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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Photo Albums’ Twisted Meanings: Between nostalgia and trauma

    We kindly ask those interested to send their proposals for the workshop Photo Albums’ Twisted Meanings: Between nostalgia and trauma, which will take place in Prague on 25-26 November 2021. Questions may include: How can this kind of “twisted” material be interpreted? How to interpret these albums without the “oral scaffolding”? How to interpret them from the position of a person with an affiliative, indirect or very loose connection to the past? How to approach albums with this kind of “twisted meaning” from the position of the current owner, curator, scholar or artist? How to approach this kind of material without identifying with it in any way? How to deal with it without merely being charmed by it or, on the contrary, completely paralysed by it?

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Just an illusion? Between simulation, emulation, and hyper-realism

    “AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images”, Online Open Access Journal

    Recent technologies (like virtual and augmented reality) have given new impulse to a type of images that negate themselves as such and that can therefore be named “an-icons”. Traditional images are grounded in a material medium; they are separated from their context by framing devices; and they refer to something in the real world. By contrast, an-icons conceal their mediateness, ideally getting rid of any framing devices, and aim at constituting autonomous quasi-real worlds. The result is a radical “environmentalization” of images that ask to be inhabited and experienced more than viewed and observed. “AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images” is an online open access journal that investigates an-icons according to theoretical, historical, and practical perspectives.    

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Envisioning Latin America: Power and Representation in audiovisual (re)productions

    Forma Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura, Pensament

    This issue seeks to critically address power structures in audiovisual (re)productions in and from Latin America and discuss how these play a role in the societal construction and representation of individual and collective identities, the ‘us’ and the ‘other’. By doing so, it aims at understanding how these representations – and broader discourses associated therewith – can be critically examined through media productions (cinema, television, radio, photography etc.) and their use as historical sources.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    The Presence of America in Madrid

    Art, Images and Material Culture in Transit

    As is well known, during the Early Modern period, hundreds of objects, artworks, painted and illustrated documents and manuscripts were sent from the Spanish viceroyalties in America to Iberian Spain. This circulation has been the object of renewed academic interest in recent years. In response to this trend, it seems necessary to better understand the particular place that Madrid, as both city (villa) and court (corte), occupied within this broader phenomenon. We invite proposals based on original research that can contribute to advancing the current state of knowledge and explore new questions and theoretical frameworks for our better understanding of these unique objects and works of art.

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  • Tivoli

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The garden of the gods

    The paradigm of antiquity in the arts at the Villa

    The establishment of humanistic culture in Italy led to one of the richest seasons in Villa architecture and a profound process of transformation of the idea and the function of the garden, in which antiquity was the absolute protagonist. The roots of this development date back to the second half of the fifteenth century, as is clearly demonstrated by Leon Battista Alberti, in the preface to his De re aedificatoria: "Our Ancestors have left us many and various Arts tending to the Pleasure and Conveniency of Life".

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  • Tivoli

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Nero and Hadrian

    The arts in power

    Nero and Hadrian: two emperors united by a passion for the arts; both reformers in the artistic and also, in particular, in the architectural and administrative spheres. Two characters, the first much discussed, the second much less. Recent critics have portrayed them in an innovative and pioneering light, at least from a purely cultural point of view. 

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  • Timişoara

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Humankind and Fat. Attraction, Repulsion, Health and Politics

    12th International Symposium of CORPUS

    Fat that our bodies accumulate, fat we consume, our representations of fatty foods and bodies… The relationships between humankind and fat are a fascinating topic for social and medical scientists. They are highly variable according to the places and the times and, often, much more nuanced and complex that the dominant discourse suggests. Not very so long ago, European peasants valued fat. Today, their urbanised descendants have panic attacks if they have to move a hole in the belt! However, even if they are lipophobic, they are still linking some traditional fatty foods with festival meals. Western canons of beauty radically changed since the time when Romanian sayings went that a beautiful woman had to be fat or that a fat man was healthy. Entertainment media teach us that perfect people are thin. Nevertheless, the apparent triumph of this ideal of the body beautiful does not mean that fatter bodies totally lost their sex appeal or their power of fascination. Out of Europe, the relationships between humankind and fat can obviously differ, even in our globalized world.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Cultural coordinates in present-day museology

