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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Challenging the Reproduction of Inequality Through Higher Education

    Critical Approaches in Romani Studies and Beyond

    This conference aims to facilitate critical discussions about initiatives that promote or support opportunities for persons belonging to racialized and oppressed groups to access higher education. The conference seeks to promote the participation of Romani scholars andprofessionals, including those who took part in such programs earlier, and facilitate a knowledge exchange amongst various scholars and professionals from the educational and social sciences.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Iron Curtains or Artistic Gates?

    Communism and Cultural Diplomacy in the Global South (1945–1991 and Beyond)

    How did cultural interaction since 1945 unfold outside the realm of Western dominance, shaping omitted global narratives? This workshop will explore cultural interactions between state socialist countries in Europe and those in the Global South, with the aim of challenging and deconstructing traditional Cold War narratives.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Le rôle des femmes dans les arts décoratifs et le design en France (1850 à nos jours)

    Les femmes ont joué un rôle déterminant dans l’histoire des arts décoratifs et du design. Des expositions récentes (Here We Are! Women in Design 1900 – Today au Vitra Museum en 2021 et Parall(elles): une autre histoire du design au Musée des Beaux-arts de Montréal en 2023) ont présenté une approche générale. Mais en France, quel est l’état de la question et comment leur contribution se situe-t-elle dans ce contexte global ? Ce colloque ambitionne de livrer un état des recherches sur la question mais également d’apporter un éclaircissement sur un pan méconnu de la création artistique. Il entend dresser une vue d’ensemble de l’évolution et de la situation des femmes dans les arts décoratifs et le design en France depuis le milieu du 19e siècle afin de compléter les connaissances actuelles concernant un phénomène qui se situe dans l’actualité de la recherche en histoire de l’art et de l’industrie. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe

    Memory, perception and politics of empire today

    The study of empires is a dynamic field; we are constantly revising our knowledge of empires, inspired by newly discovered sources as well as new approaches. The context of historical writing itself significantly influences our perception of imperial history. Post-imperial realities also force us to rethink the empire. This special issue of Diacronie. Studi di storia contemporanea invites contributions that present perspectives on how we remember and study the empires that collapsed at the end of the First World War.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Anatomy of a Suffering Soul: Between Healing and Disciplining

    The Formation of Psychiatry in Europe from the 18th until Early 20th Century (app. 1750–1920)

    The goal of the planned conference is a supra-regional comparison of the conditions and strategies associated with the development of psychiatry as a separate medical discipline and a specific corpus of therapeutic approaches in various European countries and regions. We want to trace this development from the enlightened beginnings of the ‘humanist discourse’ on mental disease in late 18th century until the spread of psychoanalysis but also psychiatric medication in early 20th century. Although we welcome researchers from all over Europe, we would like to focus on the so far less thoroughly researched parts of Central and Eastern Europe.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Communist Perspectives on Atheism in the 20th Century

    In recent years, scholars in historical and secular studies have become increasingly interested in communist attitudes towards religion, communist regimes’ efforts to uproot religion, and interactions between Marxists and Christians. Sponsored by the Explaining Atheism programme, this conference will explore transnational communist perspectives on atheism in the twentieth century and Marxist-inspired attempts to explain and influence the evolution of atheism. Building on work on “scientific atheism”, “atheist establishments” and “thought collectives”, the conference explores differences and commonalities within the Soviet bloc – within which scholarly debates on atheism took place in what might be called a limited international scientific community.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Hardy and Heritage

    Ce colloque international se propose d’explorer les notions d’héritage et de patrimoine dans l’œuvre, la carrière et l’influence de Thomas Hardy. Une partie du colloque sera consacrée en particulier aux liens entre Hardy et D.H. Lawrence.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Experts and the City. Urban/spatial planning between politics and expertise in Western Europe, 1945 to present

    The “Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient” is delighted to announce a call for articles for the special issue “Experts and the City. Urban/spatial planning between politics and expertise in Western Europe, 1945 to present”. The special issue will focus on the Western European space between post-WWII reconstruction and the present.

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  • Vienne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Cities in Transition

    A review of historical discourses, planning decisions and conservation strategies

    This interdisciplinary conference, realised by the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with the University of Bamberg (KDWT), and the research network UrbanMetaMapping asks: Which phenomena in society, planning and heritage conservation accompanied historical transformation processes of cities and, above all, (how) did they interact? What insights can be drawn from the observation of historical processes and what can be derived from them for current developments? The focus of interest lies on historical processes of evaluation, selection, and planning in the historic building stock and the discourses of different players - individuals, institutions, or organisations - that accompanied these processes. Also to be examined are the effects of planning and conservation decisions not only on the built but also on the social structure of cities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Actors, practices and the circulation of scientific knowledge in Colonial Italy

    Farestoria. Società e storia pubblica. Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea di Pistoia

    Over the past forty years, the relationship between science and colonial empires has been increasingly debated in the historical field. Following the perspectives opened up by international historiography, this issue of Farestoria aims to reflect on the processes of construction of scientific practices in the context of Italian colonial expansion. It intends to examine the construction of medical and scientific knowledge within a widened landscape, that of the circulation and reformulation of conceptions, practices and scientific objects between colonial and metropolitan spaces and across imperial borders. The issue will also give priority to reflection that considers longer-term perspectives, paying attention to the processes of formation and structuring of knowledge, practices and devices across liberal, fascist and post-war republican Italy.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Mina Loy and Her Networks

    Following on the heels of the recent modernist celebrations of 1922, 2023 marks the centenary of the publication of Mina Loy’s first collection of poems Lunar Baedecker, published in Paris by Robert McAlmon in his Contact collection. This conference aims to prompt new perspectives on Loy scholarship, paying particular attention to her networks and her presence in French artistic circles and to the French reception of her work.

