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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Histoire et mémoire : réinterprétation épistémologique du passé de l’Afrique dans un contexte postcolonial

    “Práticas da História” journal

    This special issue of Práticas da História is interested in receiving contributions, referring to colonial and post-colonial African contexts. It is important to better understand what is happening in different African countries, at the level of the Academy but also in other spaces where social memory and history confront each other, and how political, ideological, economic and linguistic factors interfere in those situations. In the case of the former Portuguese colonies, which will soon celebrate 50 years of independence, there are additional factors, such as the later end of colonial rule and the delay in historiography about Africa that occurred until recent decades, both in Portugal and in Brazil.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    (Digital) Retrospectives on Historiography from Africa. Decolonization, the African press, and the uses of knowledge

    Journal « Práticas da História »

    This special issue of Práticas da História reflects on contemporary epistemological possibilities and constraints in the writing of history. Therefore, it welcomes both contributions that dwell on African journals (scholarly, literary, artistic and ephemeral periodicals) from the 1950s to 1980s, and on the histories behind said periodicals. We look forward to contributions that explore different and contested visions of decolonization and future-making for the African continent and its diaspora. We also invite articles investigating differently situated historiographies from Africa: that use local vernacular by incorporating idiom, local imagery, myth and folklore; that relate to the present or the deep past. We also encourage more nuanced takes on the “nationalist historiography” that when viewed as a monolith was so dominant at the time.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Histoires de photographies à partir des luttes d’indépendances : pratiques, circulations et esthétiques

    Constat connu : l’histoire de la photographie comme discipline s'est majoritairement construite comme étant celle de la photographie « occidentale », plus précisément celle de l’Europe et des États-Unis. Entre l’introduction de photographes que l’on a pu qualifier d’« extra-occidentaux » sur le marché de l’art contemporain depuis les années 1990 et les nombreux travaux sur les histoires du médium pendant les périodes coloniales, il persiste un manque sur les histoires de la photographie à partir des luttes de libération et des indépendances dans une perspective globale et transnationale, toutes zones géographiques confondues. L’objectif de ce colloque est de valoriser des histoires de la photographie engendrées pendant les processus de décolonisations tout en repensant les approches méthodologiques et esthétiques du médium encore trop occidentalo-centrées. 

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  • Otterlo

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Living apart together? The troubled and treasured relationship between nature and human beings in art 1789-1914

    European Society for Nineteenth-century Art Conference 2024

    With the growing realisation that nature and the earth’s climate are at risk of being destroyed, this conference aims to centralize the interconnectedness between nature and human beings, by analysing the depiction of their relationship in Western-European art, including the effects of colonialism, during the long nineteenth century.This conference centralizes the depiction of the troubled relationship between nature and humans, both around the corner as well as overseas, including the fascination for non-indigenous flora and fauna. It aims to answer questions such as: Did changing opinions on nature have effect on nineteenth-century art? Did nineteenth-century art have effect on the changing opinions on nature? How was the relationship between nature and human beings depicted? Which role did the advent of working en plein air play in artists’ bond with nature? Which role did ecology play in the depiction of nature? How did artists and critics manage to evoke their awareness of the changing attitudes towards nature in their work? Which role did colonialism play in artists’ perception of nature?

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Acts of Witnessing on Film

    This conference is situated at the intersection of the history of cinema and a reflection on the act of witnessing that considers the social history of mass violence and the history of the end of dictatorships. We hope that it will be multidisciplinary and will foster connections between various cultural areas of research. We welcome proposals in French or English from a diversity of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. 

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  • Ratisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Pluralizing Hospital Histories

    Charity, Resilience, and Transformation in the Longue Durée

    The interdisciplinary conference examines the socio-economic and cultural conditions for the resilience or vulnerability of historical hospital facilities in urban contexts. By discussing specific case studies, interdisciplinary reflections on lines of development and ruptures in the genesis, practice and reception of pre-modern hospitals will be stimulated. In terms of epoch and space, the selection of papers will be as broad and open as possible. A special temporal focus will be placed on the dynamics of the European-Mediterranean late Middle Ages with their specific framework conditions for the emergence of hospitals.