    Five neologisms

    The International Conference Cultural Coordinates in present-day museology: Five neologisms is aimed at research that focuses on analysing the contemporary museological discourse and its effects on cultural communication. Numerous questions arise, for example, regarding curatorial practices, the new formulas of knowledge transmission, museology’s potential contributions to social cohesion, the mediation made possible by the new technologies and the critical contribution to be expected concerning issues such as gender demands, environmental sustainability and others. The sections are headed by the corresponding neologisms into which the themes that are the subject of debate and analysis are divided.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Visual History

    Academic journal "IDEA - Interdisciplinary Discourses, Education and Analysis"

    Online academic journal IDEA - Interdisciplinary Discourses, Education and Analysis launches a new call for articles dedicated to different aspects and forms of Visual History, for one of its future issues to be published in 2022. The journal issue intends to question the disciplinary boundaries between some scholarly areas and to shape new research paradigms in the contexts of historiography, the epistemology of history, the anthropology of representations, memory studies, and film studies.

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  • Anvers

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Poetic Insurrections

    Romantic Legacies in Modern and Contemporary Film Aesthetics

    The ‘return’ to Romanticism in the recent consideration of modernist cinemas can be taken as a way to frame the apparent contradictions in the work of a number of key figures: the revolutionary cinema of Jean-Luc Godard seems at odds with the seeming reactionism of a sanctification of natural beauty in his ‘late’ works. The strict materialism of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, in its turn, gave way to reflections on the necessity of myth and utopian ideals in the politicization of art. And although the cinema of Marguerite Duras is characterized by a destructive negativity, her films exhibit a minute attention to material presence. We believe that the same contradictions that characterize these works can be found in the films of a number of contemporary filmmakers - Chantal Akerman, Abbas Kiarostami, Hong Sang-soo, Wang Bing, Lav Diaz, Albert Serra etc. - allowing us to align them with the project of aesthetic modernism. It is our contention that this project can indeed best be approached by considering its romantic undercurrent.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Nouveaux mondes, anciens mondes, mondes perdus

    Représenter et médiatiser la Préhistoire dans l’art et la culture visuelle américains

    De l’Atlantide, aux « Mound Builders » précolombiens, en passant par le combat acharné entre un T. Rex et des hommes des cavernes, les visions des mondes anciens et « perdus », flottant entre les faits et la fantaisie, ont longtemps exercé une fascination sur les artistes et les acteurs de la culture visuelle en Amérique. Comment ceux-ci ont-ils dépeint la Préhistoire et à quelles fins ? Comment l’imaginaire de la Préhistoire, du XVIIIe siècle aux années 1980, a-t-il contribué à de nouvelles conceptualisations de la culture, du temps, et de l’espace ? Les contributions à ce colloque de deux jours aborderont les images de la préhistoire et leur fonctionnement dans différents médias et dans des contextes artistiques et non artistiques. 

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Celebrating the Illustrious in Europe (1580-1750)

    Towards a New Paradigm?

    The aim of this study day is therefore to review all the biographical productions of a period that has been little considered until now, in order to better understand how the modes of celebrating the glory of illustrious men were transformed between 1580 and 1750, both in writing and in images, by taking into account various media such as books, prints, paintings, sculptures and even medals.

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  • Edmonton

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Relations nordiques

    Colloque annuel de l'Association canadienne de communication (ACC) 2021

    Placé sous le thème des relations nordiques, le congrès 2021 incite les congressistes à explorer les liens entre les peuples, les collectivités, les cultures et les formes de savoir, tout en se penchant sur certains des défis les plus pressants auxquels le Nord est confronté en matière de relations humaines et au territoire : changement climatique, gouvernance, justice sociale, réconciliation, réciprocité et éducation, entre autres. Une relation n’est pas qu’une association ou une affiliation. C’est aussi un acte qui consiste à dire ou à rendre compte. Les relations sont au coeur de la manière dont les peuples communiquent, organisent leur savoir et parviennent à cerner leur place dans le monde.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Public History Summer School

