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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Public History in European Historical Perspectives

    According to international literature, public history emerged as a subfield of history in the United States in the 1970s. University programs, conferences, journals, grants, and networks of public history indeed flourished in North America in the last 50 years. However, some public historical practices have existed in Europe - without bearing the name of public history - long before the institutionalization of the field in the 1970s. It is this long history of public historical practices in Europe that this international conference aims to uncover. Proposals covering a wide range of public historical practices from different time periods (including Antiquity, Middle-Ages, and pre-Modern times) are welcome. 

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  • Berne

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Insecurity in the Age of Labour Formalisation: Informal Work in Europe


    Free wage labour is commonly presented as the focus, if not the very core, of the history of labour in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. The conference aims to challenge this narrative by focusing on multiple forms and fields of informal work. The conference will explore the insecurity of informal work. It will ask how widespread in Europe was the unregulated employment that can be described as insecure in the very century generally regarded as the era of increasingly formalised labour, and will consider which factors were thereby decisive. Thus, the focus will not be on the hard-won rise and safeguarding of free-wage labour, already so frequently examined in labour history. Rather, the spotlight will be on how the insecurity associated with informal work was not only tacitly but also quite openly accepted, or even actively promoted. The conference will also investigate the social and political conflicts that accompanied this recurrent phenomenon.

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  • Gérone

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Geographical Mobility and Cultural Itineraris during the Late Miggle Ages

    This congress seeks to take an interdisciplinary approach to a specific aspect of geographical and cultural mobility during the Late Middle Ages: the relationship between the geographical routes and itineraries taken by texts, books, artworks, and, in their wake, cultural ideas and tendencies. It will give special consideration to the Occitan-Catalan area as the starting, middle, and final points of these journeys. To investigate this topic, the focus will be on figures who are often left on the margins of study: the intermediaries and agents responsible for the transfer culture. Oral accounts, music, written texts, and artworks were all physically and intellectually transported by agents who were often under the cover of anonymity; this includes scribes, translators, minstrels, cantors, artists, and patrons or promoters, but also other figures such as pilgrims, students, clerks, diplomats, and merchants. These all played a fundamental role in developing, disseminating, and circulating ideas, and encouraged cultural and intellectual mobility in Europe.

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  • Santiago du Chili

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New approaches to the history of soft power in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

    The study of soft power in the modern period is unequal, with much attention understandably paid to the Cold War when culture offered a surrogate for damaged and blocked political dialogues. But practices that aimed at promoting a nation abroad were not invented after the Second World War, nor were they inexistent before then. Some historians have traced their origins back to the nineteenth century with the formation of nation states (in Europe) and the growth of ministries of foreign affairs.  In addition, the historiography has largely omitted soft power policies produced by and targeting so called “periphery countries”. Therefore, much remains to be written if we are to fully appreciate the history of soft power and its associated key concepts (public and cultural diplomacy, propaganda, publicity, promotion, oeuvres -in the French context, public relations) and the multiplicity of meanings with which these ideas and practices were endowed globally throughout the modern period.


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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Workshop on sexual violence in modern southern European history

    Southern European gender models and the implications of these on the study of sexual violence in the western world are relatively under-theorised within broader narratives of the western subject. This workshop seeks to address this lacuna through an exploration of the intersection of southern European culture – understood through the prism of “unity in diversity” – and sexual violence in the modern period. A thorough comparison of sexual violence within the diverse localities of the European south will allow similarities and differences to emerge, and will help to decentre current emphasis on the English-speaking world within the current historiography on sexual violence.

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  • Venise | Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A global history of free ports

    Capitalism, commerce and geopolotics (1600-1900)

    Exactly how free ports arose in early-modern Europe is still subject to debate. Livorno, Genoa and other Italian cities became famous as major examples of a particular way of attracting trade. Between the late eighteenth and the nineteenth century the existence of free ports – as specific fiscal, cultural, political and economic entities with different local functions and characteristics – developed from an Italian and European into a global phenomenon. While a general history of free ports – from their first emergence to the present-day special economic zones – has never been written, this research network aims to pave the way for such an enterprise. The history of free ports research network is organising a number of conferences in the next years, in order to work towards a standard publication and interactive research platform for the history of free ports from the XVIth to the early XXth century.

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  • Gênes

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Multi-ethnic cities in the Mediterranean world

    History, culture, heritage

    This meeting aims to foster a discussion about the continuities and disruptions which have conditioned the multi-ethnic dimension of Mediterranean cities. We would like to focus on the specificities of places and time in our millennial history that have produced both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. We would like to broaden the traditional horizons of our disciplines under the issues of our times, questioning the role of historical research and the forms of scientific communication nowadays, when old practices seem more challenged than ever by the overwhelming expansion of new technologies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La guerre comme espace de contact au XIXe siècle

    Cette journée d'étude se propose de réunir des chercheurs autour de la thématique des guerres comme lieux de rencontre et d'échanges pendant un « long dix-neuvième siècle » (1789-1914). Située dans le champ de l'histoire culturelle de la guerre, elle vise à interroger les catégories d'analyse traditionnellement utilisées par les historiens - notamment celle de la totalisation - pour en questionner la pertinence dès lors que l'attention se concentre sur les conflits militaires du XIXe siècle, principalement en Europe.

