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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Alternative Mediatization of Politics: Self-Media, Web TV, and Opinion Channels

    Altermédiatisation du politique : self-médias, Web TV et chaînes d’opinion

    Le prochain numéro des Cahiers Protagoras invite les contributeurs à explorer les mécanismes de contournement et de remise en question du monopole (idéologique, sociologique et professionnel) de l’information. Il s’agira également d’appréhender les stratégies médiagéniques déployées par les acteurs politiques – la médiagénie définissant leur propension à « se réaliser de manière optimale en choisissant le partenaire médiatique qui leur convient le mieux » (Marion, 1997). L’évaluation de la médiativité de ces nouveaux dispositifs de communication politique (chaque média possédant un « imaginaire spécifique »), constitue potentiellement un autre axe d’analyse. Enfin, un regard est attendu sur les pratiques de modération et de régulation propres à ces espaces de médiatisation émergents.

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  • Bucareste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Corporate accountability for gross human rights violations: actors, visions, strategies

    The conference is open to research on the large spectrum of actors active in the field of corporate accountability and their repertoires of actions, including, but not limited to, advocacy for regional and international treaties, criminal and civil litigations, boycotts.


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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    A game of states? Sport and international politics

    Eracle Call for Papers Vol. 6 (2023)

    In recent years, the increasing fragmentation of the international system, linked to rising China-US tensions, the emergence of populist movements, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, casts further complexity and uncertainty on international sport, calling for renewed scholarly attention and inquiry. Against this backdrop, we invite scholars of sport as a social phenomenon and institution – historians, sociologists, political scientists, International Relations and Media and Communications scholars – to submit proposals addressing the multifaceted nexus between sport and international politics.


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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Les « Big Tech », prédateurs ou arbitres du jeu démocratique ?

    Ce nouveau numéro des Cahiers Protagoras portera sur ce contexte discrétionnaire, dans lequel les acteurs politiques se heurtent aux nouvelles logiques de censure. Les contributeurs sont invités à se pencher sur la relation de dépendance d’une communication politique ayant graduellement investi ces réseaux, confrontée à l’opacité des politiques de modérations en vigueur et au risque de bannissement. De même, il s’agira d’appréhender en quoi ce pouvoir de « censure sur des motifs politiques » exercé par les acteurs de la Big Tech, renforce la dynamique de fragmentation du débat public en ligne et la constitution de chambres d’écho dissidentes.

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  • Bucareste

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Socialisms and International Law in the Contemporary World

    This conference focuses on the role of state socialist intellectuals, experts and governments from East-Central Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America in developing international law in XXth and XXIst centuries. This will cover the range of major powers such as the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, which could directly challenge Western norms, to semi-peripheral countries like Cuba and Vietnam, which had to maneuver at the margins. It is high time for scholars to focus on the global effects of socialist challenges to world hierarchies of law and power.

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  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Digitalisation and creation of alternative monetary and financial spaces

    This workshop proposes to explore the intersection between digitalisation and alternative monetary spaces developed in response to the sustainable development objectives. The Covid 19 pandemic has accentuated the challenges posed by digitalisation and highlighted its contradictory characteristics. On the one hand, the phenomenon allows, thanks to its technical potential, the valorization of local initiatives; on the other hand, it can favor forms of dehumanization and predation, likely to undermine the collective trust on which these spaces are based. The workshop proposed to address the contradictory nature of digitalisation processes from the perspective of their potential to strenghten and/or challenge economic and social cohesion. 

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Perspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors

    The workshop “Perspectives on Governance by Non-State Armed Actors” is the first event of the Workshop Series "Debating Transnational Governance", organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy. Given the current pandemic situation, the workshop will take place online on May 24, 2021. It welcomes a broad range of contributions on issues related to rebel governance and governance by non-state armed actors, with the goal of stimulating debate and interdisciplinary reflections, and potentially exploring new avenues for research in this field of study.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Doing Fieldwork in Centres of Power

    The Example of Deliberative Bodies

    The aim of this call is to gather contributions in order to publish an edited volume on the methodological and epistemological challenges specifically posed by the practice of fieldwork in centres of power. The ambition is to draw on the experience of researchers who have already been confronted with these issues in order to offer examples, paths for reflection and keys to researchers in anthropology, sociology and political science who would like to venture into them in their turn, in order to help them grasp the challenges they pose and adjust their fieldwork practices to respond to them. To narrow the perspective as much as to emphasize a form of power centre that is now widespread, deliberative assemblies are taken as a case study. The latter bring together institutions with different reasons for being (e.g. political, legal or religious) and their scale (local, national or international).

