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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Call for papers - Representation

    Jocelyne Saab, reporter, cinéaste, au service de l’histoire

    Ces deux journées d’études seront consacrées à l’œuvre de la cinéaste libanaise Jocelyne Saab (1948-2019), de ses premiers documentaires à ses dernières œuvres de photographe. Elles ont pour ambition d’investiguer plusieurs thèmes marquants qui traversent le travail de Saab, parmi lesquels les rapports entre histoire, mémoire et engagement, la question des archives et de leur portée testimoniale et politique, l’élaboration d’une poétique de l’exil, qui mettra notamment en rapport les médiums cinématographiques et littéraires, mais également plastiques, relativement à l’influence de son œuvre sur les artistes contemporains libanais de l’après-guerre.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Representation

    Eros and Thanatos in the Arts of Asia

    Revue « Art Asie Sorbonne »

    From Plato to Saint Augustine to Freud, the pairing Eros / Thanatos occupies a place that is both central and multi-faceted in Western thought and art. It appears as a celebration of love as a vital energy that allows the (male) soul to escape its mortal body and reach the divine, but also as a threat when under the effect of carnal desire, or of feminine, maternal power, the soul is exhausted. This is also the case in Asian thought and art, whether in popular beliefs and images, religious icons, classical, traditional or contemporary representations.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Christianity in Iraq at the turn of Islam: History & Archaeology

    An international round table organized on May 4 and 5, 2019 at the University of Salahaddin (Erbil, Iraq) highlighted the interest for a collective work that will address the question of Christianity in Iraq at the turn of Islam. Les Presses de l’Ifpo launch a call for papers related to this theme.

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  • Prague

    Call for papers - Prehistory and Antiquity

    Visual culture in the classical world

    8th international postgraduate conference Pecla 2019

    PeClA 2019 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and an exchange of ideas, in a friendly and supportive environment. This year, we focus on the roots of the Classical Archaeology, and for this reason the main theme of the conference is Visual Culture in the Classical World.

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  • Toulouse

    Call for papers - Prehistory and Antiquity

    Thinness and slimness in Antiquity. Greece, East, Rome

    This symposium will bring together researchers coming from France and from foreign countries, and from diverse backgrounds: philologists, historians (of food, of medicine), sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, literary persons, archaeologists (in particular in the domains of the bioarchaeology, paleopathology, osteology), art historians. All the aspects of the question will be analyzed. The history of the crisis in supply, the food practices of limitation under the circumstances will be approached in particular (famine, disease, diet), as the definition and the representations of the thinness and the slimness on the ancient societies, in art and literature. The approach will try to combine, even to confront, the history of mentalities and the study of the realities in Antiquity.

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  • Bordeaux

    Call for papers - Representation

    Arabic theatre and the West - contact, circulation and transfer

    Contact, circulation et transfert

    Notre colloque se propose d’accueillir les contributions qui étudieront ou feront découvrir les multiples univers artistiques dans lesquels les initiateurs, artistes arabes ou d’origine arabe, évoluent après avoir effectué un passage en Occident. Comment ces artistes ont-ils abordé dans leurs créations l’altérité occidentale et la leur ? Comment tirent-ils parti de leur mobilité géographique ? À quel point interagissent-ils avec les cultures et les acteurs culturels de leurs terres d’asile ? Quel regard portent-ils sur leur pays d’origine ? Quelle place occupent-ils dans le paysage culturel arabe ? Est-ce qu’ils ont en commun quelques traits ou stratégies artistiques ? Quelle est la portée artistique et politique de leurs créations ?

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