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  • Timişoara

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns

    Figures, Trends, and Perspectives (International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences - IUPPS 2023 conference)

    Since several decades, historians and sociologists of science scrutinize the history of science as a practice. References demonstrate, first, the relevance of investigating who are the writers of disciplinary histories and what are the uses of these histories and, second, archaeologists’ concern to this regard. This session organised by the “History of Archaeology” commission is intended to strengthen these studies from the case of archaeology.

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  • Meknès

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Old excavations, new data: the use of archives in current archaeological research projects

    This session will welcome papers presenting other case-studies of archaeological projects integrating an in-depth use of archive materials. Authors are invited to address issues such as:  the scientific use of archival information: how the data from past research are integrated in the current production of knowledge? The organisation of research projects: who led the projects, and what division of labour between archaeologists, historians or archivists are at stake?  Publication policy: to which audience (scientific, laypeople) and in which journals the results of projects combining new and old archaeological data are addressed?

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  • Florence

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Constructing Kurgans

    Burial mounds and funerary customs in the Caucasus, Northwestern Iran and Eastern Anatolia during the Bronze and Iron Age

    The tradition of burying the dead in burial mounds (kurgans), usually consisting of a funerary chamber limited by stone or brickslabs and covered by dirt and gravel, started in the fourth millennium BCE in the northern Caucasus and then spread south to the rest of the Caucasus regions, eastern Anatolia and northwestern Iran during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. The spread of the kurgan tradition, as well as the territorial, political, social, and cultural values embedded in their construction and their symbolic relation to the surrounding landscape are under debate. The workshop aims to examine chronological issues, cultural dynamics at inter-regional scale, rituals and burial patterns related to these funerary structures. The beliefs and ideologies that possibly connected the "kurgan people" over such a wide geographical area, as well as past and present theoretical frameworks, will also be discussed.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    From the Caucasus to the Arabian Peninsula: studying domestic spaces in the Neolithic

    Under neolithisation scholars understand multiple processes of social and economic transformation which begin at different times and follow regional trends in the Near and Middle East. It is within the complex relational and spatial framework of the household that these shifts in the structure and activities of Neolithic communities are easiest to apprehend and study. The conference will therefore focus on the domestic sphere in order to highlight and understand the polymorphous nature of what we call neolithisation. Various thematic sessions will be held to shed new light on current data: “Impacts of the shift to a sedentary/semi-sedentary lifestyle”; “Organising the house and the household”; “Private space/public space”; “Acquisition, production, transformation and use”; “Eating-Moving”; “Symbolic manifestations”;“The living and the dead”.

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  • Burgos

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Palaeolithic Archaeozoology

    Advances on hunter-gatherer’s subsistence

    During the last years, archaeozoological studies carried out on palaeolithic assemblages have shown a great improvement in several topics of special interest regarding the subsistence behaviour of ancient human societies, the development of economic systems and social and Taphonomical studies, experimental archaeology and ethological and ethnological information have provided a great amount of new interpretative procedures about past human societies which need to be updated.This session aims to propose integrated approaches allowing new insights about the livelihoods of Palaeolithic human groups whatever the geographical area and the chronology concerned.

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Bioanthropological meeting: a multidisciplinary approach

    The I BAM follows a long tradition in the organization of scientific events with an international scope in the field of Biological Anthropology. The former Department of Anthropology and now the Department of Life Sciences in the University of Coimbra has, over the years, stood out not only in research but also in teaching Anthropology. To an organizing committee constituted by very young researchers, with deep connections to this institution, it is an honor to be able to count with all its support. The idea of this encounter arises from the urge to be closely involved in the practical applicability of the knowledge intersection, at the specific level of Biological Anthropology. This meeting aims to present the latest research that has been developed in several areas of this field.

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  • Azé

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Seizième symposium international sur l'ours des cavernes

    Partout en Europe les recherches sur l'ours des cavernes connaissent maintenant un développement considérable grâce au Symposium international de l'ours des cavernes (ICBS). Depuis sa création en 1993 par le Professeur Docteur Rabeder de l'Institut de Paléontologie de Vienne (Autriche), il a lieu chaque année dans une ville différente d'Europe. Cette année, en 2010, il se tiendra à Azé (Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France) du 22 au 26 septembre. Ce sera l'occasion de faire le point sur des sites importants de Bourgogne, les grottes d'Azé, les grottes de Blanot et la Brèche de Château. Nous avons décidé d'ajouter une deuxième journée de communications centrées sur le lion des cavernes et plus largement sur les félidés, avec l'espoir de faire évoluer de la même façon les recherches dans un domaine bien souvent délaissé.

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