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  • Bogotá

    Call for papers - America

    Dialectological Intersections

    Dialectology, History and Language Contact in the Americas and elsewhere

    This monographic issue of Forma y Funcion Journal intends, from an interdisciplinary perspective, to complete and complement the dialectological research with inquiries carried out in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in the Americas, a territory that concentrates the largest number of speakers and varieties of Spanish in the world.


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  • João Pessoa

    Call for papers - History

    História e cultura material da Era Viking

    IX Colóquio de Estudos Vikings e Escandinavos

    A nova edição do Colóquio de estudos Vikings e Escandinavos retoma uma perspectiva mais voltada aos estudos históricos e arqueológicos, imprescindíveis para uma compressão objetiva dos aspectos sociais e culturais envolvendo o período da Alta Idade Média na Escandinávia. A nova edição do evento busca se adequar nas atuais interpretações sobre a História e Historiografia do mundo nórdico, mas também reforçar o estudo das fontes materiais em seus variados aspectos, concedendo aos pesquisadores latino-americanos e falantes da língua portuguesa novas possibilidades de investigações, diálogos e perspectivas.

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  • Viçosa

    Call for papers - Language

    Cultural Transfers

    This issue proposes a discussion on Cultural Transfers regarding Literary Theory as well as literary encounters. Thereby, it aims at opening news perspectives in the field of Cultural History. For decades, studies and researches on Cultural Circulation had been seen as a fruitful field of exchanges among several European countries and some continents.

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  • Santiago

    Call for papers - America

    New approaches to the history of soft power in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

    The study of soft power in the modern period is unequal, with much attention understandably paid to the Cold War when culture offered a surrogate for damaged and blocked political dialogues. But practices that aimed at promoting a nation abroad were not invented after the Second World War, nor were they inexistent before then. Some historians have traced their origins back to the nineteenth century with the formation of nation states (in Europe) and the growth of ministries of foreign affairs.  In addition, the historiography has largely omitted soft power policies produced by and targeting so called “periphery countries”. Therefore, much remains to be written if we are to fully appreciate the history of soft power and its associated key concepts (public and cultural diplomacy, propaganda, publicity, promotion, oeuvres -in the French context, public relations) and the multiplicity of meanings with which these ideas and practices were endowed globally throughout the modern period.


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  • Salvador | São Francisco do Conde

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Afro-decolonial perspectives - practical and theoretical issues

    Representations of Africans and Afro-descendants in school manuals

    Ce colloque-atelier est le fruit des résultats d'un précédent colloque qui a eu lieu à Saint-Louis à l'université Gaston Berger au Sénégal. Son objectif ne sera pas la création de manuels scolaires au format papier mais la création d’une plateforme digitale où les membres du réseau pourront mettre en ligne des supports de tous types (textes, photos, vidéos, audio, peintures, etc.) en rapport avec les cultures africaines et afro-diasporiques. Ainsi, chaque enseignant, animateur culturel, artiste, éducateur aura accès aux sources primaires partout dans le monde. Cependant, cette initiative n’empêche pas à postériori la création de livres au format papier. C’est pourquoi l’optique de cette rencontre sera beaucoup plus ciblée sur les pratiques pédagogiques et didactiques.

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  • Montevideo

    Call for papers - Representation

    Ducasse Maldoror Lautréamont / Mayo del 68 / Erotismo Sexualidad

    Lorsque le XIXe siècle arrivait à sa première moitié, les rives du Rio de la Plata deviennnent le théâtre d’un jeu sophistiqué mené, entre autres, par les populations criollas installées dans le bassin platense, les immigrés récemment arrivés d’horizons divers, les États européens monarchiques, les forces libérales et bonapartistes qui s’y opposent, l’Église, les cercles éclairés anticléricaux, les États américains qui viennent d'être créés. C’est dans cet espace fait de rencontres, de conflits et de mélanges de langues et d’idéaux qu’est né à Montevideo Isidore Ducasse, comte de Lautréamont, auteur d’une œuvre, les Chants de Maldoror, qui s’est révélée être la réécriture d’une tradition et la matière d’un avenir, toujours ouverte à des réinterprétations, à des recréations, à des versions et à des traductions.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Performance and ethnic-racial relations

    La Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença (Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies), revue périodique en ligne d’accès libre, avec révision par des pairs, sans frais de soumission ou de publication, reçoit jusqu’au 31 Juillet 2016, des articles inédits portant sur le thème général de la performance et des relations ethno-raciales.

