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  • Lille

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Workplace democracy: arguments, policies, practices

    While democracy is usually taken for granted within the political sphere, it usually draws less attention in the economic realm and our societies tolerate highly undemocratic forms of economic organizations, which prompts many questions: How is it possible to question this asymmetry?  Does justice require democracy in the workplace? How can we make sense of democratic ideals within economic organizations? Is it possible to draw an analogy between states and business firms? Which institutional forms can workplace democracy take? What are the best theoretical frameworks to articulate the ideals of workplace democracy?  This international conference aims to bring together experts in political philosophy, business ethics, sociology, history, political science, economy and management around these issues.

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  • Bruxelas

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Empire, Labour, Citizenship

    Around Frederick Cooper. Current Researches on Globalization

    Since the second half of the 19th century, accelerations in the processes of globalisation profoundly shaped and transformed human communities throughout the world. The conference aims at putting forward current researches in human sciences focusing on the concepts of empire, labour and citizenship and their connections with the long-term history of mankind. The presence in Brussels of Pr. Frederick Cooper (New York University), a leading scholar in (post)colonial African studies who dedicated a significant part of his work to these issues, will provide participants with a unique insight on their contribution.  The conference will also provide a rare occasion to further exchanges between specialists of various fields and areas.

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  • Mons

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Festivals in Hainaut at the time of Jacques du Broeucq

    The aim of the conference is to bring to widespread public notice a famed series of occasions when, as the hub of Renaissance Europe, the Low Countries commanded the continent’s attention, with Hainaut and its capital Mons featuring as the site of the most famous and influential events. These took place in 1549 when Charles V, Count of Hainaut and Holy Roman Emperor, attempted to determine the continent’s dynastic, political and economic future by nominating as his successor his son Philip of Spain. With this aim in mind, Charles’s sister Mary of Hungary commissioned a series of magnificent festivals, the most lavish of which took place in September of that year at her palaces close to Mons at Binche and Mariemont.

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  • Belfast

    Chamada de trabalhos - Américas

    The Future Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance

    A Research meets Policy

    This workshop, entitled "The Future Canadian Soldier and Enhancement of Human Performance: A Research meets Policy" will gather scholars and policy experts from multidisciplinary fields to assess the merits of various current developments in military-focused Human Performance Enhancement.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Disobey! Understanding the Politics and Ethics of Disobedience

    IPSA’s Research Committee on Political Philosophy (RC31) and Sciences Po, Paris are pleased to announce that a jointly organized conference on disobedience will be taking place at Sciences Po, Paris. The purpose of this conference is to explore the content and to assess the force of contemporary injunctions to disobey. In doing so, we want to step back from those dominant views that concentrate primarily on the question of civil disobedience, and see if there are other less visible forms of disobedience that demand closer theoretical scrutiny. Our conceptual bet is that disobedience does not have to be civil in order for it to matter politically and ethically. We intend to ask what is the meaning of disobedience, reflect on how disobedience gives rise to particular social movements and ideals, analyze the extent to which the morality of disobedient acts is practice-dependent, and think about whether there are categorically distinct types of disobedience. 

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    Fortress Europe, Border Lampedusa

    Migrations across the Mediterranean Sea in cultural perspective

    This book aims to explore political, social, cultural, economic and artistic expressions of, and issues around, Lampedusa as a metaphor of several (visible and invisible) powers that, at different levels (micro, meso and macro), impinges on the relations between Europe and Africa/Asia, etc. The intent is to propose a comprehensive reflection contemplating several approaches and perspectives regarding the relationship of this island as first/last border of the Fortress Europe. Migration is the core topic, but it could be approached with different materials.

