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  • Pretoria

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Lexicography: Beyond Dictionaries!

    28th International Conference of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX)

    The aim of the African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX) is the promotion and co-ordination of the research, study and teaching of lexicography by means of the publication of a journal and other appropriate literature, and the organization of regular conferences and seminars to provide an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and for mutual stimulus to researchers and practitioners in the field of lexicography. The 28th International AFRILEX Conference will be held from 1 to 4 July 2024 at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. With the advent of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) that bring new challenges and new perspectives in knowledge production, knowledge dissemination and knowledge storage, there seems to be sufficient ground to reflect on the place and position of the field of lexicography in these new developments.


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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Le catholicisme dans les sciences sociales

    La littérature sur le catholicisme africain est abondante, mais elle est inégalement répartie entre les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales. La théologie se taille la part du lion, suivie par les sciences historiques. En général, le catholicisme a été négligé dans les sciences sociales, d’abord au profit des Églises indépendantes africaines et, plus récemment, du pentecôtisme. Ce volume s’intéresse aux contributions qui approchent un aspect du catholicisme en Afrique sous l’angle des sciences sociales.

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  • Le Cap

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Tinabantu - Journal des hautes études de la société africaine - Varia

    Le Centre des hautes études de la société africaine (CASAS) a été créé en 1997 par son directeur fondateur, le professeur Kwesi Kwaa Prah, et incorporé à l’université du Western Cape (UWC) en 2018 au sein du département de linguistique, faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. Cet appel à contributions s’inscrit dans le cadre de la résurrection de la revue, qui restera, selon les termes mêmes de Professeur Prah, « d’orientation africaniste » et un « forum pour l’examen de divers points de vue, idées et opinions reflétant des dispositions philosophiques et politiques différentes, mais attaché au maintien de normes intellectuelles élevées, et une reconnaissance de l’unité historique et culturelle de l’Afrique et de sa diaspora ».

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Study and conservation of earthen archaeological heritage in ancient Egypt and Sudan

    Nile’s Earth International Conference

    The Nile’s Earth International Conference aims at stimulating an international debate towards better characterisation and long-term management of earthen architecture of the ancient Nile Valley, including potential lessons to be learnt to address some of the current concerns for a more sustainable development.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Generic Boundaries in South African Literature: a Revaluation

    “Commonwealth Essays and Studies” journal, 46.1

    This call for papers invites proposals for an issue entitled ‘Generic Boundaries in South African Literature: a Revaluation’ which will aim to examine what is at stake in the distinction between fiction and non-fiction, but also, more generally, in the fluidity of boundaries between genres in South African literature. We invite contributions on South African literary works which show an awareness of the shifting boundaries between fiction and nonfiction (true crime, new journalism…), but also, possibly, between prose and poetry or between realism and fantasy.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Vowel Harmony and Word Extensions in Chadic Languages

    The present book project aims to identify within the Movement Phonology Theory (Charette 1994, Harris John 1994, Charette and Goksel 1994, etc.) and other appropriate phonological approaches the type and characteristics of vowel harmony exhibited in different languages, to explain the reasons of alternations and potential opacity, to determine the level of spreading of the phonological features, to identify, in each language, the nucleus (governor) and the governees in order to describe the vowel system of the studied languages, indicate the role of vowel harmony in the sound melody of Chadic languages,show the role of vowel system in the construction and the interpretation of lexical and grammatical units, point the contribution of Chadic languagaes’ data to the development of generative phonology in general and the one of Movement Phonology in particular.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Generic Boundaries in South African Literature: a Revaluation

    Le présent appel à contribution concerne un numéro de la revue Commonwealth Essays and Studies (44.2) dont la parution est prévue en 2022. Ce numéro, rédigé entièrement en anglais, cherchera à examiner les frontières mouvantes entre les genres dans la littérature sud-africaine à la lumière des débats entre fiction et « non-fiction » mais aussi dans une perspective plus large.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    The Becoming of Congo: Epistemologies, Practices, and Imaginaries