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  • Nuremberg

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Epic in the Latin West (4th-15th Century)

    The conference Epic in the Latin West (4th–15th Centuries) [Nuremberg, 25 - 28 September 2024] proposes to explore the genre in its highly varied developments from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period. Medieval Latin gave expression to an overwhelming number of epics, many of them still little studied. The centre of gravity will be the Latin of the Middle Ages, but connections with Classics, other vernaculars, and modernity from the Renaissance to the present day are also possible topics.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Power struggles in popular music

    International Congress French Association of American Studies “Power and empowerment”

    For the last fifty years, scholars have routinely analyzed popular music as a site of resistance against the dominant social, political, and economic structures. Typically, the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) founded in 1964 by Stuart Hall and Richard Hoggart explored, on the basis of the subcultural theory developed in the 1920s at the University of Chicago, the appropriation and transformation by working-class and middle-class youth of the commercial products thrown at them by the culture industry, claiming that “popular music is an integral node in the lifeworlds, collective identification, and resistance practices of young people” (Taylor 4). They also examined the “semiological guerilla warfare” (Eco) that resulted when, in turn, the cultural industries appropriated and commodified the sounds and practices released by subcultural youth and converted them into “an exceptionally profitable commodity” (Drake 3).

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Microscopic Life in 20th and 21st Century Performance

    This symposium will ask how 20th and 21st century performance has engaged with invisible microscopic life. We define performance as a broad spectrum of artistic work that includes living exhibits and installations, as well as the staging of dramatic or post-dramatic work. Building on recent conceptualizations of microperformativity (Hauser & Strecker, 2020), this symposium will focus specifically on artworks that involve forms of microscopic life, such as microbes and microbiomes, or living microscopic processes, such as DNA transcription, as actors and collaborators. We ask how these actors affect agency, which shifts away from the human actor towards multi-species and multi-scalar collectives; temporality, which extends over new timescales and requires new forms of stage management and curatorial work; and relationality, where artworks involving microscopic living entities raise new ethical and biopolitical issues.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    La Dramaturgie du visible (1500–1800)

    Scénographie, costumes et mouvement sur la scène de l’Époque moderne

    L’intérêt des chercheur.e.s pour les aspects visuels et matériels du théâtre de l’Époque moderne s’est accru au cours de la dernière décennie. En plus de l’histoire de la scénographie et de la danse, un nombre croissant de publications touchant aux costumes, à l’éclairage et à l’interprétation historique a émergé, comprenant des études plus techniques qui s’intéressent à leur production et à leur ré-activation sur la scène d’aujourd’hui (voir bibliographie ci-dessous). Ce colloque vise à aborder ces questions de façon transdisciplinaire en réunissant chercheur.e.s et intéressé.e.s par les arts du spectacle en Occident (opéra, danse, théâtre) du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, afin de partager leurs dernières recherches, de comparer les pratiques de différentes périodes, nations et formes théâtrales, de rechercher des convergences et peut-être même de démystifier certaines idées reçues sur ces aspects du théâtre. 

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  • Berne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Objects of Law in the Medieval and Early Modern Worlds

    Materials and texts function in a variety of ways in legal contexts, they forge diplomatic ties, grant gifts of land, levy taxes, regulate markets, etc. The connection between the materiality of artefacts and the law are multiple, their very nature conveyed information, performed authority, and communicated authenticity. The conference Objects of Law proposes thinking more deeply about the artistic practices that shaped the materiality, iconography, and texts of legal objects in the medieval and early modern period. Objects of Law seeks dialogue between scholars working in art history, history, archaeology, legal history, and related disciplines that deal with legal objects. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    A Different Perspective for the Atlantic Routes

    Impressions and Exchanges in Transoceanic Journeys from the 16th to the 19th Century

    After more than two years of a preparation that have been careful and laborious, but slowed down and hindered several times by the difficulties that have arisen due to the global pandemic, this project finally gets underway. It intends to go back once more to questioning issues that already count important in-depth studies, like the transoceanic relations between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, but also has the ambition of wanting to integrate the results already obtained with new reflections and achievements, and above all with a different point of view.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    1715-1716: The Apex of Jacobitism?

