dans l’analyse et l’interprétation de mouvements révolutionnaires. Pour mener à bien cette entreprise de croisement des recherches, nous organisons un colloque du 19 au 21 octobre 2017, auquel seront invités des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et spécialistes de divers espaces.

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A musical league of Nations?

    Music institutions and the politics of internationalism

    The role of music and musicians in forging international links either between or beyond national boundaries can sometimes seem unproblematic or even emancipatory, under the assumption that music can be socially transformative. Yet just as the project of political internationalism between and after the World Wars was not without its challenges, so too did musical initiatives sometimes find themselves in positions of compromise, ethical conflict or co-option into unintended agendas.This two-day symposium will focus on music institutions and initiatives that were explicitly shaped by the project of internationalism during the politically-charged twentieth century.

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  • Mayence

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Crime, Justice and Elites

    6th Colloquium on Crime and Criminal Justice in Early Modern and Modern Times

    The colloquium provides an open forum for discussion, debate and the presentation of PhD-, postdocand other research projects related to the history of crime and justice in the early modern and modernperiod. It aims for an interdisciplinary exchange between scholars of a wide range of subjects suchas history, legal history, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, humanities, political science and others. Core issues that will be addressed are various forms of crime and delinquency, law and normativity, criminal prosecution and justice, punishment and social control as well as sources and methodicalapproaches. We also invite contributions of scholars who would like to enter into a dialogue with researchers from the field of crime and criminal justice even though the mentioned topics would onlyconstitute a part of the respective projects. The colloquium focuses on elites in a political, economic, social or cultural context, their role inthe administration of justice and the legal system as well as specific forms of deviance and delinquency of such groups.

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