    V International Congo Research Network Congress (15-16 September 2020)

    The conference aims to bring together junior and senior scholars across the humanities and social sciences, sharing a common interest in the DRC. It specifically aims to provide space for transdisciplinary and comparative analyses and reflections, within and beyond Congolese Studies. This edition of the Congo Research network (CRN) focuses on the concept of “becoming”: the becoming of research on/around the Congo (new paths and new relations between "knowledges/epistemologies" and agents—academics, artists, writers, cultural operators, journalists and bloggers, activists and others); the becoming of Congolese culture (new places of creation and exhibition, new ways of sharing/transmitting knowledge and cultural practices); the becoming of land and questions of mobility, not only in the Congo, but also in Africa and the world (climate change and social justice).

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Artistic, Digital, and Political Creation in English-Speaking African Countries

    Africa 2020

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. Even if this cultural focus cannot be abstracted from a broader geopolitical agenda marred by controversial presidential declarations, it nevertheless has the potential to offer a somewhat different coverage of the continent. One can only hope that it avoids the temptation to officially “curate into being” “exceptional” artists (Dovey), tapping into the all-too-familiar image of Africa as “the supreme receptacle of the West’s obsession with, and circular discourse about, the facts of ‘absence,’ ‘lack,’ and ‘non-being,’ of identity and difference” (Mbembe).


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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Africa 2020: Artistic, digital, and political creation in english-speaking African countries

    French President Emmanuel Macron announced on 3rd July 2018 in Lagos that a Special Season would be organized in France, from June to December 2020, to mark a renewed partnership with Africa, a “varied, strong and diverse continent that will play a part in our shared future”. The peer-reviewed journal of Aix-Marseille Université research centre on Anglophone Studies (LERMA), E-rea, has decided to seize the opportunity of Africa 2020 to dedicate a special issue to contemporary artistic, digital, and political creation in English-speaking African countries. Heeding Kenyan political analyst Nanjala Nyabola’s advice to eschew the too reductive ‘Africa rising’ and ‘Africa failing’ narratives in favour of ‘Africa being’ stories, this special issue wishes to focus on “stories reflecting the ambivalence, complexity, challenges and opportunities of African societ[ies] in an increasingly connected world”.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Detention, exile and deportation in the Portuguese colonial empire (Secs. XIX and XX)

    History and memory

    The II International Colloquium detention, exile and deportation in the Portuguese colonial Empire. Places of history and memory aims to look at these institutions in a multiplicity of approaches and dimensions in the long period between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century, continuing the International Colloquium, held in 2016 in Angra do Heroísmo, Azores.

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Colonisations, revolutions, and reinventions in early America and the Atlantic World 1600-1848

    8th biannual conference of the European Early American Studies Association

    This call for papers invites established scholars, post-doctoral students and graduate students to re-examine the fundamental concept of Atlantic history in light of current research on the themes of colonisations, revolutions, and reinventions, from 1600 to 1848. It is also an opportunity to examine the history of transformations in early America and, broadly, the early modern world, by taking fuller account of scholarship on the politics of primitive globalisation. We will focus on the empires that organised European settlements in disrupting and dislocating native peoples, prompting indigenous cultures to re-invent themselves; but we will  also be attentive to the processes that led to the formation of new Euro-American societies in the Americas, often shaped by the enslavement of Africans and other forms of unfree labor. In the North-American colonies, the West Indies, India, Latin America, and Africa, entire peoples and their lands were reinvented by trading companies, individual administrators, theoreticians and executors of empires, as well as by those rare voices, many of who were abolitionists, who developed a critical approach to European expansion abroad.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Le travail en Éthiopie