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  • Cork

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Mendicants on the Margins

    The symposium aims to bring together researchers working on aspects of mendicant orders traditionally considered as “marginal”, be it in geographical, topographical, gendered or historical terms, in order to go beyond the artificial construct of centrality and marginality, and get a fuller understanding of the impact of the mendicants on all levels of medieval society across Europe.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Beyond the Revolution in Russia

    Narratives – Spaces – Concepts. A 100 years since the Event

    During the conference, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the events in Russia, we would like to consider individual layers of reception, commemo­ration, and performance of revolutionary thoughts, images, and practices in the area of the Central and Eastern Europe.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les trajectoires d’Octobre 1917 : Origines, échos et modèles de la révolution

    Autour d’Octobre 1917, nous proposons de faire dialoguer les historiens de 1917, à même d’apporter des éléments nouveaux d’interprétation et d’analyse de ce mouvement révolutionnaire dans l’Empire russe, avec des chercheurs travaillant sur d’autres aires et des périodes ultérieures, confrontés eux aussi à la question de 1917 dans l’analyse et l’interprétation de mouvements révolutionnaires. Pour mener à bien cette entreprise de croisement des recherches, nous organisons un colloque du 19 au 21 octobre 2017, auquel seront invités des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et spécialistes de divers espaces.

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  • Brno

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Crossing the past: Medieval (and Early Modern) Brno and Olomouc in transition

    The Summer School "Crossing the past" aims for a discussion about different (national art historical narratives of a specific late medieval corpus in Moravia. It provides the opportunity for young international scholars to meet the material reality of one of the most important medieval centers of the transalpine Europe, often marginalized in research, not only due to the linguistic barrier. The goal of the school is a close and direct examination of the on-site monuments and art objects, and secondly, a critical reflection about the diverse narratives and meta-narratives existing about these monuments.


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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Art history for artists: interactions between scholarly discourse and artistic practice in the 19th century

    The conference seeks to examine the shaping of art history as a discipline during the 19th century in relation to artistic training and exchanges between artists and scholars. The development of art history has been associated with an array of socio-political and economic factors such as the formation of a bourgeois public, the politics of national identity and state legitimacy or the needs of an expanding art market. This conference aspires to explore yet another, less studied dimension: the extent to which the historical study of art was also rooted in an intention to inform contemporary artistic production.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Narrating Europe

    Panel/mini-symposium – XXII International Conference of Europeanists

    The aim of this panel/mini-symposium is to shed light on the way Europe, as a historical object, has been defined and construed. The timespan is, roughly, from the eighteenth century to the present day. 

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Mapping the History of the Bohemian Lands and the First Czechoslovak Republic (1880-1938)

    It seems that in contrast to the contemporary history of former Czechoslovakia, the research on the late 19th and early 20th centuries has remained static in the last couple of years. How can the recent historiography on the Bohemian lands be encouraged? Which approaches and research fields emphasizing the mutual relationships between local, national and transnational actors promise new perspectives and interpretations of multiethnic society? The workshop aims at critical discussions of the state of research and of ongoing research projects related to the Bohemian lands and the First Czechoslovak Republic, focusing on comparative or transnational questions in the given period.

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  • Zhuhai

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Translation History Matters

    1st East and West Conference on Translation Studies

    This conference aims to provide a biannual forum for East and West dialogue on Translation Studies.  This inaugural edition will be dedicated to “Translation History Matters” and welcomes contributions addressing issues related (though not circumscribed) to translation history, historiography and metahistoriography. Centred on translation understood as an intentional phenomenon of human and mostly intercultural communication, this conference aims to focus on the role played by translation in Eastern and Western cultural practices and encounters through history as well as on the role of history to understand both translation and translation studies.  By bringing together Eastern and Western views on a multitude of translation history matters, this conference aims to stress why, how and for which purposes translation history matters.

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  • Valence-sur-Baïse

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Archéologie des campagnes et histoire rurale (Moyen Âge – époque moderne)

    Deuxième école d'été d'histoire rurale de Flaran

    « Archéologie des campagnes et histoire rurale – Moyen Age et époque moderne » : le thème choisi pour cette édition 2013 de l’école d’été d’histoire rurale permettra de s’interroger sur les relations entre l’histoire et l’archéologie rurale. Plus que les oppositions, ce sont d’abord les relations, les combinaisons et les interrelations disciplinaires qui nous semblent devoir être questionnées à travers les différentes traditions scientifiques européennes (Angleterre, Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie). Ce tour d’horizon européen constituera l’intérêt majeur de l’école d’été 2013. La réflexion mettra également l’accent sur le développement récent de l’archéologie moderne, ou post-médiévale, pratiquée en Angleterre et en Italie, par exemple, mais qui reste encore embryonnaire dans plusieurs pays européens et sur l’apport et les modalités de recherche de l’archéologie préventive.

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  • Valence-sur-Baïse

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Histoire rurale vs histoire environnementale ? (Moyen Âge – époque moderne)

    Première école d’été d’histoire rurale

    L’université de Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail et le CNRS organisent, avec le soutien de l’European Society for Environmental History (ESEH), l’Association des Journées Internationales d’Histoire de l’Abbaye de Flaran et le FRAMESPA (UMR 5136), une première école d’été d’histoire rurale. Cette manifestation scientifique se déroulera sous le patronage de l’European Society for Environmental History (ESEH).L’école d’été accueillera des chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, doctorants et post-doctorants, français et étrangers, travaillant sur les sociétés rurales et l’histoire environnementale de l’époque médiévale et moderne. L’organisation prendra en charge l’essentiel des frais de déplacement et l’intégralité du séjour. Des places sont disponibles pour les jeunes chercheurs. Les dossiers doivent être envoyés avant le 28 mai 2012.

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  • Kőszeg

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in 19th and 20th - Europe (NHIST)

    Summer school of the European Science Foundation (ESF) programme

    Le programme quinquennal de la European Science Foundation : « Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Europe (NHIST) », organise une école d'été de doctorants et post-doctorants en juin 2008. Son objectif est d'identifier les nouvelles recherches dans le domaine de l'histoire de l'historiographie, qui se situent dans une perspective comparatiste ou qui s'intéressent à la question des transferts cultures.

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