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  • Camberra

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Judging the Past in a Post-Cold War World

    The collapse of the Soviet Union accelerated the search for justice and truth on the part of many millions of people whose lives had been overshadowed by the cold war, in many countries, for nearly half a century. Demands for justice and for recognition of suffering and loss have resulted in national Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, prosecution (or attempted prosecution) of state officials, politicians and military officers and the construction of monuments and memorials as sites of memory. They have inspired an outpouring of literary and artistic works, and a flourishing film and documentary industry. This conference aims to trace these various ways of judging the past both in the countries at the centre of the Cold War and in those that were swept up in the wake of its confrontations. How have we and how can we come to terms with a past that is still so present? The organisers seek contributions on attempts at redress, for example, legal and social, or through the arts, media and literature.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Américas

    Cold Warriors

    The Cultural Avant-Garde of the Bipolar Struggle

    For most of the second part of the twentieth century, geopolitical issues remained at the center of the historiographical debate on the Cold War. Culture and ideology, however, have gained more and more attention in recent historiography. New emphasis has been placed on the role of ideas and language, as well as on the agency of specific individual and collective actors. In this perspective, the concept of the Cold Warrior appears crucial.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Captives, recruited, migrants: Empires and labor mobilization

    From XVIIth century to present days

    This workshop starts from the hypothesis that warfare and labor are strongly connected in Empire building and their evolution, to begin with war captives in early modern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas and to continue with the various forms of recruitment in land and maritime empires in all those areas. Captives as well as local peasants were soldiers, seamen, and colonists at the same time. Forms of forced recruitment were still important in the XIXth century (the press system in Britain and its variations in the Empire, recruitments in Russia) and continued in the XXth century, in Europe during the wars, outside of Europe during and after colonization and decolonization up through nowadays children soldiers.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Post, counter or simply hegemony?

    Political thought and International Relations 30 years after “Hegemony and Socialist Strategy”

    In 2015, 30 years will have passed since the publication of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s “Hegemony and Socialist Strategy”. Since its first appearance, this text has become a reference point for theoretical reflection in the Social Sciences ― particularly for left leaning academics―, for its revival of theoretical debate around the notion of hegemony. Gramscian, poststructuralist and deconstructionist influences are intertwined in the theoretical political proposal of these authors. They attempt to move beyond classic Marxism, and class reductionism, to formulate an alternative to the neoliberal paradigm. Agonism and radical democracy are the principal theoretical and practical innovations emerging thanks to the work of these authors.

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  • Barcelona

    Chamada de trabalhos - Estudos urbanos

    Global Cities and Cosmopolitan Dreams

    Part of the Research Program on: Space, Time and New Technologies of the Self, 1st International Symposium

    This project is interested in exploring the changing ideal of the city, exploring its ideological foundations, its physical construction, its social and political significance, its aesthetic value and its metaphorical meaning.

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  • Roma

    Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    La Libye en transition

    Élites, société civile et segmentarités dans la reconstruction étatique

    La Libye est aujourd’hui un symbole de la complexité des bouleversements qui travaillent et redessinent la rive Sud-méditerranéenne depuis les printemps arabes. Elle se singularise à la fois par une très forte instabilité et surtout par un rare enchevêtrement de fractures multiples qui se croisent et s’alimentent. Mais au-delà, les incertitudes et les trajectoires bousculées de la transition en Libye expriment, en les exacerbant, les difficultés et les écueils du processus de mutations sociétales et politiques qui touchent l’ensemble des sociétés sud-méditerranéennes. Aussi, le colloque se propose de questionner le processus de transition en Libye en lien avec les grandes interrogations que soulève ce processus à l’échelle de tout le monde arabe.

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  • Tallinn

    Chamada de trabalhos - Pensamento

    Social divisions, surveillance and the security state

    43rd Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control

    Despite the existence of widespread public discourse about equality and human rights, social, racial, sexual, ethnic, religious, political and economic divisions continue to mark societies across the globe. In many countries, these divisions have even widened under the pressure of competing nationalist and populist discourses which highlight difference rather than common humanity. Today, new technologies of surveillance are used on both a national and supra-national level to classify, segregate and control all those who are thought to threaten the mythical cohesion and security of nation-states. Whilst it was thought that the end of the Cold War and the spread of globalisation would lead to the erosion of boundaries of all kinds, on the contrary old boundaries are being rebuilt and new ones created. These boundaries have spread far beyond the traditional borders of nation state as surveillance and security have come to dominate the agendas of international organisations.