    Origins, Representations, and Legacies: Essays in Honour of Daniel Szechi

    This collection of essays, entitled ’1715-16 : The Apex of Jacobitism ? Origins, Representations and Legacies’, in honour of the life work of Professor Daniel Szechi aims to re-evaluate the 1715 rising in its broader international context and within the heritage of the long eighteenth century. Contributors who have encountered the Jacobite rising in their respective fields, for example, while studying its industrial, intellectual, and scholarly impact from the Treaty of Union to the present, are invited to propose their contributions. As Jacobitism was a ubiquitous landmark of the eighteenth century, researchers are invited to question the military, political, literary, and/or cultural significance of the rising. The editors are particularly interested in consequential research on the rising through a comparative perspective in the interdisciplinary fields of literature, material culture, and travel or media studies.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Les femmes sur scène : Des coulisses aux feux de la rampe

    Women in theatre until the 19th century

    Since its origin, the History of Theatre has been built by male names. However, it is unthinkable that women have not also had an important role in this construction. Besides existing as characters, their contributions as performers, playwrights, composers, entrepreneurs, patrons, scenographers or costume designers, among a broad range of other functions, were fundamental to the development of the theatrical practice. This conference aims to recover the place of women in theatre since its origin until the 19th century, covering a wide variety of topics, which have women at their centre, either as the focus of a show or as marginal, as star or tertiary figure, as part of the audience or as producer of the cultural object. The conference aims to provide a comprehensive and transdisciplinary debate in order to rediscover the place of women in theatre in a global and historical approach.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La traduction dans les diplomaties de l’époque moderne : entre tradition et innovation

    L’époque moderne est une période d’activité diplomatique florissante sur le continent européen, caractérisée par la diffusion de la représentation diplomatique permanente et l’apparition des congrès de paix. Les pratiques linguistiques évoluent également de manière spectaculaire, le latin, l’allemand et l’italien étant progressivement éclipsés par le français en tant que moyen de communication diplomatique paneuropéen. Tous ces développements ont eu un impact considérable sur la traduction en diplomatie, affectant son fonctionnement et son rôle de diverses manières. Nous souhaitons adopter un point de vue transnational et interdisciplinaire et examiner le sujet sur la base de nouvelles sources primaires dans le contexte général du développement de la traduction et de l’évolution de la diplomatie au début de la période moderne.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Hardy and Heritage

    Ce colloque international se propose d’explorer les notions d’héritage et de patrimoine dans l’œuvre, la carrière et l’influence de Thomas Hardy. Une partie du colloque sera consacrée en particulier aux liens entre Hardy et D.H. Lawrence.

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  • Cagliari

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Asia in the mirror: self-representations, self-narratives, and perception of the other

    The 21st century has been defined as the “Asian century”, a new global phase after the European and the American centuries. We invite scholars working in a range of disciplinary fields including literature, linguistics, history, and cultural studies to submit proposals pertaining, but not limited, to the following research questions: What is Asia from a cultural point of view? How has Asia represented itself in its diversity and/or to different cultures? How has Asia represented other cultures? How have other cultures represented Asia? How have contacts between Asia and other cultures shaped the continent? What is the role of postcolonial and decolonial approaches in enhancing our understanding of Asia and its entanglements? 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Microscopic Imaginaries in 20th and 21st Century Literature

    Over the 20th century, microscopy was revolutionised by UV, phase contrast, and electron technology. The circulation of microscopic images increased exponentially. This symposium aims to identify the microscopic imaginaries that appeared in literature over the 20th and 21st centuries, and the turning points that structured literature’s engagement with microscopy over this period.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    New Approaches to Sculpture

    10th Symposium for Young Researchers in Sculpture

    Considered more challenging than painting or transversal themes of study, sculpture has nevertheless undergone a revival within the realm of research (notably monographic studies), often thanks to the dynamism of museums. For the past decade, the Musée Rodin has sought to encourage young researchers to explore modern-era sculpture (particularly from the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries), in collaboration with professors specialised in this realm of research. To this end, the museum hosts an annual symposium, allowing PhD students, young doctorate holders and young curators to contrast and compare their subjects and perspectives.

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  • Maroua

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Langues, littératures et consolidation de la paix

    Guaranteeing a peaceful climate in a restricted or relatively large space is a challenge, which is why it is almost impossible to list in an exhaustive manner the mechanisms likely to maintain harmony between humans and/or between Nations, as these means are sometimes beyond suspicion. At the same time, it would be tedious to want to list the factors likely to break the tranquility, the state of cohesion, and to generate misunderstandings, conflicts of various kinds and, finally, war. So, how can linguistics and linguistic dynamics (in all forms and manifestations, including literature) be at the origin of social/interhuman, inter-intra-community, inter-State, inter-religious tensions...? And, how could they resolve the said crises and conflict situations? Which linguistic dynamics emerge from these? This is the challenge of this project. 

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