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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Histoire et mémoire : réinterprétation épistémologique du passé de l’Afrique dans un contexte postcolonial

    “Práticas da História” journal

    This special issue of Práticas da História is interested in receiving contributions, referring to colonial and post-colonial African contexts. It is important to better understand what is happening in different African countries, at the level of the Academy but also in other spaces where social memory and history confront each other, and how political, ideological, economic and linguistic factors interfere in those situations. In the case of the former Portuguese colonies, which will soon celebrate 50 years of independence, there are additional factors, such as the later end of colonial rule and the delay in historiography about Africa that occurred until recent decades, both in Portugal and in Brazil.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    (Digital) Retrospectives on Historiography from Africa. Decolonization, the African press, and the uses of knowledge

    Journal « Práticas da História »

    This special issue of Práticas da História reflects on contemporary epistemological possibilities and constraints in the writing of history. Therefore, it welcomes both contributions that dwell on African journals (scholarly, literary, artistic and ephemeral periodicals) from the 1950s to 1980s, and on the histories behind said periodicals. We look forward to contributions that explore different and contested visions of decolonization and future-making for the African continent and its diaspora. We also invite articles investigating differently situated historiographies from Africa: that use local vernacular by incorporating idiom, local imagery, myth and folklore; that relate to the present or the deep past. We also encourage more nuanced takes on the “nationalist historiography” that when viewed as a monolith was so dominant at the time.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Les pionniers de l’art transaméricain : dans le sillage d'une esthétique diasporique caribéenne

    Revue « Angles »

    Les contributeurs à ce numéro thématique de la revue Angles sont invités à souligner le lien avec ces mémoires ancestrales et à explorer leur résurgence actuelle dans les arts visuels et vivants. Les contributions peuvent porter sur la littérature scientifique, fictionnelle et profane, le génie de la danse et de la musique, ainsi que sur les arts visuels, scéniques, culinaires, scéniques, visuels et rituels. Les thèmes d’intérêt pourraient inclure, sans s’y limiter, la décolonialité, la politique du corps, la représentation, la justice réparatrice, la pensée et les pratiques indigènes des Caraïbes et les espaces artistiques diasporiques. Dans l’esprit de collégialité qui anime ce projet de publication, nous entendons créer la même dynamique entre les communautés de chercheurs et d’artistes de la Grande Caraïbe anglophone. Cette dynamique est donc ouverte à tous ceux qui souhaitent entretenir un dialogue constructif pour faire avancer la connaissance et le partage de l’esthétique caribéenne sur les traces des pionniers de l’art transaméricain.

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Why Humanities?

    The Decline and Fall of the Role of Human Sciences in the Euro-Atlantic World

    The goal of this international conference is to analyze and describe the mechanisms at work in the last 120 years which led to a comprehensive and global decline of the role of the humanities, especially in Europe and the US. We are interested in papers questioning the capitalistic strategies of the main publishing houses, predatory attitudes to research results, issues of “academic colonialism,” such as peer-review practices excluding selected topics and scholars from non-Euro-Atlantic institutions (e.g. the Global South, Eastern Europe etc.), monolinguistic normalization, the loss of diversity in topics, and the ways in which politics and media are openly denigrating the agency of human sciences.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies” - varia

    # 10 (2024)

    The editors of Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies are pleased to announce that the journal is now accepting proposals for its 10th issue. For this volume, we welcome proposals offering original analysis on the broad subject of Judaic and Islamic studies.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La longue vie des imprimés éphémères

    Du 8 au 9 mai 2025 se tiendra à Genève le deuxième congrès international « La longue vie des imprimés éphémères ». Genève, ville importante pour l’histoire de l’imprimerie européenne, est également le lieu de conservation de plusieurs collections de feuillets francophones et anglophones, de pliegos de cordel espagnols et d’imprimés brésiliens. Ce congrès se propose de faire connaître la richesse de ces fonds, de faire le point sur la recherche actuellement menée en Europe occidentale et d’aborder cette production sous un angle transnational avec un spectre chronologique large.

