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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    La justice sociale en temps d'incertitude

    The 2021 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association (SSA)

    Social Justice in Times of Uncertainty takes as a starting point the health pandemic that erupted in 2020, which led societies across the world to cope with disruptions in the provisioning of goods and services, means of livelihood, and fundamental freedom – not least, that of movement. The crisis also revealed global and local inequalities, translated into who has the right to live or not, and raised new questions around (in)justice in the contemporary world. In light of the turmoil experienced, as a globalized society and within our communities, this congress emphasizes the relevance of social and environmental justice in the making of a fair society, asking the question: in times of uncertainty, what does it mean to live a good life in a just society?

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  • Charleroi

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    C’est carnaval !

    Approches politiques du carnaval

    Le centre interdisciplinaire TRANSFO (Research center for social change, université libre de Bruxelles) organise une conférence de deux jours sur les dynamiques politiques qui traversent les carnavals contemporains. La conférence est destinée aux chercheurs et chercheuses juniors et seniors, issus des disciplines suivantes : sociologie politique, plus spécifiquement centrée sur l’étude des mouvements sociaux et de l’artivisme ; anthropologie politique ; études festives ; sociologie urbaine ; études des politiques publiques ; histoire et géographie sociale.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Commercial Centres in Post-War Cities. Questioning Rearrangement of the Urban Landscape and the Society

    IGU congress - Paris 2022

    From the Battle of Baghdad in 1258 to the late Syrian Civil Conflict, wars always were outstanding occurrences for urban landscape changes by making physical destructions and population change. Certainly the acceleration in urban development and reconstruction in order to catch up the period of conflict, chaos and recession affects the urban landscape. An element of importance on which we would like to focus when questioning urban landscapes in post-war cities is the commercial centre, a representative urban object of our current consumption society.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    PORTUSplus Journal - Varia

    PORTUSplus – published by RETE, International Association for the Collaboration between Ports and Cities – is an open-access journal, peer reviewed and indexed, dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of themes concerning the relationship between port and cities and urban waterfronts. Promoting the communication and development of scientific research, that plays a increasingly relevant role in our society, PORTUSplus invites scholars and researchers, experts and professionals to respond to the call for papers “Research Themes”, sending original works and research results in the several disciplines inherent to the themes described below.

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  • Liège

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Trusting the State? Law, Bureaucracies and Politics

    From uncertain relationships with frontline workers, public servants and even judges, trust in the state emerges as a central issue in the relations between the state and citizens and users of public policies. This workshop aims to explore the place of trust and mistrust in interactions with, or perceptions of the state in various contexts, and to further explore how trust in the state and its institutions is constructed, enacted or contested. To do that, we connect and combine three entry points through which state-citizen interactions have been considered so far: politics, bureaucracies, and the law.

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Housing co-creation for tomorrow’s cities

    RE-DWELL Conference 2022

    Responses to different crises allow us to rethink housing conceptions and identify initiatives, policies and patterns that can make a difference for the future. Recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed critical failures of current housing systems and the changing nature of our understanding of housing challenges. Initiatives and collaborations with a transformative potential have emerged or have been reinforced in that context. Moreover, transformations of conceptions, of policy agendas and of professional practices have been steered since a longer time by the recognition of the affordability crisis and of climate change as major challenges for the housing sector. The conference will focus on present or past collaborative initiatives that bring together local actors, from institutions to the third and private sector, regional and central governments, technicians, residents and sometimes academia. We will discuss the potential of such multi-actor processes and of co-creation to adapt the ways we conceive, build and manage housing to present and future challenges that cities face.

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  • Stockholm

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1860-1960)

    The winter of 2022-2023 in Europe may become the harshest since 1944 due to fuel and electricity scarcity. This is an obvious moment for revisiting historical energy shortages. The proposed workshop will target the period of repeated fuel shortages in Europe from roughly 1860 to 1960 – the century during which coal supplied more than 50 % of all energy in Europe.

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  • Leicester

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Urban governance and its disorders: Corruption in the cities

    The issue of corruption has, of late, become of growing interest to social scientists and historians although research in corruption in urban settings less so and the relationship of corruption to urban governance even less. The complexity of governance as distinct from government has raised questions, particularly since the 1980s, as state governments have sought relationships with private and voluntary actors to manage and deliver services and other public goods.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Home as a place for anti-Jewish persecution in European cities, 1933-1945

    Crossing urban social history and history of the Holocaust

    This conference will focus on urban housing as a place for anti-Jewish persecution. We hope to gather social scientists from various fields to confront various methods investigation and cases, in Reich cities but also in Western and Eastern European occupied cities.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Geomedia and the City

    Geomedia is an emerging concept that has been deployed to capture a particular technological condition, associated with recent rapid developments in digital technology. As such, it signals to the dialectics of locative media and the mediations of localities. However, the concept of geomedia carries deeper/wider ontological and epistemological registers that transcend the simple twining of geography and media. In this wider sense, geomedia gestures to the expanding interdisciplinary terrain at the crossroads of media studies and geography, where various ontologies and epistemologies of space/time, flows/mobilities and mediation/ mediatization come together. The aim of this special issue is to explore the urban as a key terrain where these ontologies and epistemologies are articulated.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Global Cities and Cosmopolitan Dreams