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  • Rio de Janeiro

    Call for papers - History

    Circulation and Scientific Institutions

    The Americas, Western Europe, South Asia (1750s-1914)

    While historians should take into account the movements in space that constantly transform sciences, they should not lose sight of the specific locations dedicated to the daily work of scientists. In scientific facilities (museums, laboratories, hospitals, etc.), modern scientists use their research instruments, meet with members of their networks, teach, and interact with various actors from outside of their scientific community. Participants in this symposium will seek how to write the history of this dynamic between circulation and institutions of science.

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  • Sao Paolo

    Call for papers - Early modern

    Intermediate Groups in the Portuguese Dominions, 16th-18th century

    Revista de História (Universidade de São Paulo)

    The Revista de História of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) invites interested scholars to submit proposals for articles to be published as part of a ‘dossier’ concerning intermediate groups in the Portuguese dominions on the Early Modern Age. Throughout that period, ‘middle people’ strove to assert themselves in rural areas and helped to shape old and new urban centers in the Portuguese World, corresponding to an increased demand for specialized services and ensuring the necessary extensions of royal representation functions and Church activities. Even though almost non-existent in juridical or normative terms, those groups were recognized both by nationals and foreigners as a complex and vibrant intermediate social layer. Time has come to try and distinguish its specificities, trends of formation and effective roles in social dynamics.

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  • Valparaíso

    Call for papers - Urban studies

    Belonging and appropriation in the city

    Márgenes journal issue 14

    La revue accepte des articles originaux écrits en français et en espagnol. Observer et comprendre l'appropriation implique que l'on considère plusieurs dimensions : économique, politique, culturelle et urbaine. Le dialogue entre l'architecture, les sciences de l’espace et les sciences humaines, tel qu’il est engagé par la revue Márgenes, propose d’envisager ces perspectives intersubjectives, mais aussi de s’interroger sur l’agir, dès lors que les acteurs de la fabrique de la ville se confrontent autour de l'appropriation de l’espace.

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  • Brasília

    Call for papers - History

    Ibero-American dialogues

    10th Middle Ages study day

    The Brazilian Association of Medieval Studies (ABREM) will hold its Xth International Meeting of Medieval Studies: Ibero-american dialogues, from July 1st through 5th,  at the Universidade de Brasília (UnB), 2013. One of the main goals is to improve the networking between medievalists dedicated to the study of the Iberian Middle Ages. This meeting serves as a hub for latin-american specialists and also improves the connection that several institutes and labs maintain with Portuguese and Spanish researchers. One of its other goals would be to set up interinstitutional and international web researches. Finally, this meeting’s main focus is the Ibero-American medievalism itself.  

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  • Asunción

    Call for papers - Representation

    La poesía, Río de tres orillas

    Estudios sobre Literatura Hispánica y Comparada

    Le thème du colloque sera centré sur la poésie perçue comme fleuve, ses aflluents, ses confluents, ses rives, ses deltas. Nous considérerons toute étude critique de poésie latinoaméricaine dans une perspective comparatiste ou non, en relation avec l'Espagne, l'Europe, ou les États-Unis ou non.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Call for papers - History

    Memória, presente, porvir

    O CEISAL, a Universidade Fernando Pessoa e o Núcleo de Estudos Latino- Americanos, convidam a que participem neste congresso a realizar de 12 a 15 de Junho de 2013, para interpretar os factos nos diferentes campos das ciências sociais. Neste percurso, observaremos a construção histórica e a identidade latino-americana no século XXI, promovendo uma maior auto-reflexão e facilitando diálogos transdisciplinares. Nesse sentido, abrem-se as propostas para os simpósios como ponto de encontro entre disciplinas, campos, teorias e métodos.

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  • Porto Alegre

    Call for papers - Africa

    Nos & leurs Afriques. Constructions littéraires des identités africaines cinquante ans après les décolonisations

    Ce colloque international commémoratif du cinquantenaire des indépendances africaines se tiendra à Porto les 12 et 13 décembre 2011.

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  • Bragança Paulista

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    La fête du village, patrimoine festif européen

    L’Université Catholique Portugaise (Centre Régional de Braga), l’Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III et l’équipe de recherche ministérielle « Mentalités et croyances contemporaines (EA 3024 – IDES), soutenues par la Fédération Européenne des Réseaux du Conseil de l’Europe, organisent un colloque international sur « La fête du village, patrimoine festif européen ».L’étude de ce thème permettra de compléter les recherches menées, depuis dix ans, dans le cadre d’Eurethno sur le thème de la fête comme événement en Europe.

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