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  • Corfou

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

    This second Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (3AI) observes that an increasing number of artworks are now inspired by or produced with advanced technologies mainly influenced by generative AI, deeply infused at the very heart of the artworks. Such development interrogates the notion of Art, including the artist and the definition of artistic approach. It also questions how artworks are discovered, exchanged, collected, and preserved. The advent of increasingly advanced digital technologies provokes profound philosophical and ethical inquiries. These ongoing transformations across artistic, cultural, economic, political, and professional realms seem to be long-lasting, with implications that have started to resonate within society.


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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    “Like a Face Drawn in Sand at the Edge of the Sea”

    Vicissitudes of the Posthuman Forty Years After Foucault’s Death

    Forty years after Foucault's death and sixty after the publication of An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, we would like to invite you to interrogate the posthuman as an open problem and process on the historical and epistemic level. In particular, we would like to discuss whether and how historiographical and methodological issues pertaining to the archeological project have been transformed, scaled down, transposed or partially resolved today.

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  • Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Liberty on parole? Challenges in interactivity

    Journal “AN-ICON. Studies in Environmental Images”

    The cfp, edited by Pietro Montani and Andrea Pinotti, is titled “Liberty on parole? Challenges in interactivity” and it's dedicated to the evolving forms of interactivity in the contemporary mediascapes, the issues it raises, as well as its limitations. To what extent does interactivity emancipate the user and redefines the roles both of producer and consumer? To what extent is interactivity outlined as yet another articulation of that inevitable observance of rules (Crary 1990) that marks by definition every relationship of the observer with the media with which he interacts? To what extent does the gained freedom remain a form of freedom conditioned by structural constraints, a liberty on parole?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Architecture of the Past: inspiration for the Future

    L’architecture, en réponse à des besoins universels, s’est développée sous des formes diverses, dans des milieux variés et présente de ce fait une multiplicité de solutions. Cette diversité des formes du bâti et d’espaces habités intéresse de nombreuses disciplines qui ont rarement l’opportunité d'échanger. La visée de cet événement interdisciplinaire sera donc de réunir archéologues, historiens, architectes, artisans, conservateurs, restaurateurs et ethnologues afin qu’ils partagent leurs travaux et recherches sur des pratiques et ouvrages architecturaux présentant un intérêt face aux enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et économiques actuels et à venir. L’objectif est de montrer que l’architecture de demain s’invente aussi au regard du passé, qu’elle soit savante ou vernaculaire, quels qu’en soient les matériaux, la période, la zone géographique ou l’aire culturelle. La liste de thèmes proposés est détaillée dans l'appel à communication.

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  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Heritage, Science, and Technologies for Sustainable Preservation

    Cultural heritage is not just a testament to our past; it is a living testament to the diverse cultures and histories that enrich our global tapestry. Yet, it faces numerous challenges in the contemporary world, from natural disasters and climate change to urbanization and the pressures of globalization. Our conference embraces a multidisciplinary perspective, acknowledging that the preservation of cultural patrimony cannot be accomplished through isolated efforts. It calls for the convergence of expertise from diverse fields, from archaeology and conservation to law, technology and new technologies, management, marketing, and social sciences. By doing so, we reflect the spirit of our consortium, which is firmly rooted in the belief that innovative and sustainable practices are essential for the effective safeguarding of our rich cultural heritage.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    For an international transdisciplinary chair

    This Symposium aims at discussing transdisciplinarity (TD) as an international university chair : 1) TD is beyond and through disciplines, i.e., more than mutltidisciplinarity (many disciplines not interacting) and interdisciplinarity (disciplines in interaction); 2) TD is the dialogue between technoscience (the feedback process between technology and science) and culture (philosophy, tradition, and art); 3) So, TD is the dialectical process between opposites, namely the complementarity principle, which includes disciplinarity vs. TD; 4) This TD approach can be used for concrete problem solving, in public and private organizations, including civil society.