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  • Genebra

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Anchoring International Organizations in the Study of Organizational Sociology

    This paper session aims to bring together scholars who adopt a sociological perspective to the study of international organizations (IOs). IOs have historically been studied by jurists and later by political scientists through the prism of theories in international relations (IR). In the past two decade, growing scholarship in IR has shifted the focus to analyzing IOs as actors in IR in their own right. To this end, scholars have not only developed new methodologies, traditionally used by anthropologists and organizational sociologists, but have also embraced sociology as a discipline and more precisely the field of organizational sociology. In this way, IOs have been studied as bureaucracies, as organizations within which various actors compete, which comply and produce norms and values. Nowadays, organizational sociology provides a fascinating basis to study IOs not only from within, but also with respect to their environment in a dynamic perspective.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    Coronavirus and migration. Discrimination, inequalities, resistance

    International Journal Dve domovini/Two Homelands

    The purpose of this call for papers of the Journal “Dve domovini/Two Homelands” is to critically analyze the relationship between Coronavirus and migration, with a particular attention to institutional discrimination, new inequalities, racism, but also to the forms of resistance put in place by migrants for the respect of their rights, their dignity, their health.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    L'impact du terrorisme

    Violence: An international journal

    Le terrorisme exerce un impact sur les sociétés qu’il atteint ou qu’il vise. Cet impact peut être ponctuel, ou limité. Mais aujourd’hui, avec l’islamisme radical et le terrorisme d’Al-Qaïda, puis de Daech, le phénomène pèse lourdement, et durablement, même s’il évolue dans le temps. Ses implications politiques concernent d’abord la vie démocratique, la séparation des pouvoirs, et peuvent déboucher sur des dérives et des excès au profit du pouvoir exécutif. Elles peuvent aussi favoriser des acteurs populistes, ou nationalistes, jouer en faveur de l’autoritarisme. L’impact, s’il se prolonge, devient culturel ; les individus modifient leurs habitudes, leurs comportements, ils apprennent par exemple à ne pas être passifs en situation d’acte terroriste, ils se déplacent en intégrant l’hypothèse du terrorisme, ils consomment autrement, ce qui a notamment des implications économiques considérables. Leur appréhension du réel se transforme. Le terrorisme suscite des politiques répressives, mais aussi préventives, ou de sortie de la violence, par exemple sous la forme d’actions de dé-radicalisation. 

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Artistic, Digital, and Political Creation in English-Speaking African Countries

    Africa 2020

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. Even if this cultural focus cannot be abstracted from a broader geopolitical agenda marred by controversial presidential declarations, it nevertheless has the potential to offer a somewhat different coverage of the continent. One can only hope that it avoids the temptation to officially “curate into being” “exceptional” artists (Dovey), tapping into the all-too-familiar image of Africa as “the supreme receptacle of the West’s obsession with, and circular discourse about, the facts of ‘absence,’ ‘lack,’ and ‘non-being,’ of identity and difference” (Mbembe).


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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Africa 2020: Artistic, digital, and political creation in english-speaking African countries

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. The peer-reviewed journal of Aix-Marseille Université research centre on Anglophone Studies (LERMA), E-rea, has decided to seize the opportunity of Africa 2020 to dedicate a special issue to contemporary artistic, digital, and political creation in English-speaking African countries. Heeding Kenyan political analyst Nanjala Nyabola’s advice to eschew the too reductive ‘Africa rising’ and ‘Africa failing’ narratives in favour of ‘Africa being’ stories, this special issue wishes to focus on “stories reflecting the ambivalence, complexity, challenges and opportunities of African societ[ies] in an increasingly connected world”.

