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  • Burgos

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    En el laberinto cortesano

    Poder, arte e identidad en tiempos del duque de Lerma

    En 2025 tendrá lugar el cuarto centenario del fallecimiento de Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, I duque de Lerma, constituyendo esta efeméride una oportunidad para re­flexionar sobre su figura y su tiempo. Lerma es, sin duda, una de las personalidades más fascinantes del rico y sugestivo panorama del Siglo de Oro español, tan compleja como controvertida y cuya lectura exige una perspectiva multifocal que permita acercarnos a su poliédrica personalidad.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    To the rescue of minority groups. Gender, migration and racism in heritage and museums

    The gradual transformation experienced by museums in the last few years has fostered the incorporation into exhibition spaces of social minorities hitherto barred from them due to their social invisibility, exclusion and marginalisation. Occidentalism and European-centred perspectives gave rise to decontextualised, distorted and racial exhibition criteria constructed from a biased view of otherness.

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  • Mexico

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Intervenciones. Cine – arte – política

    Revista “La región central”, vol. 1 no. 1

    This first issue of La región central explores the idea of intervention: reciprocal interventions between cinema and contemporary art, but also interventions on the social sphere that may help think the political dimension of contemporary art practices. We propose a monographic issue attending to the political dimension of cinema and contemporary art relations through theoretical and more practical, case oriented critical approaches. We seek to interrogate not just the textual dimensions or phenomenological frames of apprehension of moving images, but also their poetics of production and their potential to critically intervene the social sphere.

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  • Espagnol

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  • Études du politique

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  • Histoire de l'art

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  • Espagnol

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