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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Gesture and Belief: routes, transfers and intermediality

    In the last decades, the body’s role and its agency have gained new centrality in the analysis of the religious experience. Through its connection with materiality, the religious expression surpasses the spiritual to be understood as a chain of relationships and encounters between bodies, objects and sensory stimuli. Accordingly, under the premise of “routes, transfers and intermediality”, this event seeks innovative readings on subjects that discuss, question and rethink dynamics of circulation, transmission and alterity, through an exchange of ideas and objects of study, which crosses borders and disciplines.

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  • Manille

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Disasters, Indigenous Knowledge, and Resilience

    The Center for Applied Research in the Social Sciences (CARESS) is an autonomous research center created through a consortium of international universities geared towards initiating and coordinating multi-disciplinary and inter-university research endeavors in various fields in the Social Sciences. Disaster studies have emerged in the past thirty years in different social sciences. The objective of the Conference is not just a simple superposition of disciplines, but an increased interaction seeking to understand local problems...

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The epoch of space. State and new perspectives

    For centuries, the study of time was one of the main academic interests in the field of Humanities. However, in the second half of the 20th century, most scholars and philosophers shifted their focus to the question of space. The interest in studying this in the field of the arts has increased significantly in recent years, and is especially noticeable in the case of literary creations.The growing influence of ecocriticism and geocriticism is especially noticeable in digital humanities. The bridges recently built between these fields are already proving to be productive, as they have led to the development of new tools, approaches, and methodologies, such as deep mapping techniques and the spatial humanities. How have the disciplines evolved in recent years? Do we need to redefine the key concepts regarding space and place? Has our relationship with territory changed? Have we produced new ways of inhabiting space?

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  • Guelph

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Perspectives historiques sur les prisons, les personnes incarcérées et les archives des prisons

    La constitution de la prison comme institution d'incarcération de masse a longtemps attiré l'intérêt des chercheurs. La nature exceptionnellement détaillée de la plupart des archives carcérales explique en partie cet attrait. Des sources similaires sont aisément disponibles dans les sociétés européennes et leurs colonies, ce qui permet de rassembler une grande quantité d'informations personnelles sur les individus incarcérés. L'analyse détaillée de ces données, débute dès les années 1970; elle est le fait autant des criminologues que des spécialistes de l'histoire sociale et économique, des démographes et d'autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. La puissance croissante des logiciels et du matériel informatique ainsi que l’accumulation de très grandes quantités de données sur les prisons, dont une partie est jumelée à d’autres sources, offrent aux chercheurs de larges perspectives, mais constituent aussi un défi. Cet atelier sera l'occasion d'approfondir ces questions portant sur l'exploitation des archives de la justice pénale. Il permettra de réunir des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et différents pays pour confronter leurs sources et leurs méthodes (classement, analyse, etc.) et pour réévaluer les paradigmes de la recherche.

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Text as object in the Middle Ages

    The International Medieval Congress (IMC) is the largest medieval studies conference in the world. In line with the Special Thematic Strand in 2019 “Materialities” and the recent creation of the strand “Manuscript studies”, we organize sessions on “Text as object in the Middle Ages”. Texts, indeed, are at the same time an idea and a form. The latter is the result of a combination of inherited social uses and specific intentions by the various actors involved in transmitting the text as idea. This process begins with the authors, continues to the craftsmen (parchment and paper makers, copyists and chancery clerks, painters and illuminators, sculptors and weavers, booksellers…) and then on to possessors, readers, archives and libraries. All textual artefacts are concerned: manuscripts, charters, inscriptions, tapestries, seals, coins, etc.

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  • Venise | Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A global history of free ports

    Capitalism, commerce and geopolotics (1600-1900)

    Exactly how free ports arose in early-modern Europe is still subject to debate. Livorno, Genoa and other Italian cities became famous as major examples of a particular way of attracting trade. Between the late eighteenth and the nineteenth century the existence of free ports – as specific fiscal, cultural, political and economic entities with different local functions and characteristics – developed from an Italian and European into a global phenomenon. While a general history of free ports – from their first emergence to the present-day special economic zones – has never been written, this research network aims to pave the way for such an enterprise. The history of free ports research network is organising a number of conferences in the next years, in order to work towards a standard publication and interactive research platform for the history of free ports from the XVIth to the early XXth century.

