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  • Genebra

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    La justice sociale en temps d'incertitude

    The 2021 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA)

    Social Justice in Times of Uncertainty takes as a starting point the health pandemic that erupted in 2020, which led societies across the world to cope with disruptions in the provisioning of goods and services, means of livelihood, and fundamental freedom – not least, that of movement. The crisis also revealed global and local inequalities, translated into who has the right to live or not, and raised new questions around (in)justice in the contemporary world. In light of the turmoil experienced, as a globalized society and within our communities, this congress emphasizes the relevance of social and environmental justice in the making of a fair society, asking the question: in times of uncertainty, what does it mean to live a good life in a just society?

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  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Digitalisation and creation of alternative monetary and financial spaces

    This workshop proposes to explore the intersection between digitalisation and alternative monetary spaces developed in response to the sustainable development objectives. The Covid 19 pandemic has accentuated the challenges posed by digitalisation and highlighted its contradictory characteristics. On the one hand, the phenomenon allows, thanks to its technical potential, the valorization of local initiatives; on the other hand, it can favor forms of dehumanization and predation, likely to undermine the collective trust on which these spaces are based. The workshop proposed to address the contradictory nature of digitalisation processes from the perspective of their potential to strenghten and/or challenge economic and social cohesion. 

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    The struggle to tax inheritance: An impossible debate?

    This two-day conference aims to provide a comparative and multidisciplinary approach to studying the contested histories of inheritance taxation. We seek contributions that explore the political, legal, economic and philosophical struggles over inter-generational wealth from ancient time to the present day.

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  • Bucareste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Corporate accountability for gross human rights violations: actors, visions, strategies

    The conference is open to research on the large spectrum of actors active in the field of corporate accountability and their repertoires of actions, including, but not limited to, advocacy for regional and international treaties, criminal and civil litigations, boycotts.


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  • Buenos Aires

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Democracy

    Normative Boundaries of a Global Economic Ambitions

    This panel focuses on political practices and symbolic resources structuring economic and financial transactions among actors of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) politics. In particular, the panel questions the BRI political-socio-economic context which contributed to the emergence of transnational think tanks, media, social agents, and civil society organizations that are now daily reporting, commenting, and criticizing the Chinese public interventions in agro-industries, natural resources, and environmental policies in the global South, especially in African countries.

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  • Toronto

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Public Policy in Africa

    A Political Economy Perspective

    African scholars’ contributions to public policy theoretical debates and research have remained little or quasi-invisible, especially at the global level of international journals’ databases. There is also little evidence of African terrain. This panel would like to contribute to filling this gap, thereby asking why such gaps, and looking at policy implications. The panel seeks to systematically question, understand and explain the economic divides in producing public policy research and publications at the international level. This panel is an interdisciplinary venue. It is open to contributions from different political and social sciences fields using public policy as an area of research in Africa: economics, anthropology, political sociology, public administration, political economy, international relations, etc.

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  • Dakhla

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    La recherche scientifique au service du développement économique du désert, du sahara et des zones rurales éloignées

    Cinquième Congrès International sur l'Economie du Désert

    Ce congrès est une plateforme de recherche scientifique interdisciplinaire  sur l'économie, le management, et le développent du désert (développement rural), du Sahara et des régions arides (zones arides, semi-arides, hyperarides,  sèches,  oasis et zones rurales éloignées), afin de contribuer efficacement dans la bonne gouvernance et le développement durable des régions désertiques, partout dans le monde, en passant par l'encouragement et la promotion des investissements dans le Sahara et les déserts, et en suscitant des rencontres entres toutes les parties prenantes à l’échelle mondiale: Universitaires, professionnels, décideurs politiques, société civile et les ONG,  en vue de favoriser le dialogue, le partenariat et la coopération entre les pays désertiques : l’Afrique et les pays du Golfe (MENA et Sahel ...), les États-Unis d'Amérique, l'Australie, la Chine,  l’Inde, l’Amérique du Sud…, dans le but de valoriser et de promouvoir la connaissance du désert et les conclusions et recommandations des études et conférences qui y sont en relation, et de créer un environnement propice d’échange d’expériences, d’expertise, de formations, de pratiques pédagogiques et d'innovation,  autour des thèmes relevant de l’économie du désert et du management des régions arides.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Development and democracy in the era of the health crisis

    As part of our next collective publication, we invite you to submit a proposal related to the theme of this edition “Development and Democracy in the Age of Health Crisis”. The book aims to address different issues, constraints and perspectives of the covid-19 health crisis on development and democracy in a context of hegemony, instability and climate change.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Pervasive powers

    Corporate authority in the shaping of public policy

    The power of corporate business has been a subject of intense debate and many social science studies since the 19th century. This conference is based on the idea that, not only has this power varied among industries, countries and different periods, but also that the way in which it is wielded has evolved over time. By bringing together scholars from various backgrounds within the fields of history, sociology, and political science, we intend to provide new insights on the multiplicity, depth and limits of the forms of influence that corporations, or the organizations furthering their interests – business associations, think tanks, communication or public relations agencies, foundations, etc. –, have on public policy.

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  • Praga

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Private actors in politics and policy-making

    Trespassers producing norms?