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  • Reims

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Retrophilia, Nostalgia, and the End of Pop Culture

    The purpose of this publication is to question and re-evaluate Simon Reynold’s 2011 statement that “We live in a pop age gone loco for retro and crazy for commemoration. […] Could it be that the greatest danger to the future of our music culture is … its past?” One decade after Reynolds’s thought-provoking analysis, one may wonder whether this assumption is still relevant today. Can it be extended to other objects of pop culture (films, series, music, video-games, tatoo art, etc.)? In the Post-pandemic age, is pop culture still fixated on its (and our) past? Is this “addiction” to the past a regressive trend or, on the contrary, an opportunity to reassess modern history and re-evaluate its legacy and its representation in popular mass media? In terms of forms and formats, can something “radically new” emerge from nostalgia?

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  • Potsdam

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Authenticity in European Cities

    Creating, Visualizing, and Contesting Urban and Built Heritage

    The conference in Potsdam will analyse how the urban and built heritage were and are perceived as “authentic”. Contributions presenting case studies on European cities as well as comparative approaches are of special interest.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence and Conflict in Alexandre Kojève’s works

    “Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence” - Special Issue

    Alexandre Kojève is well known for having initiated a whole generation of intellectuals into a certain reading of Hegel. From the claim that the struggle for recognition must be necessarily a “bloody” one to the assessment that the replacement of those elites whose authority has expired may call for their annihilation, not to mention his equation of biological “death” with human freedom or his interpretation of revolutionary terror as a pedagogical tool to bring forth the perfect citizen of the post-historical age, Kojève´s corpus offers not few topics in which to ground such a reexamination. The special issue of Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) seeks cutting-age articles from contributors which openly explore the aforementioned topics as well as others along the same lines.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Art Nouveau Movement and National Identities

    The main strand of the fourth edition of this coupDefouet Congress intends to address new perspectives on the Art Nouveau movement in relation to national identities (art, society and thought). The coincidence in time of constructing national identities is cause for analysis and thought from a variety of perspectives.

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  • Cracovie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Émigré Europe”: Civil Engagement Transfers between Eastern and Western Europe, 1933-1989

    Agency and action in Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Polish émigré communities during the Cold War

    “Émigré Europe” seeks to explore the means and methods through which Central and Eastern European migrants were able to engage new or existing civil society structures within their host countries to set or express their own agendas and interact with their host societies on a range of levels, from local grassroots initiatives up to institutional European organizations and decision-making bodies. The conference invites scholars from different backgrounds to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and discussion on the future potential of the research model for a wide-ranging study of European migration. We encourage contributors to think broadly about the porous geographical, temporal and political boundaries of European migration during and also immediately after the Cold War.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Une Méditerranée transatlantique ?

    Circulations, influences et coopérations civiles et militaires entre les États-Unis et l’espace méditerranéen européen et turc (de 1945 aux années 1980)

    L’objectif de cette rencontre est de contribuer à une histoire transnationale et décloisonnée des circulations entre l'Europe méditerranéenne et les États-Unis entre 1945 et les années 1980, qui permette d’appréhender ces relations d’un point de vue global et d’analyser la façon dont ces liens ont pu aussi générer des circulations d’influence entre pays de la Méditerranée. Il s’agit de conjuguer les approches diplomatiques avec la socio-histoire de ces acteurs et avec l’analyse de la circulation des savoirs et des modes de gouvernementalité, en replaçant les enjeux et politiques militaires atlantiques dans le contexte plus large de mobilités intellectuelles et de pratiques croisées. La Méditerranée européenne et turque est ici entendue dans une acceptation large et politique, allant du Portugal aux confins de la péninsule anatolienne. De même, l’ambition est de voir comment ces relations entre l’Europe méditerranéenne et l’espace atlantique ont pu avoir des effets sur les rives sud et orientales de la Méditerranée, que ce soit pendant ou après la période de domination coloniale.

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  • Salamanque

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Verga Pop

    Traces of Verga in visual and performing arts, in literature, and in popular culture

    We propose an unusual and unprecedented approach within the domain of Verga studies, pursuing the presence of the author in contemporary society through non-canonical lines of research. Some possible areas of investigation could be: Verga in songs, in contemporary melodramas, in dance, in non canonical theatrical forms, in audiobooks and hyperbooks, in comics, in the Italian territory, in the social sector; Verga and the fantastic, parodies on Verga.

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  • Strasbourg

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the XXth century

    The goal of this international colloquium is to explore psychiatry’s contribution to the troubled and non-linear history of the medicalization of addictions in Europe throughout the XXth century. This question should be explored through the lens of medical concepts, institutions of care and cure, as well as patients’ experiences. At the same time, our aim is to explore how psychiatric archives may renew the social history of drugs.

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  • Berne

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Insecurity in the Age of Labour Formalisation: Informal Work in Europe


    Free wage labour is commonly presented as the focus, if not the very core, of the history of labour in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. The conference aims to challenge this narrative by focusing on multiple forms and fields of informal work. The conference will explore the insecurity of informal work. It will ask how widespread in Europe was the unregulated employment that can be described as insecure in the very century generally regarded as the era of increasingly formalised labour, and will consider which factors were thereby decisive. Thus, the focus will not be on the hard-won rise and safeguarding of free-wage labour, already so frequently examined in labour history. Rather, the spotlight will be on how the insecurity associated with informal work was not only tacitly but also quite openly accepted, or even actively promoted. The conference will also investigate the social and political conflicts that accompanied this recurrent phenomenon.

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