    Rationalisation, dominations, mobilisations

    Si le travail est loin d’être absent de la recherche sur la Corne de l’Afrique, il n’est cependant pas traité comme un objet à part entière mais subordonné à une analyse du développement. La notion de développement est associée en Éthiopie à la fois à une perception « optimiste » qui met en exergue les réussites du modèle de developmental state mis en œuvre dans le pays, et à une version « pessimiste » du pays qui se concentre sur la réduction de la pauvreté.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Innovation, Invention and Memory in Africa

    IV Cham international conference, Lisbon, July 2019

    The Portuguese Centre for Humanities (CHAM) is an inter-University research unit of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and of the Universidade dos Açores, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. CHAM’s team includes researchers from different disciplinary fields (Archaeology, Art History, Heritage, Literature, Philosophy and History of ideas), different domains of History (Economic, Cultural, Political, Social, Religious, History of Science and History of books and reading practices) and specialists from various geographic spaces. From 2015 to 2020, CHAM’s strategic project will focus on “frontiers”. This multi-disciplinary project considers frontiers as limits that distinguished, throughout history, a plurality of societies and cultures, but also as social and cultural constructs that promoted communication and interaction.

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  • Leipzig

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    African connections

    “African Connections” is the theme of the conference of the Association of African Studies in Leipzig, Germany, from 27 to 30 June 2018.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    African urban planning

    The 2nd International Conference on African Urban Planning, will be a forum for the discussion of the state-of-the-art of research on African Urban Planning, four years after the first conference in 2013. The Conference will bring together researchers and planners from academia, public and private sectors, and non-governmental organizations, in an effort to present and debate their research on African Urban Planning and to share knowledge, viewpoints, methods, research outcomes and policy ideas.


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  • Addis-Abeba

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Making heritage in Ethiopia

    Faire le patrimoine en Éthiopie

    Les Annales d'Éthiopie, le journal scientifique du Centre français des études éthiopiennes (Addis-Abeba), lance un appel à contributions pour son numéro 31 (année 2016) sur le thème : « Faire le patrimoine en Éthiopie ».

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  • Neuendettelsau

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Les missions allemandes : leur liquidation et leur résilience 1914-1939

    Ce 36e colloque du CREDIC s'inscrit dans le cycle des commémorations de la « Grande Guerre ». Quel a été son impact sur les missions chrétiennes allemandes, catholiques et protestantes, et sur les Églises et les œuvres locales suscitées par leur action ? Dès le déclenchement des hostilités les personnels missionnaires de nationalité allemande ont dû cesser leurs activités et quitter leurs postes. Leurs possessions et leurs instruments de travail ont été séquestrés ou réquisitionnés. La liquidation des missions allemandes n'a pas empêché l'héritage allemand de se faire sentir et parfois même d'être reconnu par les nouveaux maîtres des territoires. De plus, les sciences missionnaires allemandes déjà très avancées avant la guerre ont continué à se développer ; elles ont été entendues dans le débat international sur la mission à travers les grandes conférences missionnaires mondiales (Jérusalem 1928, Tambaram 1938) et dans le développement de la pensée missionnaire catholique. On peut parler de résilience des missions allemandes au-delà et à travers leurs tribulations.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Africains consommateurs de biens importés. Études de cas autour de la mondialisation des choses banales (XVIIIe-XXIe siècle)

    6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) 2015

    Ce panel se propose d’étudier les processus de mondialisation en Afrique de la fin de la période moderne à nos jours, à travers une approche concentrée sur les biens matériels importés et leurs usages.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    "Lesbian"/Female Same-Sex Sexualities in Africa

    Special Issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies

    The multiple configurations of same-sex practices and relationships across the African continent, alongside the problematic notion of homosexual, “lesbian,” and “queer” identities in the African context, have been addressed by various scholarly publications in the past couple of decades. Yet same-sex interactions, relationships, and politics between African women have not garnered significant attention either in feminist/queer studies or in African studies, and remain largely unrepresented in academic writings. This special issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies proposes to fill this scholarly gap by exploring this topic from a variety of cultural and disciplinary perspectives. Contributions by scholars on the African continent are particularly welcome.

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