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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Resistance and Empire, new approaches and comparisons

    Since the early twentieth century, the notion of resistance became common currency in colonial language and anti-colonial ideologies to refer to military, political, and other forms of countering the authority of the colonizing institutions and agents in the colonies. After World War II and the boom of decolonization, it became an important tool in the critical and conceptual analysis of colonialism as a relationship of domination and opposition. Consequently, a wealth of studies was produced that focused on the ways though which indigenous people actively opposed, rebelled, or contested – militarily, politically, symbolically, culturally – the colonizing presence of Europeans. In the 1990s-2000s the validity of taking on “resistance” as a privileged concept and empirical topic was criticized for reducing the colonial phenomenon to a simplistic dichotomy – and since it appeared to have lost much of its early vitality in historical and anthropological research on empires and colonialism. Yet, since decolonization, ideas of “liberation” and anti-colonial resistance did not lose their significance as powerful tropes in retrospective nationalist readings of the birth of post- colonial nation-states. More recently, across the social sciences, “resistance” as a concept and a research trope seems to be revived, and a trans-disciplinary field of ‘resistance studies’ appears to come into emergence. What it means to study “resistance” both conceptually and comparatively in colonial and imperial history today?

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Contested Hybrid Democracy: Endorsing or Revisiting the Liberal Model in non-Western Countries

    IPSA Istanbul 2016

    Democracy has become a worldwide reference in terms of political organization and governance. While the universal character claimed by such a model has largely been theorized from a Western point of view, the variety of uses and appropriations from non-Western countries, including emerging States, remains unexamined. Disappointed with the results brought by the transition paradigm, the hybrid regimes literature tends to assess the unequal reception of the democratic model in non-Western countries. Nevertheless, the hybrid regimes analytical frame does not exhaust the question of the inner workings of these regimes, since its scientific referential remains based on Western theories and focuses on the uncompleted democratization processes and dynamics. This panel aims at switching the analytical frame towards the reception of the democratic model in non-Western countries through an assessment of uses and reappropriations of this model by political and social actors. Non-Western countries represent an interesting reflection ground for testing appropriation-reject dialectics regarding the Western democratic model. While this model directly inspires some of these countries (India, South Africa or Turkey), it has been rejected by other countries (China and Russia). Are there emerging models of democracy or counter-democracy models in non-Western countries ? We shall address these questions related to the unequal reception of the democratic model in non-Western countries.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Engagement politique des diasporas africaines

    Le comportement électoral des migrants

    Les travaux consacrés au rapport au politique des migrants ont progressivement mis au jour un continent négligé, voire inconnu, de pratiques et de savoir-faire politiques. Témoignant de la prégnance du modèle assimilationniste dans les études migratoires, ils ont longtemps été exclusivement dédiés à l’intégration politique des migrants dans les pays de résidence. La récente diffusion du paradigme transnational dans les sciences sociales a contribué à renouveler cette approche. Elle a permis aux chercheurs spécialisés dans les études migratoires de s’affranchir du nationalisme méthodologique et, ce faisant, d’ouvrir la voie à l’examen de la participation des émigrés à la vie politique et de leur pays d’accueil, et de leur pays d’origine.

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  • 2015

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  • Sociologie politique

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