    The Institute of History of the University of Wrocław, Poland (IH UWr), Zajezdnia (Depot) History Centre, and the International Federation for Public History invite students, PhD candidates and practitioners to share their research in the framework of the fourth Public History Summer School to be held online, 31 May-4 June 2021.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    “ClioLudica. History and games” - Varia

    Towards the interdisciplinary framework that characterizes its approach, Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea would like to encourage reflection on these and further themes by providing an open space for discussion and analysis of history in games: ClioLudica. ClioLudica welcomes different kinds of submission (essays, reviews, written as well as video-recorded interviews) dedicated to game design processes entailed in different playful media (board games, urban games, LARP, digital games, card games, party games) and that look especially at how historical skills can be used for design (from historical research to the use of sources and their interpretation). We welcome papers that focus on the link between history and games as public history, as it provides practices like that of shared authority, of co-production of historical knowledge, of historical re-enactment and gamification.

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  • Appel à contribution - Information

    "Vista" Journal - permanent call

    Vista is a scientific journal in the field of Visual Culture that aims to the promotion of a transdisciplinary debate around culture’s visual mediation processes (photography, cinema, television, advertising, videogames and digital media and so on). 

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Holiday Poetics: Summer Leisure and the Narrative Arts

    The number will be dedicated to the relationship between the narrative arts and the phenomenon of summer holidays, both in its pre-1936 forms (from aristocratic 19th-century health cures to early 20th-century cultural stays and seaside leisure) and in its post-1936 variants (from the massive postwar seasonal working-class exoduses to bourgeois resort vacationing and contemporary eco-conscious summer sojourning in nature).

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les voisinages artistiques entre tension et coopération

    L’espace artistique de l’Europe centrale et orientale dans ses interactions avec l’URSS dans l’entre-deux-guerres

    Dans l'entre-deux-guerres, l'administration soviétique forme une diplomatie culturelle d’un type nouveau avec pour but d’attendre des fins politiques, diplomatiques et propagandistes. Les historiens s’intéressent surtout aux expériences et aux échanges culturels avec l’Europe occidentale ou avec les États- Unis, alors que les pays limitrophes sont souvent exclus des études de ces circulations. La journée d’études, qui aura lieu le 1er juin 2021, vise à revisiter l'histoire artistique et culturelle de l'entre-deux-guerres dans la perspective des relations entre l'URSS et l'Europe centrale et orientale, à travers l'étude de la carrière internationale des artistes et des œuvres d'art au sens large du terme (peinture, sculpture et plus particulièrement les productions d'art graphique). Son objectif est de rassembler des jeunes spécialistes (doctorants et chercheurs en début de carrière) autour de cette thématique complexe, riche et peu étudiée.

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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Chican@s studies

    Contributions of articles for electronic journal Verbum et Lingua

    The electronic magazine Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura will dedicate its 16th edition (July-December 2020) to the topic of Chican@s studies. Grosso modo, for Ornelas, Ramírez and Padilla (1975), the Chican@s studies have made a great effort to integrate four main constructs: race, class, culture and gender/sexuality. These constructs are present in the work of different artists who express their ideology in order to politicize and lead their community(ies) to change. According to Macias (2018), the Chican@s field of study seeks to make research holistic and multidisciplinary, as well as inclusive, comparative, grounded, up-to-date and critical. At the same time, it seeks to apply the results to social justice, education, as well as to the change of the global Chican@ communities.

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Computing The Human

    The aim of this conference is to open a discussion on the topic of “computing the human.” It is intended as a “melting pot” for interdisciplinary debate reflecting the complexity of the issues : cultural history of computing, human-computer interaction (HCI), and emotion programming, all framed by the ethos of diversity and inclusion in computing and artificial intelligence. Contributions are welcomed that focus on the ideas, analyses, and technologies that materialize the visions in various time-spaces, including laboratories, artistic performances and exhibitions, archives, digital spaces, the imagination of more-than-human worlds, artificial bodies and computed emotions, ethical dilemmas and statements, and regulations. The discussion will be fed with concrete research cases, fieldwork, projects, and analyses.

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