    Part of the Research Program on: Space, Time and New Technologies of the Self, 1st International Symposium

    This project is interested in exploring the changing ideal of the city, exploring its ideological foundations, its physical construction, its social and political significance, its aesthetic value and its metaphorical meaning.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Denationalization and territory

    Ph.d. workshop with Saskia Sassen

    Professor Saskia Sassen will take part in a half-a-day international doctoral workshop, which will be the concluding act of a two-day long seminar on denationalisation and territory (7-8 May 2014). Such doctoral seminar aims at providing Ph.D students who work on issues related to globalisation a dynamic and informal space to present their work, receive inputs from discussants and participants and have a chance to discuss with one of the major sociologists in the field. The participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their research questions, to receive informed opinions and to meet other academics working on similar issues in different regional context.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Planning / conflict. Cities and citizenship in times of crisis

    This event is organized in the framework of the activities of the Planning / Conflict Thematic Group of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). The conference aims at bringing together different perspectives on conflicts around urban planned developments, with a focus on the role planning practices may play both in defining/framing and in possibly solving/reframing conflicts.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Drug places between knowledge and representations

    Drug and Alcohol Today

    The aim of this special issue on drug places is to focus on the spatiality of drug and alcohol practices and policies, in order to question how researchers do explicitly or implicitly spatialise practices and policies.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Fractures territoriales, ruptures, discontinuités, frontières : quels enjeux pour les aménageurs et les urbanistes ?

    Le groupe franco-britannique de recherche en aménagement et urbanisme / French-British Study Group in Planning qui depuis 20 ans œuvre au tissage intellectuel dans le champ de l’aménagement et de l’urbanisme entre les communautés scientifiques des deux pays, ne pouvait que s’interroger sur l’impact territorial d’un éventuelle sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne, mais aussi de toutes les formes de discontinuités et de ruptures territoriales à toutes les échelles, du cadre national au niveau local en passant par la dimension régionale.

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  • Rotorua

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Waiora : promouvoir la santé de la planète et le développement durable

    XXIIIe conférence mondiale de l’UIPES sur la promotion de la santé

    Le « Health Promotion Forum » de Nouvelle-Zélande, l’Union internationale de promotion de la santé et d'éducation pour la santé (UIPES) et leurs partenaires sont heureux d’accueillir cet important évènement de santé publique, à Rotorua, en Nouvelle-Zélande en avril 2019. Le but est de fournir une occasion inégalée de lier et démontrer la contribution de la promotion de la santé à l'accomplissement des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et de reconnaître la manière dont les ODD contribuent aux améliorations de la santé et du bien-être.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Inequality and uncertainty: current challenges for cities

    III Mid-Term Conference Of The Urban Sociology Research Network 37 Of European Sociological Association In Madrid (Spain), Uned

    It is not possible to ignore the fact that cities are not only moving, vibrant and flourishing spaces, promising hope for better quality of life, but also accumulate and reflect significant problems. We need to recognise the complexity of economic, political, social, cultural and environmental mechanisms, which strengthen existing inequalities and add a great deal of uncertainty to life in cities and urban spaces of the globalised world. We want to gain a better understanding of the impact and consequences of inequality and uncertainty on the urban arena as much as the responses to current challenges in terms of  both informal and institutional practices.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    The Outer City

    Call for paper for Boundaries, quarterly international magazine on contemporary architecture

    Boundaries – international architecture magazine – introduces a call for papers for the fourth issue of the magazine on « The Outer City ». We encourage authors to explore any aspect of this topic, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate. The deadline for submission of abstract in English or Italian is March 5, 2012. For further information and guidelines, see :

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  • Toulouse

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Premières journées de sociologie de l’énergie

    L’objectif de ces journées est de rassembler des scientifiques d’horizons institutionnels différents (laboratoires de recherche, entreprises publiques et privées, bureaux d’études) intéressés par la place des problématiques sociologiques dans les questions d’énergie, de mutualiser les connaissances et les approches sociologiques, mais aussi de contribuer au rapprochement entre les sciences de l’ingénieur et la sociologie / The aim is to convene scientists from different backgrounds (public and private companies, research laboratories, engineering/consulting firms), develop an international network with a view to holding regular meetings, as well as pool knowledge and theoretical and methodological approaches.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Puissance, résistances et tensions. Histoire des mobilités électriques, XIXe-XXIe siècle

    L'électricité est aujourd'hui employée pour de nombreuses formes de mobilité et nombreux sont les projets allant dans le sens d'un usage plus massif de cette énergie pour se déplacer. L'appel à communications de ce colloque se propose d'envisager sur le temps long cette relation entre électricité et mobilité, en interrogeant les pratiques et imaginaires d'une énergie qui, si elle a trouvé des applications concrètes dans le domaine des transports, s'est également bien souvent confrontée à des désillusions. Colloque organisé par l'Université Paris I (laboratoire IRICE UMR 8138) et l'Université Paris Diderot (laboratoire ICT EA 337) avec le soutien de l'ISCC-CNRS.

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