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  • Oldenbourg en Holstein

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Performing Music History

    Music history is a matter of research, it is a matter of novels, films, comics or computer games. Also: Music history is subject matter to music theater. Performances of music history lie at the center of this conference: Be it André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry’s opera prologue “Les trois ages de l’opéra”, Hans Pfitzner’s opera “Palestrina” or Franz Wittenbrink’s revue “Die Comedian Harmonists”, Heinrich Berté’s Schubert-operetta “Das Dreimäderlhaus”, Randy Johnson’s musical “A night with Janis Joplin”, or Mauricio Kagel’s Liederoper “Aus Deutschland” – historical musicians, artistic agency and musical artifacts have been negotiated in music theater for centuries. Music theater deals with a broad spectrum of music history, spanning from the medieval troubadours to the present creations of Pop, Rock, Jazz and New Music.

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  • Sydney

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Categories, Boundaries, Horizons

    Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies Conference (ANZAMEMS 2019)

    Categories and boundaries help us to define our fields of knowledge and subjects of inquiry, but can also contain and limit our perspectives. The concept of category emerges etymologically from the experience of speaking in an assembly, a dialogic forum in which new ways of explaining can emerge. Boundaries and horizons are intertwined in their meanings, pointing to the limits of subjectivity, and inviting investigation beyond current understanding into new ways of connecting experience and knowledge.

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  • Tours

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Liberté d’expression : de l’opacité à la transparence

    Les sociétés contemporaines valorisent la parole et la liberté de s’exprimer sur les sujets les plus intimes et les plus sensibles. Quiddu droit au silence et à la résistance ? L’enquête qualitative par le biais de l’entretien est une des méthodes d’enquête les plus utilisées en sciences sociales, sinon la plus utilisée. Cet outil de recherche requiert compétences, subtilité et sensibilité et va bien au-delà de la simple conversation.

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  • Norwich

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Fields of vision: Thinking field photography and digital imaging across disciplines

    Digital technologies have profoundly altered how field images are made, how they circulate, and how they generate meaning. Meanwhile, advances in imaging present new possibilities for the production of visual knowledge of the material world. These changes have had profound effects upon the study of visual and material culture. This colloquium aims to train the spotlight on the rapidly shifting terrain of field photography, exploring its significance for the establishment, definition, and development of such interrelated disciplines as archaeology, anthropology, art history, heritage and museum studies.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Rural History 2019

    IVth European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) Conference – Call for panels

    The EURHO Conferences are international, multidisciplinary meetings intended for all European and other researchers applying comparative approaches. The Paris Conference will be open to all proposals employing new methods, introducing new approaches, exploring new concepts or yielding new results across a wide range of themes, time periods and spatial boundaries. We encourage all scholars and researchers to bring their knowledge and experience to this event. We particularly welcome panels and papers dealing with the economic, social, political or cultural history of the countryside (agricultural or artisanal production, social reproduction, consumption, material culture, power relations, gender, well-being, village life, political relations, technological and scientific improvements, tourism etc. ) and featuring  links to environmental, political, anthropological and cultural history — and, beyond these, an interest in the preoccupations of geography, sociology, economy, archeology, agronomy, biology and zoology.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    L’épigénétique comme interdiscipline : entre sciences sociales et sciences du vivant

    Depuis le début des années 2000, le développement scientifique spectaculaire de l’épigénétique incite un nombre croissant de chercheurs en sciences sociales à tenter de constituer l’épigénétique comme une nouvelle « interdiscipline » : un carrefour disciplinaire à l’intersection des sciences du vivant et des sciences sociales explorant l’enchevêtrement du biologique, de l’environnement et du social. Qu’il s’agisse d’exposition au risque, d’usages alimentaires, de stress, de préjudice ou de stigmate, toutes ces dimensions familières en sciences sociales seraient désormais, c’est du moins la thèse défendue par les promoteurs de l’épigénétique en sciences sociales, parties prenantes du raisonnement biologique. L’objectif général de ce numéro spécial sera de faire progresser la connaissance sur la nature et les conséquences de l’épigénétique pour les sciences sociales en réunissant des contributions venues notamment de l’anthropologie, du droit, de la philosophie, de la sociologie, de la science politique, etc. 