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  • Pessac

    Chamada de trabalhos - Representações

    Artistic activism and the globalization of the art scene

    Theory, practice, paradigm and circulation

    This conference explores the theory, practices, paradigms and circulation of artistic activism in international perspective. It aims at examining the resurgence and development of artistic productions which revive agitational practices. Artistic activism or "artivism" questions consensual discourses on the neutrality of art and aesthetics. Taking into account the need for a global approach to the phenomenon, and the exploration of its most diverse forms and concepts, this conference aims to contribute to the study of arts activism since the 1990s. 

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  • Beirute

    Chamada de trabalhos - Economia

    Économies politiques de la recherche en sciences sociales dans le monde arabe  

    Lebanon Support is seeking submissions for the 2021 issue of the Civil Society Review on Political economy of research in social sciences in the Arab world. Axes of reflection identified and that can guide contributions: Institutional configurations and actors’ rationale in the Arab world: how are political economies of research in social sciences organised?, Research agendas, methods and paradigms: the constrained choices of research., Researchers’ trajectories in the Arab world: functions, carriers, values.

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  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Seeing Politics through Intermediation and Intermediaries

    This seminar proposes to look at politics through the lens of political intermediaries and what they do, i.e. intermediation. Intermediaries can be defined as an assorted group of actors (political brokers, political parties, interest groups, movements) who acts as a hinge between two or more levels, actors or social institutions; while intermediation , as a process, encompasses all the mediations that these actors perform in order to keep the political system intact (Zaremberg, Guarneros-Meza, and Lavalle 2017; Gunther, Puhle, and Montero 2007; Kitschelt 2004; Smith 2007). The question we are interested in relates to the transformations in the roles of these agents and processes of mediation since the neo-liberal transformation has engulfed the processes of public policy formulation, contestation and enactment.

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  • Montreal

    Chamada de trabalhos - Educação

    La question du vivre-ensemble dans la  formation des enseignants. Des politiques aux pratiques

    Revue « Éthique en éducation et en formation »

    Ce numéro de la revue Éthique en éducation et en formation examinera les questions de formation des enseignants en lien avec les politiques nationales (neutralité, laïcité, multiculturalisme...), mais il pourrait aussi inclure des textes sur la formation à l'éducation au vivre-ensemble, de manière plus large, par exemple, la formation des enseignants au dialogue, au règlement de conflits, etc., ou encore à travers différentes disciplines. Dit autrement, ce numéro ne se limitera pas aux orientations politiques des différentes régions étudiées.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Educação

    School and national identities in French-speaking Africa

    Political choices, means of transmission and appropriation

    This volume on schools and national identities in French-speaking Africa will be published in the Routledge series “Perspectives on Education in Africa”. The aim of this volume is to provide an in-depth and transdisciplinary understanding of the role of school in the various processes of identity-building, and to showcase research from and about countries outside the former British empire, either as individual case studies or through a comparative framework within or beyond the continent. It will include contributions focusing on the multiple and changing role of schools in the construction of collective identities and the (re)production of national imaginings in francophone Africa. It will also consider how different actors (media, diasporas, social networks, religious communities) shape the appropriation, formulation and implementation of curriculums and discourses about education.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - África

    Le travail en Éthiopie

    Rationalisation, dominations, mobilisations

    Si le travail est loin d’être absent de la recherche sur la Corne de l’Afrique, il n’est cependant pas traité comme un objet à part entière mais subordonné à une analyse du développement. La notion de développement est associée en Éthiopie à la fois à une perception « optimiste » qui met en exergue les réussites du modèle de developmental state mis en œuvre dans le pays, et à une version « pessimiste » du pays qui se concentre sur la réduction de la pauvreté.

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  • Tours

    Chamada de trabalhos - Ciências políticas

    Liberté d’expression : de l’opacité à la transparence

    Les sociétés contemporaines valorisent la parole et la liberté de s’exprimer sur les sujets les plus intimes et les plus sensibles. Quiddu droit au silence et à la résistance ? L’enquête qualitative par le biais de l’entretien est une des méthodes d’enquête les plus utilisées en sciences sociales, sinon la plus utilisée. Cet outil de recherche requiert compétences, subtilité et sensibilité et va bien au-delà de la simple conversation.

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