    At a time when a growing literature documents a rising involvement of private actors such as business associations, professional associations, multinational corporations or law firms in the creation of public policy, it seems crucial to study the practices of this involvement, as well as to study the meaning of such developments for the very distinction that social sciences have been making between the private and the public spheres, the private and the public actors. In other words, how do the concrete modalities of this involvement reshape the definition of roles and statuses of private and public actors in politics and policy? 

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    The economic agent and its representation(s)

    3rd International Conference Economic Philosophy

    It goes without saying that how the “economic agent” is represented does matter to the utmost. It matters as much for economic theory as for empirical investigations that are based upon such models. It matters in the way institutions emerge, as to how societies get organized, and for the many devices contributing to the “general good” (whether they appear spontaneously, or are pragmatically and purposely created). It matters also for correcting incomplete or missing markets.

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  • Baku

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    XXe conférence annuelle du programme « Partenariat avec les universités dans le domaine de la recherche et du développement en matière douanière » (PICARD)

    The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the Azerbaijan Customs are pleased to announce the 10th annual WCO PICARD conference. The conference will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 8 to 10 September 2015. Papers should focus on Customs or, more globally, the regulation, dynamics, and practices of the international trade of goods. The WCO encourages attendance and paper submissions from anthropologists, economists, geographers, historians, lawyers, and political scientists. The WCO is particularly interested in interdisciplinary approaches regarding contemporary systems of regulation and control at borders.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Denationalization and territory

    Ph.d. workshop with Saskia Sassen

    Professor Saskia Sassen will take part in a half-a-day international doctoral workshop, which will be the concluding act of a two-day long seminar on denationalisation and territory (7-8 May 2014). Such doctoral seminar aims at providing Ph.D students who work on issues related to globalisation a dynamic and informal space to present their work, receive inputs from discussants and participants and have a chance to discuss with one of the major sociologists in the field. The participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their research questions, to receive informed opinions and to meet other academics working on similar issues in different regional context.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    26e séminaire doctoral sur les politiques climatiques

    For thirteen years, the ICP workshops series has been organized semi-annually under the auspices of the informal European PhD Network on International Climate Policy. It offers doctoral candidates the opportunity to present their research ideas and results, receive feedback, and exchange information and assistance in an informal setting. PhD students from all disciplines working on topics relevant to climate policy and environmental economics are invited to submit applications.

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  • Helsínquia

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Liv­ing un­der Em­pires: A View from Be­low

    What have Meso­pot­amian Em­pires ever done for their people? Track­ing the macro in the mi­cro

    In this workshop, we aim to take the view from below and investigate in what way imperial dynamics may have affected the lifeways of people in their territories. The basic questions of this workshop are: How did the empires of the Ancient Near East affect the lives of ordinary people in their realm?  To which extent was rural life and life in smaller towns permeated by imperial agents and policies, hence by imperial dynamics? 

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  • Varsóvia

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Myths, memories and economies: Post-socialist transformations incComparison

    9th genealogies of memory conference

    The conference organisers invite presentations on economy and memory, in particular, but not limited to the context of post-socialist economic transformations in East-Central Europe, as well as their interactions with parallel economic processes in other parts of the world. They may be based on a wide range of disciplinary perspectives, including history, sociology, anthropology, economics, literary and film studies, and others. While the focal point for most economic transformations in question is the 1990s, we invite speakers to address these changes in the context of their longer histories with attention to the genealogy of shifts in economic thought through the 20th century and related memory processes.

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  • Beirute

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Économies politiques de la recherche en sciences sociales dans le monde arabe  

    Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the 2021 issue of the Civil Society Review on Political economy of research in social sciences in the Arab world. Axes of reflection identified and that can guide contributions: Institutional configurations and actors’ rationale in the Arab world: how are political economies of research in social sciences organised?, Research agendas, methods and paradigms: the constrained choices of research., Researchers’ trajectories in the Arab world: functions, carriers, values.

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  • Coimbra

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Crise ecológica e novos desafios para a democracia

    Special issue of the Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais

    Esta chamada de artigos propõe-se reunir contribuições que, pela compreensão da crise ambiental contemporânea, utilizem criticamente os instrumentos de análise provenientes das seguintes áreas de investigação: justiça ambiental, saúde coletiva, democracia/cidadania ecológica, economia ecológica, ecologia política, ecocriticismo, sociologia ambiental e história ambiental.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - História

    Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global

    16th annual conference EBHA

    Call for papers for the Sixteenth annual Conference of the European Business History Association (EBHA) and First joint conference with Business History Society of Japan (BHSJ). The conference on "Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global" will take place from August 30th to September 1st 2012, at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.The deadline for submission of paper proposals is January 15th 2012. For further details please, see the conference website: http://ebha-bhsj-paris.sciencesconf.org/

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - África

    Moçambique: acumulação e transformação num contexto de crise internacional

    O IESE anuncia a realização da sua III conferência académica internacional, subordinada ao tema Moçambique: acumulação e transformação num contexto de crise internacional, a ter lugar em Maputo, nos dias 4 e 5 de Setembro de 2012. A conferência deverá, entre outros assuntos, debruçar-se sobre a análise das tendências políticas, económicas e sociais actuais e sobre as dinâmicas e desafios de mudança, num contexto de crise internacional.

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