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  • Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Moral Machines? Ethics and Politics of the Digital World

    As our visible and invisible social reality is getting increasingly digitalized, the question of the ethical, moral and political consequences of digitalization is getting ever more pressing. All technologies mark their environment, but digital technologies do so much more intimately than any previous technologies since they promise to think in our place. But how do they really think? What happens when they are entrusted with moral decisions? Is a moral machine possible? Who is responsible of the social and political environments and situations digitalization creates? Should they be politically controlled and how? The conference Moral machines calls together scholars in philosophy, humanities, literature and art in order to discuss these pressing issues.

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Facilitating cooperation between Humanities researchers and cultural heritage institutions

    DARIAH Theme Workshop

    The aim of the workshop is to promote digital research methods and academic re-use of the digital heritage content in the European academic community.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Les normes de l'écriture scientifique en discussion

    En sciences sociales, des chercheurs issus de diverses disciplines s’interrogent sur les limites de l’écriture scientifique, par exemple sa dimension narrative et l'ancrage référentiel qui remet en question le statut de crédibilité du texte scientifique. Ces débats sur les formes de l’écriture scientifique seront au cœur de notre atelier. Notre but est d’explorer ces expérimentations scripturales et d’étudier la façon dont elles expriment, problématisent, justifient et/ou renégocient les normes d’écriture qui semblent généralement acceptées dans chaque discipline.

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Memory and performance in African-Atlantic futures

    This conference examines how African diaspora performative intervention through theatre, visual art, law, the museum, etc., is challenging colonialist structures in the present. It seeks to produce new insights around  memory as a tool that connects individuals and groups not only to their pasts but to their futures.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Digital History: a Challenge of “Doing History”

    In 1973 Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie wrote that in history, as elsewhere, what counts is not the machine, but the problem. According to him, the machine is only a useful tool as it allows to tackle new questions and use original methods (“L’historien et l’ordinateur” in Le territoire de l’historien, Paris, 1973, pp. 11-14). The rise of digital technologies is changing the ways historians practice their craft. In the last twenty years, the practice of historians has changed rapidly. In the age of big data historians collect, disseminate, and store information in a different way. New digital tools in the field of history have transformed how historian can disseminate knowledge. A wide range of historians have also been brought together to focus on how digital history relate to area of traditional historical scholarships.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Queering Friendship | citizenship, care and choice

    Intimate Final Conference

    Contrary to individualization theories that suggest the impoverishment of human relationships, theories of relationality recognize the increasing centrality of informal networks of solidarity and care. In this debate, friendship plays a fundamental role. The mutual implications of intimacy and citizenship need to be addressed, exploring the extent to which issues of LGBTQ friendship matter (or not) in being recognized as citizens. The centrality of friendship is even more striking when considering personal lives of trans and non-binary people, but also lesbian women, gay men and bisexual people, LGBTQ migrants and other intersecting, vulnerable groups. In particular, the way transgender people actively provide and receive different care between friends offers invaluable contributions to political debates and conceptual discussions around friendship and care as a key aspect of LGBTQ everyday life. Unveiling the richness of the blurred spaces of intimacy, the ways in which LGBTQ people produce alternatives to family-based forms of cohabitation are also of critical importance. LGBTQ lived experiences further contribute to destabilizing the family/friends and public/private binaries, whilst challenging heterocisnormative expectations about who legitimately belongs to the intimate sphere and who remains excluded and/or invisible.

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  • Gênes

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Multi-ethnic cities in the Mediterranean world

    History, culture, heritage

    This meeting aims to foster a discussion about the continuities and disruptions which have conditioned the multi-ethnic dimension of Mediterranean cities. We would like to focus on the specificities of places and time in our millennial history that have produced both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. We would like to broaden the traditional horizons of our disciplines under the issues of our times, questioning the role of historical research and the forms of scientific communication nowadays, when old practices seem more challenged than ever by the overwhelming expansion of new technologies.

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  • Zurich

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    No country for anthropologists?

    Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East

    Many parts of the contemporary Middle East are confronted with war, sectarianism, transnational interferences, uprisings, and a comeback of authoritarian regimes. This brings about various difficulties for ethnographic research as a practice of knowledge production based on the immersion of researchers in given social contexts and the subsequent writing up and publishing of texts. The international conference No country for anthropologists? Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East explores the obstacles to do ethnography in the Middle East and take them as the starting point for reflection upon the role of anthropology with a view to the Middle East of today.

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