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  • Bucareste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Religião

    Media, Religion and Politics

    From sacralization to profanation

    The second edition of Bucharest workshop aims to become an open platform for debating the relations between sacralization and profanation, as they are (inter)mediated by media and popular culture. The participants are invited to address issues such as: the mediatization of religion and politics; the mitologization of the journalistic discourse and the sacralization of a reality through it; the use of religious archetypes in media, advertising and popular culture with reference to non-religious figures and events; online religion and media; media rituals as means for both sacralization and profanation; religious/sacred secrets and their publicization; para-religions/invented religions/fiction based religions (as if religions). 

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  • Evora

    Chamada de trabalhos - Representações

    Palaces and Urban Dynamics: Centers of power and knowledge in Europe

    Palácios e dinâmicas urbanas: centros de poder e de conhecimento na Europa

    Os palácios europeus constituíram mais que meras residências de monarcas, príncipes, cardeais, aristocratas e burgueses. Foram centros de poder, símbolos da ordem social e política, núcleos de produção cultural, artística e científica. Por outro lado, não é de somenos importância o papel que desempenharam enquanto motores da renovação e expansão das cidades. Em sentido lato, podemos considerar o palácio como um pólo marcante não apenas do espaço que configura, mas também do que o envolve. A partir desta premissa e aproveitando o ensejo das comemorações dos 500 anos da edificação do denominado Palácio de D. Manuel em Évora, parece-nos ser este o contexto ideal para a organização deste congresso internacional.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - África

    Migration, mobilités et développement en Afrique

    Le cycle de conférences MIGDEVRI entend établir des échanges approfondis entre chercheurs, praticiens et agents publics dans le domaine des migrations et de la mobilité sous régionale au sein de l’espace communautaire CEDEAO. Il est focalisé sur les mobilités Sud-Sud quelque peu délaissées par la recherche scientifique. Cinq axes de recherche sont proposés en priorité, tant pour les participants aux Ateliers de recherche MIGDEVRI que pour les candidats aux bourses de résidence junior.

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  • Filadélfia

    Chamada de trabalhos - Europa

    Resilient Europe?

    23rd International Conference of Europeanists

    The Council for European Studies (CES) seeks conference proposals that explore the quality of resilience in Europe. It encourages proposals from the widest range of disciplines and, in particular, proposals that combine disciplines, nationalities, and generations. CES invites proposals for panels, roundtables, book discussions and individual papers on the study of Europe, broadly defined, and strongly encourages participants to submit their proposals as part of an organized panel. Full panel proposals will be given top priority in the selection process.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Sounds and voices on the international stage: understanding musical diplomacies

    In international relations, music and diplomacy are strongly interrelated. Diplomats have gathered for musical events and musicians served as representatives. Whatever political unit is under consideration (city-states, empires, nation-states), music is a component of diplomacy, its ceremonies, and its strategies. There is a new interest for this dimension of international reality in History (Flechet & Marès, Gienow-Hecht), Musicology (Ahrendt et al, Fosler-Lussier), and International Relations (Dillon, Bleiker, Street) – beyond the aesthetic and cultural turns that marked these disciplines.

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  • Poitiers

    Chamada de trabalhos - Geografia

    Migrations and new local governance

    Migrinter research lab at the University of Poitiers, in cooperation with the Integrim program – Marie Curie Actions, and Mobglob, invite scholars working on international migrations and local governance in the Global North and the Global South to share their on-going research works. This call addresses scholars as well as early-stage researchers and Phd students from all fields (geography, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, demography and more).

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    War Memories

    Commemoration, Re-enactment, Writings of War in the English-speaking World (XVIIIth-XXIst century)

    The wars of the past have not left the same imprint on collective memory. Wars of conquest or liberation have marked the history of the British Empire and its colonies in different ways. American foreign policy seems to be motivated by what is sometimes viewed as an imperialist vision which led the army into the quagmire of Vietnam and more recently into controversial involvement in the Gulf. Whether they end in victory or defeat, or are a source of patriotic pride or collective shame, wars are commemorated in museum exhibitions or through literature and the cinema in which the threads of ideological discourse and the expression of subjective experience are intertwined. In the wake of the 100th anniversary of the Great War, when the links between memory and history are central to historiographical preoccupations, this international conference will encompass the representations of wars in the English-speaking world during the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

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