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  • Abu Dhabi

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    L’archivage numérique dans le monde arabe

    The first-ever International Conference on Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW), held in Abu Dhabi in 2019, organized to spark off a series of conferences on the subject. Four years later, and following a global epidemic, it is time to reassemble for exploring and move ahead with the practises, experiences, and challenges of digital archiving in the Arab World. The inaugural colloquium/conference examined the issues of data preservation in the Arab world and eventually resulted in a publication release that continues to serve as a reference for researching the subject today (Bayoumi & Oliveau, 2020). At DAAW|2024, we aspire to address it through the more focused standpoint of the digital management and preservation of data and documents, without foregoing a broader reflection, concerning both historical and future documents and data in danger whether physical or natively digital.


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  • Thessalonique

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Conducting doctoral research in Greece today: From which uncertainties, through which vulnerabilities, to which collectivities?

    Anthropology, Ethnography in/for uncertain times

    This announcement is for one of the panels of the 2nd Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists Greece (SKAE), “Anthropology, Ethnography in/for uncertain times”. This panel aspires to serve as the starting point for a conversation on the lived experience of carrying out doctoral research in contemporary Greece as well as on the conditions in which such research takes place. While there is a special focus on the field of Social Anthropology, the scope of the said conversation includes the broader area of the Social Sciences.

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Rocky Landscapes at the intersection of people and rocks

    The past human activity of digging rock outcrops produced different features, among which quarries and rock cut sites. Quarries and rock-cut features often coexist within the same rock formation, or overlap with one another, creating a complex landscape in which the interaction between human communities and the bedrock is enhanced. The conference aims at exploring the landscapes and environments of human-rock encounters.

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  • Sétif

    Appel à contribution - Information

    The relevance and rôle of digitalization technologies in the documentation, conservation and diagnosis of cultural property

    The conference raises problem inherent in-built heritage, which is its deterioration over time. Throughout its existence, built cultural heritage is exposed to numerous external threats (destruction, alteration, vandalism, etc.) and internal threats (wear and tear, deterioration, unhealthy conditions, etc.). This invaluable, non-renewable resource needs to be carefully documented and archived. What is the relevance and role of digitisation technologies in these practices? What technological tools do people have at their disposal to access built cultural heritage? What techniques are already being used for this purpose?

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  • Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Fear of Knowledge?

    The studio and the study

    For this special issue we invite proposals for essays that reconsider the relationship between art and knowledge. This issue of Periskop thus hopes to widen our understanding of artistic practices and education, and to open inquiry into broader questions regarding relationships between the history of knowledge and artistic practice—in the past and in the present. 

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  • Tartu

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery

    The sixth mass species extinction is one of the greatest ecological threats of our time. The rate at which species are going extinct appears to be a hundred times higher now than a century ago (Ceballos et al. 2015). In this context, our interest in this conference lies in cultural, subjective and semiotic approaches to extinction. How is modern culture so effective at masking this catastrophic process? How is extinction perceived subjectively, both from the point of view of the dying species and the humans who witness it? What cultural strategies can be used to raise awareness of extinction? What means do individuals and communities have for reducing and avoiding species extinction?

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Agency and Perception

    The Roma in East Central Europe

    Much scholarly attention has been paid to visible forms of historical anti-Ziganism/anti-Gypsyism/anti-Roma racism, hostility, discrimination, hate crime, harassment, and racial violence in east central Europe. Significantly less scholarly attention has been paid to the ways in which historical invisible prejudice and anti-Roma perceptions were constructed and shaped educational, health, employment, and housing policies targeted at and/or impacting Roma. This symposium Agency and Perception: The Roma in East Central Europe focuses on the intricate relationship between perception and agency through Roma-targeted and related policy discourses and practices, which were informed by specific academic knowledge and disciplinary lenses.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Collaborative practices: rethinking narratives and musealization processes

    “Práticas da História. Journal on Theory, Historiography, and Uses of the Past”

    Since the 1960s, different scientific fields have brought the collective construction of science to the center of their debates. In this context, the importance of different narratives, actors, and worldviews for scientific construction gains special attention. Public history, community archeology, and collaborative museology are some of the fields born out of this movement, and its scientific practices have intertwined in projects focused on political demands and social transformations. Aligned with the field of history, this dossier intends to question the intrinsic links between the constitution of hegemonic historical narratives, the construction of homeland histories in the emergence and consolidation of National States, and the emergence of museological institutions as places of construction and consolidation of the Authorized Discourses of Heritage.

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