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  • Munich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Animals in Greek, Arabic, and Latin Philosophy

    Under the aegis of the European Research Council (ERC) funded project “Animals in Philosophy of the Islamic World,” a conference will be held at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, on the topic of Animals in Greek, Arabic, and Latin Philosophy. We welcome proposals for papers on any topic relevant to animals and philosophy in ancient Greek and Roman and medieval (Byzantine, Islamic, or Latin Christian) philosophy. Relevant topics could include, but are not limited to, Aristotelian zoology and its reception, theories of animal soul and cognition, views on how animals should be treated, and ideas about animals in medicine and other sciences.

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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Dialogues in Antiquity: Archetypes for a Contemporary World

    Xth Conference on Classical Philology in honorem Giselle von der Walde

    The expressive wealth of dialogue presents itself in numerous artistic and intellectual ways. The encounters between emotional and aesthetic resources, pedagogical and didactic purposes, as well as between claims of objectivity and scientific rigor, are fertile ground for the transdisciplinary inquiry characteristic of classical studies. This invites a diversity and multiplicity of perspectives for contributions in relation to ancient authors and their works. Investigating the history of dialogue since Antiquity also allows us to consider it as an archetype for the exchange of opinions and ideas. This is suitable for dealing with current problems that increasingly require the willingness to negotiate and rethink ideas and convictions, empathize with the feelings of others, and build agreements based on the examination of opposing arguments and points of view.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence in Plato’s philosophy

    Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (Special Issue)

    The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) is seeking articles dealing with philosophical issues that arise in connection with the conception of conflict and violence within Plato’s philosophy. Conflict and violence are often regarded as two of Plato’s main interests in his political thought, especially when he discusses the dread and danger they bring to the city. However, is it possible to understand conflict and violence in Plato’s work only from this political and rather pejorative standpoint? It is possible to see conflict and violence in Plato’s philosophy as something else, rather than a threat to the harmony of the community?

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    The Notion of Intelligence in Ancient Greece (nous-noein), from Homer to Platonism

    Vol. 16 Methodos (2016)

    The aim of this issue of Methodos is to gather contributions of international scholars on the notion of nous-noein in order to reconstruct the history of the terms related to intelligence and its activities. The issue will mainly try to outline the evolution of such terms, from their original perceptual meaning to their conceptual and theoretical scope. Contributions should thus provide materials and analysis to identify the stages and ruptures in the evolution of their use. Additionally, all attempts to trace the technical and cultural transformations which have allowed the passage from the practical understanding of the nous-noein to its more abstract uses are welcome. Papers should by no means be limited to genetic or historical reconstructions; we also welcome any paper bringing some new elements of reflection on the notion of intelligence in the chosen era.

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  • Pise

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    The Wisdom of the Ancients. Jerusalem rediscovers Athens

    The German-Jewish Revaluation of Ancient Philosophy

    Between 1920 and 1930, a group of young, brilliant Jewish researchers studied in Germany under the direction of Cassirer, Husserl and Heidegger. Leo Strauss, Karl Löwith, Hans Jonas, Hannah Arendt, Jacob Klein, Eric Weil, Günther Anders, and others were forced by the advent of Nazism to escape from Germany and to wander around the world. All these thinkers strove to question the historicist assumption, according to which Modernity is to be seen as progress in respect to the Ancient thought. In their studies, they found new ways to listen to the voice of the Ancients, by revaluating them in the context of the crisis of modern thought. Starting from Athens and Jerusalem, the symbolic roots of western culture, these philosophers problematized and revitalized the quarrel between Ancients and Moderns over again.

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