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  • Ariel

    Call for papers - History

    History of prehistory in Palestine – Israel

    International workshop

    Our workshop aims to shed light on the various actors and institutions who shaped the field of prehistory from the 19th century until our days. They will allow us to grasp the establishment and development of prehistoric international and local networks on the longue durée. We encourage participants to address the socio-political and cultural contexts in which prehistory was practiced and knowledge produced. Many answers to the above questions and topics of research may be uncovered in personal, institutional, and administrative archives, while others are revealed in excavation reports. This brings us to the last section of our workshop: what sources for the history of Prehistory and how can they be used? Has the writing of a renewed history of the discipline affected today’s research and how?

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Representation

    New Worlds, Old Worlds, Lost Worlds

    Picturing Prehistory in American Art and Visual Culture

    Atlantis, pre-Columbian “Mound Builders,” cave men locked in combat with T. Rex — visions of ancient, ruined, or “lost” worlds on a spectrum between fact and fantasy have long fascinated American artists and producers of visual culture. How have U.S. artists and image makers depicted prehistory, and to what ends? How have visualizations of prehistory from the eighteenth century to 1980 contributed to new conceptualizations of culture, time, and space? For this two-day conference, we invite papers examining images of prehistory, in different media and in both artistic and nonartistic contexts. 

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  • Call for papers - Geography

    The politics and geopolitics of translation

    The multilingual circulation of knowledge and transnational histories of geography

    In the last fifty years, the field of the history of geography has moved from an approach dominated by National Schools to an attention to the circulation of knowledge in its multiple scales. The history of science and of geography have in the last decades incorporated concepts such as transit, networks, mobilities, the transnational, circulation, centre of calculation, spaces of knowledge, geographies of science, spatial mobility of knowledge, geographies of reading and geographies of the book. More recently, a turn has emerged towards considering the dynamics and necessities of decolonizing the history of geography. This work is turning the field of the history of geography into one of the most dynamic areas of the discipline. Yet we suggest that questions of language and translation have remained under-determined in this new field. Translation and writing have not received the same attention as, for instance, departmental histories, sites of museums, laboratories, botanic gardens, and scientific societies, for example. We suggest, therefore, that new perspectives opened up by translation studies can open new windows on the history of geography.

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  • Oracle

    Call for papers - Science studies

    Biocosmos - Our sense of place, our sense of life in the universe

    Planet scientists and exoplanet astronomers are re-shaping our understanding of the universe, presenting a fascinating cosmos filled with places and destinations, not an empty void. At the same time, Earth physicists and biologists design models of self-sustainable ecosystems such as Biosphere 2 and the Mars/Lunar Greenhouse, with the goal of engineering bio-regenerative mini-worlds that can function on their own. As these scientific revolutions unfold, with distant spaces and global life systems as objects of “field work”, what counts as the “human environment”? How do we, as individuals and societies, relate to spaces, things, and processes we do not or cannot experience directly and which we see as “extreme” or “beyond” human?

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Language

    The circulation of linguistic and philological knowledge between Germany and the world, 16th to 20th century

    By all measures, Germany played an overwhelming role in the development of philology and linguistics during the 19th century. This ascendancy rests on the transmission to other national academies of theoretical constructs and views, methods and institutional practices. On the other hand, German philological and linguistic ideas, methods and institutions were not constituted in isolation from the rest of the world : Transfers to the German-speaking world must also be taken into account.

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  • Call for papers - Science studies

    Musicologies / ethnomusicologies : évolutions, problèmes, alternatives

    NEMO-Online, volume 4, n°6 et 7

    These issues continue the debate initiated in NEMO-Online n°5 concerning the usefulness of the science, the problems raised due to powerful and contradictory non-scientific characteristics, and the alternatives which may be proposed.

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  • Le Mans

    Call for papers - History

    Missions, museums and scientific collections: when missionaries spread the word of science

    With the organization of this international workshop, we hope to gather historians, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers and other researchers to come back on the ambiguous ties that might have brought missionaries and scientists together in the 19th and 20th centuries.


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  • Lucerne

    Call for papers - Law

    Access to Material and Immaterial Goods

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Property and Its Physical Embodiments

    This conference aims to look at the relationship between intellectual property and its physical materialisations, with a particular focus on the issue of access and the challenges of new technologies. Speakers will be allocated 20 minutes to present within a panel of three speakers, followed by a 30 minute discussion. Submissions from those in non-legal disciplines and from those in practice are very welcome. We strongly encourage submissions from doctorate students and postdoctoral researchers.

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  • Sao Paolo

    Call for papers - History

    Mikhail Bakunin e a Associação Internacional dos Trabalhadores

    Colóquio Internacional

    C'est l'annonce et l'appel à communication pour le colloque international sur Michel Bakounine et l'Association Internationale des Travailleurs, organisé du 10 au 13 novembre 2014 à l'Université de São Paulo (FFLCH-USP) et qui implique à la fois historiens, géographes, philosophes et sociologues. Il s'agit à la fois de reconstruire la trajectoire du célèbre révolutionnaire russe pendant la période où il a participé aux activités de la Première Internationale (1864-1876) et de problématiser la contribution de Bakounine et de ses réseaux à la fondation du mouvement libertaire international et à l'histoire intellectuelle du socialisme. La date limite pour présenter des propositions de communication est fixée pour le 4 août 2014.

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  • Ghent

    Call for papers - History

    Historical Network Research

    This conference follows up the Future of Historical Network Research (HNR) Conference 2013 and aims to bring together scholars from all historical disciplines, sociologists, other social scientists, geographers and computer scientists to discuss the emerging field of historical Social Network Analysis. The concepts and methods of social network analysis in historical research are no longer merely used as metaphors but are increasingly applied in practice. With the increasing availability of both structured and unstructured digital data, we should be able to analyze complex phenomena. Historical SNA can help us to cope with the organization of this information and the reduction of complexity.

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  • Berne

    Call for papers - History

    Medical expertise in the 20th and 21st centuries

    Medical expertise in the 20th and 21st century / Medizinische Expertise im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert / L'expertise médicale aux XXe et XXIe siècles. Annual conference of the Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Sciences, September 5 – 7, 2013, Bern, Switzerland. The conference would like to address the issue from various perspectives and ask e.g. the following questions: To which levels of medical knowledge and activity (skill, professional knowledge, experience, relationship with patients) did and does the claim of expertise refer to? Which strategies, rhetorics and kinds of self-fashioning were and are used in order to achieve, retain or reject the status of expertise? Which was and is the relationship between expertise, profession(nalism), institutionalization and specialization? In what respect is there a difference between a physician's claim of expertise and that of other health professionals?

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  • Nancy

    Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    Standards of rigor in mathematical practice

    Philosophy of Mathematics

    Special issue of Philosophia Scientiae focusing on standards of mathematical rigor concerning the varieties of methodological, ontological, proof-theoretical questions. It is intend to tackle the questions in the framework of the philosophy of mathematical practice.

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