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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    “Like a Face Drawn in Sand at the Edge of the Sea”

    Vicissitudes of the Posthuman Forty Years After Foucault’s Death

    Forty years after Foucault's death and sixty after the publication of An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, we would like to invite you to interrogate the posthuman as an open problem and process on the historical and epistemic level. In particular, we would like to discuss whether and how historiographical and methodological issues pertaining to the archeological project have been transformed, scaled down, transposed or partially resolved today.

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  • Timişoara

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns

    Figures, Trends, and Perspectives (International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences - IUPPS 2023 conference)

    Since several decades, historians and sociologists of science scrutinize the history of science as a practice. References demonstrate, first, the relevance of investigating who are the writers of disciplinary histories and what are the uses of these histories and, second, archaeologists’ concern to this regard. This session organised by the “History of Archaeology” commission is intended to strengthen these studies from the case of archaeology.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Imago, Actus et Verbum. Challenges and Questions in Medieval Studies

    A crossdisciplinary dialogue between philology, philosophy, history, art and literature

    On the outset of the 21st century, cross-disciplinary studies on the Middle Ages seem to be in need of a careful reconsideration of their nature, scope and aims. This is specially so after the series of "turns" undergone by historiography in the last four decades. Despite their differences, philosophy, history, philology , literary studies and art are also bound through their work on texts; and all are currently faced with both methodological and substantive issues raised by important shifts in contemporary society. This congress is devoted to a global assessment of the current state of affairs in medieval studies, but also the upcoming challenges.


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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les trajectoires d’Octobre 1917 : Origines, échos et modèles de la révolution

    Autour d’Octobre 1917, nous proposons de faire dialoguer les historiens de 1917, à même d’apporter des éléments nouveaux d’interprétation et d’analyse de ce mouvement révolutionnaire dans l’Empire russe, avec des chercheurs travaillant sur d’autres aires et des périodes ultérieures, confrontés eux aussi à la question de 1917 dans l’analyse et l’interprétation de mouvements révolutionnaires. Pour mener à bien cette entreprise de croisement des recherches, nous organisons un colloque du 19 au 21 octobre 2017, auquel seront invités des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et spécialistes de divers espaces.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Transformation, degradation, disappearrance of scientific objects

    In philosophy and history of science, the readings investigating the complexity of the abandonment of “scientific objects” are rather rare in comparison with those focusing on the “inventions”, the ‘constructions’ or the “genealogies”. During our meeting, we will specifically draw attention to the process of the “disappearance” of “scientific objects” (in both natural and social sciences).

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Archive Futures: Operations, Time Objects, Collectives

    Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies

    The Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies – a collaboration between the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar (Internationales Kolleg fürKulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, IKKM) and Princeton University (German Department) – returns to Weimar in 2015 for its fifth installment. The topic will be “Archive Futures: Operations, Time Objects, Collectives”.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    El Greco and his œuvre

    Between art history and visual culture

    This issue of Art History Supplement seeks contributions discussing the work and the life of the artist through the perspective of art histories and visual studies. Taking Dominikos Theotokopoulos (El Greco) as a case study, or a paradigm, for the manifold uses and values of images of his life and work.

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  • Auxerre

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    La pratique sociale de l'écrit à travers la documentation médiévale bourguignonne

    Productions, remplois, mises en registre

    Le propos de ce colloque est de considérer la documentation bourguignonne médiévale, tout support et forme confondus, comme élément de départ d’une réflexion élargie et dans la longue durée sur les pratiques et les usages de l’écrit, en prenant comme fil conducteur la génétique documentaire et ses transformations. Il s’agira ainsi de considérer cette documentation comme un objet, ou des objets, d’étude globale, à l’intersection des contenus et des matérialités tangibles. Dès lors, on s’intéressera aux contextes et aux techniques de production, aux principes et aux structures de mise en registre, d’assemblage et de transmission, et aux enjeux des traitements et des remplois dans le temps.

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